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BRL 1961, AMOS IV, start page 0013
Chapter II
BRL 1961, AFCRC, start page 0014
Air Force Cambridge Research Center Magnetic Computer
Remington Band Univac Division of Sperry Rand Corporation
[photo bad]
Photo by Air Force Cambridge Research Center
Air Force Cambridge Research Center Located at AFCRC,
Hanscom Field, Mass., the system is used for general
purpose scientific computations and as a flexible buffer
for transfering data to paper tape.
Internal number system Binary coded decimal
Decimal digits/word 10 plus sign
Arithmetic system Fixed point
Operation Incl Stor Access
Time Microsec
Add 90
Mult 300 to 1, 700
Arithmetic mode Serial by dec dig within word
Parallel by bit within dec dig
Pulse repetition rate 660 kilocycles/sec
Timing Synchronous
Operation Sequential
BRL 1961, AFCRC, start page 0015
22,000 decimal digits (2,000 words, each ten digits
plus sign). Aluminum drum, plated with nickel-cobalt allay,
spins at 16,500 rpm. Average access time 1.8 milliseconds.
Four hundred of the 2,000 words are stored in fast-
access bands with average access time of 450 microseconds.
Active drum surface is 5 in. in diameter and 3 in. long.
Media Speed
Paper Tape 180 char/sec Alphanumeric
Typewriter 10 char/sec Alphanumeric
Real-time Input 8,000 bits/sec
Media Speed
Paper Tape 180 char/sec Alphanumeric
Typewriter 10 char/sec Alphanumeric
Color Scope 7,700 points/sec
Can be plotted in 3 colors
Real-time Output 154,000 bits/sec
Six hundred miniaturized circuit packages Magnetic core
Ferractors, developed by Sperry-Rand, are used as the
basic logical control element for snitching and amplifying.
15 Vacuum tubes are used. All processing and control
circuitry is mounted in one cabinet. Primarily solid state design.
Power, computer 15 KVA, 3 phase, 208 volt, 60 cps
Volume, computer 140 cu ft
Area, computer 500 sq ft
Room size, computer 20 ft x 30 ft x 8 ft
Weight, computer 4,000 lb s
Computer unit is 6 ft high, 6 ft 6 1n long and 1 ft 6 in deep.
Console is 4 ft 6 in high, 6 ft long, and 3 ft deep.
Cooling is by integral fan.
Cost of system is $800,000, including development costs.
Development by Remington Band Univac was
sponsored by the Air Force Cambridge Research Center.
Maintenance/service contracting costs are $21,000
per men per year.
Three 8-Hour Shifts
Used Recommended
Supervisors 1 1
Analysts 4 4
Programmers 4 4
Operators 2 3
Engineers 1 1
Technicians 1 3
Operation tends toward open shop.
Method of training n used is by apprenticeship.
Average error-free running period 30 Hours
Good time 1.26 Hours/Week (Average
Attempted to run time 140 Hours/Week (Average
Operating ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) 0.90
Above figures based on period 1 Apr 59 to 1 Apr 60
Fussed Customer Acceptance Test Apr 56
Time is not available for rent to outside organiza-
Outstanding feature is its solid state magnetic circuitry
with a unique system of logic.
The color scope, the high-speed paper tape punch, and
the circuitry for alphanumerics were added to the
computer by AFCRC personnel.
The addition of a core memory of 4,096 words is anticipated.
It is expected. that this will speed up average
computing time by a factor of 5 over minimum latency
programming on the drum.
It is planned to improve the paper tape handling capability
of the computer by installing newer paper tape
readers and punches.
It is planned to expand the input-output capability
by installing high-speed magnetic tape units.
U. S. Air Force
Cambridge Research Center ARM
Lawrence G. Hanscom Field
Bedford, Massachusetts
BRL 1961, ALWAC II, start page 0016
Alwac (Axes-Wenner-Gren) Computer Model
Alwac Computer Division El-Tronics, Inc.
Formerly Logistics Research, Inc.
[photo bad]
Photo by U. S. Navy David Taylor Model Basin
Located at the Aerodynamics Laboratory, Transonic Building,
the system is used for wind tunnel data reduction
and computation and for solving engineer
ing , and scientific problems.
Internal number system Binary
Binary digits/word 32 plus sign Binary
digits/instruction 16 or 8, depending on
Instructions per word 0,1,2,3 or 4, depending
on order and address combination
BRL 1961, ALWAC II, start page 0017
Arithmetic system Fixed point
Floating point can be programmed.
Instruction type One address
Some orders do not require an address, but it is
basically one address system. An instruction con-
sists of an order and an address (16 binary digits)
or an order (8 binary digits). Since this computer
follows orders from the first syllable (4 per word)
of each of 8 words before following orders from the
second syllable, each word could have 4 addresses,
1 order and 3 addresses, 2 and 2, 3 and 1 or 4 orders.
