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CDC 160A

Manufacturer Control Data Corporation
Identification,ID CDC 160A
Date of first manufacture1961? (BRL-61)
Number produced -
Estimated price or cost$60,000
location in museum -
donor -

Contents of this page:


Link to CDC-160A - by Ron Mak

see CDC-160-A-prel.html

Special features

Historical Notes
Answers by Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, July 2001
> what was the difference between the CDC-160 and CDC-160A?

The 160A had more instructions and more memory. 
I believe that it also had more address modes.

>  b) and the (presumably identical) memories in the 6600
>     were [very] good - I used 6600s and 6400s for
>     about 5 years, as an employee, and never heard
>     of a flaky memory.   After GE, that was amazing!
>     Rock Solid machinery as far as I could tell.

The memory on the 6600 was faster. As to reliability, 
we (SUNY @Buffalo) had memory problems, 
and the only good diagnostic program we were able to find 
was the baseball program. If a user complained of
incorrect output, we fired up baseball; if it crashed, 
we called in the CE.

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If you have comments or suggestions, Send e-mail to Ed Thelen

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Updated October 7, 2002