Print[ "--------------------------------------------------"]
Print[ "1doc saying Good Morning Mr. Babbage" ]

(* form sine values over computing range *)
Print[ "form sine values over computing range" ]
maxDegrees = 23
	(* table of sin(?,45,step 1 degree *)
evalSin1Deg = N[sin1Deg,65]   (* evaluate the list *)
gs=ListPlot[evalSin1Deg]    (* plot the list *)

(* make computing polynomial *)
Print[ "make computing polynomial" ]
x=.    (* clear any previous value of x *)
polyTable = Table[x^i,{i,0,7}]   (* make polynomial in x degree ??? *)
?polyTable   (* print it *)
polyFit = Fit[evalSin1Deg, polyTable ,x]  (* make coefficients for poly *)
?polyFit     (* print it *)

(* verify a point *)
Print[ "verify a point" ]
x = N[20.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000,65]
polyEvalX = N[polyFit,65]   (* evaluate polynomial using x degrees *)
checkValX = N[Sin[x*Pi/180],65]
error = 100*(polyEvalX-checkValX)/checkValX
(* OK, we have the polynomial, with coefficients, in "polyfit"  *)

----- the following are the coefficients determined from the above program ---------


polyFit = - 1.0112257866802907976508313939764368438889972408265365*10-12

  +    0.0174532925216557274769549250801631315294033707496965080599625406*x1

  -    9.650085084723510264829688370560080405677175961808051*10-13*x2 

  -    8.8609590190158230245840290299003852696908836849183542081556*10-7*x3 

  -    3.559895737182358512650535465409020916300876450096534*10-14*x4 

 +    1.34988036474326106427099346582466021689704504399525639404*10-11*x5 

  -    1.1822156380312276038279665456578797618653765115294092*10-16*x6 

  -    9.56366792081574516308224691444599782291947611648516203*10-17*x7