Number range 0 to +- 232- 1
Exclud Stor Access
Add 1,000
malt 32,000
Div 32,000
Construction (Arithmetic unit only)
Vacuum tubes and diodes
Arithmetic mode Serial
Timing Synchronous
Operation Sequential
Input device is parallel.
No. of No. of Access
Media Words Digits Micro sec
Magnetic Drum 2,048 32 bits & sign
Magnetic Drum 64 32 bits & sign 8,000
(Fast Access)
Information must be copied into fast access in blocks of 32 words.
Media Speed
Flexowriter Keyboard 10 char/sec (alpha-numeric)
Flexowriter Paper Tape 10 char/sec (alpha-numeric)
Media Speed
Flexowriter Keyboard 10 char/sec alpha-numeric)
Flexowriter Punch 10 char/sec alpha-numeric)
Computer has programmed format controls.
Tubes 250
Crystal diodes 3,500
Tube types 5963, 5687, 12AT7 (excluding power
There are 13 different types of plug-in units.
Checking features include memory verification, overflow,
impossible order code, and automatic sequencing.
Power, computer 4 KW
power, air conditioner 6 Kw
Volume, computer 158 cu ft (incl console)
Volume, sir conditioner 44 cu ft
Area, computer 35 sq.ft (incl console)
Area, air conditioner 7 sq ft
Room size, computer 240 sq ft
Floor loading 93 lbs/sq ft
900 lbs concen max
Capacity, air conditioner 5 Tons
Weight, computer 2,100 lbs
Weight, air conditioner 1,000 lbs
Power is 115 V, 60 cycles, single phase. Air conditioner depends
on room size and cooling. The 5 Ton air conditioner is used
for 2 computers in one room. Area and volume figures
include the console, but weights do not.
Number produced to date 2
No longer in current production. Model II has been
superseded by the III E. (See ALWAC III E).
System cost approximately $50,000.
Maintenance is performed by our own electronic engineer.
This is an old computer, still operable with nominal maintenance required.
It is not used in regular production, but
for miscellaneous engineering problems where its speed is relatively
Average error-free running period 45 Hours
Good time 3,250 Hours
Attempted to run time 4,065 Hours
Operating ratio (Good/Attempted to van time) 0.80
Above figures based on period 7 Jun 54 to 16 Oct 56
Passed Customer Acceptance Test 7 Jun 54
System advantages are order address is automatic,
has a decision register, low cost, and ease of maintenance.
This machine is no longer 1n production in favor of an improved model.
U.S. Nary
Bureau of Ships
David Taylor Model Basin
Washington 7, D. C.
BRL 1961, ALWAC III E, start page 0018
Axel Wanner Gren Automatic Computer III E
Alwac Computer Division El-Tronics, Incorporated
[Bad Photo]
Photo by Alwac Computer Division of El-Tropics, Inc.
Manufacturer System is used for computer simulation, photogrammetry
analysis, on-line engine test data
acquisition and reduction, automatic numerical machine tool control, linear
programming and general purpose computing.
The Adjutant General, U.S.A.
System is used for analytical statistics such
as correlation matrices, matrix algebra,
best scoring, item analysis, test selection, and factor analysis.
David Taylor Model Basin
System is used for wind tunnel data redaction and
computation, solving engineering and
scientific problems, and for the solution of general engineering problems.
Offutt AFB, Nebraska
System is used for Geodesy, i.e. datum conversions,
coordinate transformations, range and
azimuths, and geodetic position computations; for photogrammetry, i.e.
analytical triangulation, photo orientation
and rectification; for intelligence reduction; and for library retrieval.
Aeronautical Structures Laboratory
High temperature, structural, fatigue, and loads research projects. Data
reduction on check-out, pre liminary, and
final test. Results are presented in a form to be tabulated on a x+02 and
plotted on electroplotters. The answer
cards contain fixed information, answers and series of "x" punches to
control printing in achy of 1%t columns.
Thus, the results of a test are available in tabular form suitable for
inclusion in reports.
Statistical data from fleet flight-maneuver and aircraft landing-loads
programs. Motion pictures are made of the
airplane approach and landing aboard an aircraft carrier. After the film is
analyzed and transcribed on the film-
reading system to IBM cards, a versatile computer program fits by a
least-square-curve fitting method a
polynomial space-time-carve to the airplane motion. Numerical
differentiation of this curve is used to obtain
velocity and acceleration at different points in the flight path. Alto
gether 22 lancing parameters are obtained from each landing. A further
statistical analysis of the parameters is
performed to determine probability curves, deviation, skewness, variance,
confidence limits and other statistical
relationships. For the fllghtloads program, information concerning the use
of naval airplanes is obtained from flight
recorders which make a permanent record of the most important things that
happen, structure-wise, to the
airplane while it is happening. From this data, airspeed, altitude, Mach
number, 3 "G" load factors and 3 accelerations are computed.
Study of structural problems associated with space vehicles. Solution on
the computer of nonlinear differential
equation with variable coefficients by numerical methods of approximating
the required solution.
Bulova Research & Development Laboratories, Ins.
System is used for the numerical solution of systems of
ordinary differential equations, optical ray tracing, parameter variation
studies, reduction of test data, e.g. curve
fitting and auto correlation, spectrum analysis, and probability
distribution analysis.
Institute of Gas Technology
System is used for the calculation of mass
spectrometer data, gas distribution
network analysis, chemical equilibrium studies, and correlation problems
involving gas send-out and weather data.
Reliance Electric & Engineering Company
System is used for the design of electric machinery, and associated
Southwestern Computing Service, Ins.
System is used far process equipment design, geophysical data reduction,
and miscellaneous research problems.
BRL 1961, ALWAC III E, start page 0019
[Bad photo]
Photo by U.S. Army - TAGO
Internal number system Binary
Binary digits per word 32 + sign Binary
digits/instruction 16
Instructions per word 2, 3 or 4
Instructions decoded 101 Basic (Many are micro programmable)
Arithmetic system Fixed point
Commands normally consider numbers to be integral
Instruction type One address
Optimum sequencing is built in
Number range 64 bits
Negative numbers are indicated by sign
Decimal input and output are built-in with a single command capable of
taking in up to 8 digits.
Several systems are available both for floating point or fined point
Neumonic interpretive routines as well as symbolic compilers are in use.
There are four registers, viz, a main accumulator 32 bits + sign +
recoverable overflow bit, a secondary
accumulator 32 bits + sign, an auxiliary register 32 bits + sign, and a 16
bit B-Box Index register.
The first two registers are combined for double precision operations. Also,
complete shiftability
applies to main accumulator as Knell as double length accumulator.
Auxiliary register is used in multiplication,
division, for special floating point assistance commands and risking
Incl Stor Access Exclud. Stor Access
Microsec Microsec
Add 1,000 1,000
Mult 17,000 17,000
Div 17,000 17,000
Construction (Arithmetic unit only)
Vacuum-tubes 132
Diodes 5,000
Arithmetic mode Serial
Timing Synchronous
Operation Sequential
Two commands at once are picked off the drum and
unless the first command of the pair is an executed jump
instruction, a second access to the drum is not required.
as the next command is held ready for immediate use in
a static register.
BRL 1961, ALWAC III E, start page 0020
[Bad Photo]
Photo by U. S. Navy - Bureau of Ships
No. of Access
Media Words Microsec
Drum 128 0 to 8,000
Drum 8,192 0 to 16,000
Core 32 500
Magnetic Tape
No, of units that can be connected 16 Units
No, of chars /linear inch of tape 155 Chars/inch
Channels or tracks on the tape 7 Tracks/tape
Blank tape separating each record 0.25 Inches
Tape speed 120 Inches/sec
Transfer rate 20,800 Chars/see
Start time 9 Millisec
Stop time 7 Millisec
Average time for experienced
operator to change reel of tape 60 Seconds
Physical properties of tape
Width 1/2 Inches
Length of reel 2,400 Feet
Composition Sandwich Mylar
Each tape transport has its own search register. Once directed to search
for data, the transport is independent
of the computer and tape buffer. The tape buffer is a 32-word core storage
unit which works between the
computer and up to 16 magnetic
tape handlers. Individual words within the core buffer are addressable and
useable by the computer.
Media Speed
Paper Tape (Flexowriter) Manual or 10 char/sec
Paper Tape (High-Speed) 180 char/sec
80-Column Cards 100 cards/min
Curve Follower 20 points/sec
Special tie-ins have been made to analog to digital conversion equipment.
Speed of entry possible depends upon
number system and format arrangement. Aeronautical Structures Laboratory
Data is prepared for the computer
off-line on the following: Five oscillogram reading systems, three film
reading systems. Input and output cards are
checked for double punch and blank-column on an IBM 101 statistical machine.
BRL 1961, ALWAC III E, start page 0021
[Bad Photo]
Photo by U. S. Air Force - Offutt AFB
Manufacturer Speed
Paper Tape (Flexowriter) 10 char/sec
Paper Tape (High-Speed) 60 char/sec
80-Column Cards 100 cards/min
Line Printer 150 lines/min
Magnetic Tape 21,000 char/sec
Plotter 20 points/sec
The line printer used is an IBM type 407. It is completely useable as a
standard off-line unit with only a change of plug board.
Aeronautical Structures Laboratory
Off-line the data is tabulated on an IBM 402 alphabetical accounting
machine (series 50) or plotted on the two
electroplotters which operate at 25 cards minute.
Institute of Gas Technology
A Western Electric paper tape punch at 50 char/sec is connected to the
computer through a buffer.
Type Quantity Remarks
Tubes 780 319 in basic system
Diodes 13,500 5,870 in basic system
7,630 in additional equipment
Transistors 75 66 tape transport
9 tape buffer
Magnetic Cores 1,280
The basic system includes the Power Supply, Memory Unit, and Logic Unit.
Additional Equipment includes the Standard Card Converter, Magnetic Tape
Buffer, Magnetic Tape Transport,
and the High Speed Paper Tape Console.
BRL 1961, ALWAC III E, start page 0022
[Bad Photo]
Photo by Bulova Research and Development Laboratories
An arithmetic operation overflow alarm is built on. A
switch-controlled bit by bit comparison of all
data transferred between high-speed loops and main memory can be made.
Power, computer 5 Kw 0.9 - 1.0 pf
Volume, computer 160 cu ft
Area, computer 30 sq ft
Room size, computer 16 ft x 19 ft
Weight, computer 2,690 lbs
Above requirements are for the basic system.
The ideal site requirements are cable troughs, an acoustic ceiling, 75°F
room ambient temperature, 4 ft.
clearance around computer, a maintenance bench with 2 electrical outlets,
and a storage space for spare parts.
The Adjutant General, U.S.A.
Power, computer 13 Kw
Power, air conditioner 100 KVA
Volume, computer 277 cu ft
Vole, air conditioner 50 cu ft
Area, computer 52 sq ft
Area, air conditioner 8 sq ft in computer room
Room size, computer 500 sq ft
Room size, sir conditioner 200 sq ft
Floor loading 91 lbs/sq ft
140 lbs concen max
Capacity, air condition 12 1/2 Tons
Weight, computer 4,800 lbs
Site preparation included air conditioning and power modifications.
BRL 1961, ALWAC III E, start page 0023
[Bad Photo]
Photo by the Institute of Gas Technology
David Taylor Model Basin
Power, computer 6 Kw 220 V
Power, air conditioner 6 Kw
Optional, depends on room size and cooling
Volume, computer 231 cu ft
Vole, air conditioner 44 cu ft
Area, computer 45 sq ft
Area, air conditioner 7 sq ft
Room size, computer 240 sq ft
Floor loading 80 lbs/sq ft
900 lbs concen max
Capacity, air conditioner 5 Tons
Weight, computer 2,200 lbs
Weight, air conditioner 1,000 lbs
Area and volume include console and high speed reader but weights do not.
System uses 220 Volt, single phase, 60 cycles, 3 vice. Air conditioner is
used for 2 computers in one room.
Offutt AFB, Nebraska
Power, computer 17.5 Kw 0.9 - 1.0 pf
Volume, computer 361 cu ft
Area, computer 64 sq ft
Roam size 26 ft x 26 ft
676 sq ft
Floor loading 88 lbs/ sq ft
140 lbs concen max
Weight, computer 5,630 lbs
The building is air conditioned. An AC voltage regulator and adequate power
outlets are required.
Aeronautical Structures Laboratory
Power, computer 10 Kw 15 KVA
Power, air conditioner 45 Kw
Volume, computer, 234 cu ft
Volume, air conditioner 64 cu ft
Area, computer 47 sq ft
Area, air conditioner 24 sq ft
Room size, Computer 20 ft .x 16 ft
Room size, air conditioner Suspended from ceiling
Floor loading 100 lbs/sq ft
Capacity, air conditioner 33 Tons
Weight, computer 3,200 lbs
Air conditioner includes peripheral equipment requirements.
The computer facility urea 80 feet by 48 feet is partitioned into the
following areas: Computer and off-line output
equipment Data reduction (film Data reduction (oscillographs) Equipment
repair Office space
The following was installed: acoustic celotex ceiling, 230V, 100A, 3 phase,
outlet for computer, comp. air (90
p.s.i.) with valves and hoses in each area, three power distribution panels
110V, 100A, 1 phase with extensive
outlets for the peripheral equipment.
BRL 1961, ALWAC III E, start page 0024
[Bad Photo]
Photo by Logistics Research, Inc.
Bulova Research & Development Laboratories, Inc.
Power, computer 7.7 Kw
Volume, computer 185.35 cu ft
Area, computer 38.9 sq ft
Room size 18 ft x 18 ft x 11 ft
Weight, computer 2,864 lbs
Air conditioning is an estimated 5 Tons from central air conditioning
Site preparations included soundproofed room, additional air conditioning
ducts, and an exhaust fan with hood.
Institute of Gas Technology
Power, computer 7 Kw
Volume, computer 248 cu ft
Volume, air conditioner 37 cu ft
Area, computer 45 sq ft
Area, air conditioner 5 1/4 sq ft
Room size, computer 18 ft x 24 ft
Room size, air conditioner 18 ft x 24 ft
Capacity, air conditioner 3 Tons
Weight, computer 2,500 lbs
Site preparation included a required 220V, 60 cycle, single phase, power
Reliance Electric & Engineering Company
Power, computer 7 Kw 7 KVA 0.97 pf
Volume, computer 4,000 cu ft
Area, computer 500 sq ft
Room size, computer 24 ft x 24 ft
Air conditioner is combined with other equipment. Room was designed for
electronic tabulating equipment.
Number in current production 3
Time required for delivery 1 Month
Components of Basic System Cost Monthly
Power Supply, Flexowriter, Mon- $76,950 $2,500
itor Scope, Control Console, Logic
and Control Unit, Memory Unit
Additional Equipment
High Speed Perforated Tape Con- 10,950 290
sole (Punch & Read)
Paper Tape Buffer 26,200 750
Card Converter 24,750 660
Magnetic Tape Buffer 21,600 580
Magnetic Tape Transport 23,100 640
Full-time resident engineer - $15,000 per year. On-Call - $120/Day plus
travel, not to exceed 500 miles.
Scheduled Service - 10% of list price of equipment per year.
BRL 1961, ALWAC III E, start page 0025
The Adjutant General, U.S.A.
Computer (including console and Flexowriter), card converter, and magnetic
tape buffer cost $105,000.
Rental rates for additional equipment is a card reader and punch at
Maintenance, including parts is $12,000 per year.
David Taylor Model Basin
Cost is approximately $70,000.
High Speed Paper Tape Reader and Punch rents at $260/month.
Maintenance is done by our own electronic engineer.
Offutt AFB, Nebraska
The computer control and arithmetic unit cost $69,950, the modified
Flexowriters (2) cost $4,950, and the high
speed punch and tape cost $4,950. The card converter cost $22,500, the IBM
514 reproducing punch cost
$5,700, the magnetic tape transports (2) cost $46,000, and the magnetic
tape buffer cost $18,000.
Maintenance cost $15,000 per annum.
Aeronautical Structures Laboratory
Power supply, logic, magnetic drum, card converter cost $85,000.
Peripheral equipment - five oseillogram and three film reading systems and
two electroplotters cost $169,000.
The IBM 514 input-output to computer rents at $1320 Per year.
IBM peripheral equipment-punches, verifier, sorter, statistical machine,
reproducing punches, accounting
machine, etc. rent at $20,000/year.
ASL does its own maintenance and servicing.
Bulova Research & Development Laboratories, Inc.
The Memory Cabinet (8,196 word drum), Flexowriter, Oscilloscope, Logic
Cabinet, Power Supply Cabinet,
Control Panel, and Memory Display rents at $2,350/ month.
The High Speed Paper Tape, Reader, and Punch rents at $260/month.
Institute of Gas Technology
The basic computer, Flexowriter input and output cost $50,000. The High
Speed Paper Tape Reader and Punch,
with one word buffer cost $10,000.
Reliance Electric & Engineering Company
The Flexowriter and basic computer, with 4,096 word drum, coat $56,000.
The High Speed Console cost $18,000 and the 8,192 word drum (replacement)
cost $12,000.
Maintenance cost $600/month.
Southwestern Computing Service, Inc.
System requires almost no maintenance. We do our own.
Manufacturer One 8-Hour Two 8-Hour Three 8-Hour
Shift Shift Shift
Supervisors 1
Coders 2
Operators 1 2 3
Engineers 1 1 2
Training made available by the manufacturer to users includes free training
in coding and operation at
manufacturing plant. Training in maintenance is by special arrangement.
The Adjutant General, U.S.A.
Two 8-Hour Shifts
Used Recommended
Supervisors 1 1
Analysts 3 3
Programmers 3 4
Clerks 1/2
Librarians 1/2
Operators 2 2
Engineers 1 1
Specific to needs and problems encountered in this organization (other
users may very well require more or fewer
of each).
Operation tends toward closed shop.
David Taylor Model Basin
Tyro 8-Hour Shifts
Used Recommended
Supervisors 1 1
Programmers 2 3
Operators 3 3
Engineers (Maint.) 1 1
Operation tends toward closed shop.
Methods of training used includes informal instruction. Machine merle
available to engineers on open shop basis
using Floating Point interpretive routines or compilers.
Offutt AFB, Nebraska
One 8-Hour Two 8-Sour
Shift Shifts
Recommended Used Recomm
Supervisors 2 2
Programmers 4 4
Engineers I
Operation tends toward open shop.
Methods of training used includes on-the-,job training.
Aeronautical Structures Laboratory
One 8-Hour Two 8-Hour
Shift Shifts
Used Recomm Used Recomm
Supervisors 2 2
Programmers 2
Clerks 1
Operators 1 1 1
Engineers 1 2
Technicians 4 4 1 1
Operation tends toward open shop fpr peripheral equipment and closed shop
for computer. Some personnel have
taken courses in advanced programming,, numerical analysis and numerical
solutions of differential equations. On-
the-,job training is used for the technicians and IBM training is used for
peripheral IBM equipment.
Bulova Research & Development Laboratories, Inc.
One 8-Hour Shift
Used Recommended
Supervisors 1 1
Analysts 2 2
Programmers 1 2
Operators 1
Engineers 1 1
Operation tends toward closed shop.
Methods of training used includes individual instruction on the ,job.
Institute of Gas Technology
One 8-Hour Shift
Used Recommended
Supervisors 1 1
Programmers 1 2
Clerks 1 1
Technicians 1 1
Methods of training used includes on-the-,job.
BRL 1961, ALWAC III E, start page 0026
Reliance Electric & Engineering Company
One 8-Hour Shift
Used Recommended
Supervisors 1/2
Programmers 1 2
Operators 1 1
Operation tends toward closed shop.
Methods of training is mostly on individual basis.
Computer has made a major contribution to our engineering effort.
Recognition of this fact is company-wide, and
Southwestern Computing Service, Inc.
One 8-Hour Shift
Programmers 2
Operators 1
Operation tends towards closed shop.
Manufacturer Average user reliability figures are 96.4% useful computing
The Adjutant General, U.S.A. Time is available for rent to qualified
outside organizations. The current model of the
ALWAC III E (serial 28) was installed so recently that adequate data are
not yet available.
David Taylor Model Basin
Good time 46 Hours/week (Average)
Attempted to run time 52 Hours/Week (Average)
Operating ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) 0.884
Above figures based on period 1 May 59 to 30 Apr 60
Time is available for rent to qualified outside or-
Offutt AFB, Nebraska
Average error-free running period 20 Hours
Good time 75 Hours/Week {Average)
Operating ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) O. g4
Above figures based on period Jul 59 to May 60
Time is not available for rent to outside organiza-
Aeronautical Structures Laboratory
Average error-flee running period 100 Hours
Good time 72 Hours/Week (Average)
Attempted to run time 80 Hours/Week (Average)
Operating ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) 0.90
Above figures based on period Nov 55 to Apr 60
Passed Customer Acceptance Test Nov 55
Time is available for rent to qualified outside or-
In May 1957, after 2,000 hours of good computing time, a card converter,
larger memory and new power supply
were installed. Since October 1958 the computer has been on a two-shift
operation. A new dry was installed in
October 1959. As of 1 May 1960, the computer has over 9,000 hours of good
computing time.
Bulova Research & Development Laboratories, Inc.
Average error-free running period 2 Weeks
Good time 25 Hours/Week (Average)
Attempted to run time 27 Hours/Week (Average)
Operating ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) 0.926
Above figures based on period 22 Jan 59 to 26 Jun 60
Passed Customer Acceptance Test 22 Jan 59
Time is available for rent to outside organizations.
Above figures include scheduled maintenance. If this time is omitted, the
figures are good time 25, attempted to
run time 25.5, and operating ratio 0.98.
Institute of Gas Technology
Average error-free running period 80 hrs, approx.
Good time 35 Hours/Week (Average)
Attempted to run time 40 Hours/Week (Average)
Operating ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) 0.875
Above figures based on period from 55 to Present
Passed Customer Acceptance Test 1955
Time is available for rent to qualified outside or-
Our records are not set up to obtain the above data accurately.
Reliance Electric & Engineering Company
Good time 36 Hours/Week (Average)
Attempted to run time 40 Hours/Week (Average)
Operating ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) 0.90
Above figures based on period Feb 56 to Present
Passed Customer Acceptance Test Feb 56
Time is available for rent to qualified outside
Southwestern Computing Service, Inc.
Good time 40 Hours/Week (Average)
Attempted to run time 39 Hours/Week (Average)
Operating ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) 0.975
Above figures based on period from 56 to Present
Time is available for rent to outside organizations.
Outstanding features include a large internal memory, (Over 16,000 program
step storage), builtin-to hardware
decimal-binary conversion, a large command structure, fully alpha numeric
notation and an index register.
Unique system advantages include automatic decimalbinary conversion on
cards, tape transports with
independent searchability, and as many as 4 Commands per word.
Special recommended procedures for magnetic tape storing includes
temperature at 60 - 85 F and humidity at
40% to 60%.
The Adjutant General, U.S.A.
This ALWAC III Ehas been modified to read
binary which is quite desirable for the
work here. The system, for the cost, is large, flexible, and highly useful.
The first ALWAC at the Personnel
Research Branch was installed in June 1958. Although it was a useful
productive machine, the percent of up time
was less than would be desirable. The replacement computer, a larger and
improved model, has been installed
too recently to evaluate. Up time is expected to be well above 80%.
David Taylor Model Basin
Large memory and powerful logic structure make
this system powerful and easy to
program. It has an "E" box, it can read any 6-level paper tape, and it has
complete program control of input-
output operations and format.
Offutt AFB, Nebraska
Outstanding features include hexadecimal numbering
system. Tapes are stored in steel
filing drawers. The temperature and humidity are controlled to preve-~t
damage to the tapes while in storage.
Bulova Research & Development Laboratories, Inc.
Outstanding features include a large memory, the ability to pack
instructions 2 - 4 instructions per word, and
built-in decimal-binary conversion.
Due to its small amount of tubes, the ALWAC III E is extremely reliable and
easy to maintain.
The ALWAC III E is a general purpose single-address,
BRL 1961, ALWAC III E, start page 0027
serial binary computer. The computer has 86 instructions and one index
register. Basic number system for input-
output is hexadecimal, using the digits a, b, c, d, e, f, for 10, 11, 12,
13, 14 wild 15, respectively, in addition to
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. Magnetic tape and punched card equipment
is also available.
Institute of Gas Technology
Outstanding features include large memory, rapid input-output, and a large
order list.
System advantages includes a single address system which allows two program
steps per ward.
Reliance Electric & Engineering Company
Outstanding features include a
large memory, low cost, and great
flexibility. The Flexowriter gives unlimited flexibility in using all kinds
of easily prepared forms. The paper tape is
convenient for filing and for transmission via Teledata over telephone
lines. It is used this way. Low cost made it
possible for engineering to get it for its own use without sharing time
with others.
Southwestern Computing Service, Inc. Outstanding feature is reliability.
Aeronautical Structures Laboratory To prevent interruptions in data
processing, expansion of the facility is
planned in stages. The installation of a new computer (with magnetic tape
and punched card capabilities is
planned at the same time as the installation of the laboratory's high-speed
data-gathering equipment. In the
second stage, the existing ALWAC III will be modernized to the equivalent
of the ALWAC III-E so that programs
and routines can be interchanged. As a final stage, magnetic-tape
capabilities will be added to the modernized
ALWAC III for farther flexibility of operations.
Southwestern Computing Service, Inc. A faster input from the paper tape
reader will be built.
The Adjutant General, U.S.A.
2nd & T Streets, S. W.
Washington 25, D. C.
David Taylor Model Basin
Washington 7, D, C.
544th Reconnaissance Technical Group
Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska
Aeronautical Structures Laboratory
Naval Air Material Center
Philadelphia 12, Pennsylvania
Bulova Research & Development Laboratories, Inc.
62 - 10 Woodside Avenue
Woodside 77, New York
Institute of Gas Technology
17 West 34th Street
Chicago 16, Illinois
Reliance Electric & Engineering Company
24701 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland 17, Ohio
Southwestern Computing Service, Inc.
910 S. Boston
Tulsa 19, Oklahoma
BRL 1961, AMOS IV, start page 0028
AMOS IV Computer
National Bureau of Standards
Photo 54 K Bytes
Chart by National Bureau of Standards
The National Bureau of Standards in cooperation with the U. S. Weather
Bureau has developed a specialized
digital computer for the Weather Bureau to use as a research tool in
exploring the concept of the automatic
weather station. The AMOS IV Computer receives data from weather-sensing
instruments and processes these
data through such functions as sampling, comparing, selecting a maximum,
and arithmetic operations. The results
are transmitted via teletype to a central forecasting station and to other
airport weather stations. Values of two
quantities recently developed as aids to air safety - runway visual range
and approach light contact height are
given by the machine through automatic table look-up.
For a number of years, the Weather Bureau has been appraising the
possibilities of an automatic weather station.
Such stations could be widely distributed, and would be especially useful
in relatively inaccessible locations that
are important sources of early data on meteorological activity. The various
developmental prototypes of this
concept have been called
(Automatic Meteorological Observation Station); the current version,
containing transistorized packages, is ANDS
IV. It is an outgrowth of previous work done by NBS for the Weather Bureau
that resulted in s special computer
for processing cloud-height signals from a ceilometer. The ceilometer was
intended for use with the AMOS III.
Several of the input quantities to the AMOS Computers, such as cloud height
and precipitation, cannot be
satisfactorily represented by instantaneous values but must be
time-averaged. Varying amounts of data
processing must therefore be associated with the different instruments
measuring these quantities. In the AMOS
III concept, several complex units were required for these functions.
Although many of the functions were similar,
the hardware was not minimized because of a diversity of design that
resulted from the isolated development of
the individual units. Analysis of the overall system indicated that a
considerable reduction could be made in
hardware and therefore in maintenance.
In AMOS TV, the automatic weather station is built around a single small,
general-purpose computer designed
especially for this application. The computer
BRL 1961, AMOS IV, start page 0029
Photo, 18 K bytes
Photo by National Bureau of Standards
receives data from the input instruments at any de-sired
interval. These data are suitably processed
and arranged in a specified order for teletype transmission
in a variety of message formats and at var-ious speeds.
The computer also operates local and
remote displays. Much latitude is available for re-search
into the most desirable form of data process-ing
because of the inherent flexibility of the inter-nally
programmed machine.
The machine must accomodate a number of input devices,
all furnishing data continuously.
Extensive stored tables are needed for empirically
determined data which varies from station to station.
A short word length is sufficient, since the data
comes primarily from physical instruments; three
digits and sign appear sufficient, relying on double-
precision methods for those few cases where needed.
A comparatively slow circuit speed is acceptable,
working in conjunction with the magnetic drum, which
rotates at a moderate speed for long life and reduced
The machine needs only a limited arithmetic capa-
bility, in view of the extensive stored tables; it
can perform addition and subtraction, with other
operations available through programming.
The machine must transmit teletypewriter messages
at high and low speeds, independently of each other
and of the data processor.
BRL 1961, AMOS IV, start page 0030
Photo, 58 K bytes
Photo by National Bureau of Standards
Provision must be included for operating local and remote
The machine must concurrently process input data,
transmit teletypewriter messages, and perform data
Internal number system Binary coded decimal
Decimal digits/word 3 plus sign and parity
Instructions/word 0.5
Instructions decoded 21
Instruction type One address
Information word
t14 t1
|Pe | 8| 4| 2| 1| 8| 4| 2| 1| 8| 4| 2| 1| +- |
|Parity | 102 | 101 | 100 | Sign|
A "word" in AMOS IV consists of three decimal dig-its
and a sign. Since, in binary notation, a deci-
mal digit can occupy as many as four bit positions,
it is necessary to assign four bit positions to each
decimal digit. A data word in AMOS IV looks as above.
BRL 1961, AMOS IV, start page 0031
[ photo not included ]
Instruction Word
| Word | Operation| Channel| |
| a | | b | |
| | | | +- | | | +- +
| Data word at even | Data word at odd |
| address | address |
The operations are coded in two decimal digits. The
(a,b) of the word upon which the operation is
performed is placed in the first two and last two decimal
positions of the instruction. The sign at the end of the
instruction has no bearing upon the function; the sign at the
center of the instruction affect the computer's
operation within predetermined modes. (In
the future, when the remainder of the drum is activited,
the sign at the end of the word will have significance.)
The content of each register is shown on the indicator
IR - Instruction Register. The instruction being
performed is stored in this register.,
IAC - Instruction
Address Counter. Te address (a, P) of the next instruction
is contained in this register.
FLEX Buffer. This is the
intermediate stage for flexowriter input and output. It
indicates what is being written or read by the flexowriter.
BRL 1961, AMOS IV, start page 0032
A Register. This register is used for storage in various
operations. B Register. This register is also used for
storage in various operations. IR - Index Register. The index
register, two decimal digits in size, is filled by
operation's (60) transferring two digits of the address into
it. In the operation of the machine, if an address enters the
IR which is "impossible", such as (11x11), the content of the
index register replaces the a portion of the address in the
In addition to an address counter and decoding network for
obtaining commutating pulses, the input circuit has a one-
word shift register which serves as a buffer between the
instruments and the input recording circuit. Data words from
sampled instruments are inserted in the register by means of
a parallel transfer, up to 13 bits at a time (three decimal
digits and sign). The number representation need not be
binary-coded decimal, since the computer can perform code
conversion, if required.
Medium No. of Words
Magnetic Drum 10,000
To store data, the machine uses a magnetic drum operating
at 1800 rpm that carries 100 general storage channels of 100
words each and has space for 100 additional channels. Several
dual-head channels are available for simultaneous read-in and
read-out of incoming data, outgoing messages, etc. The
magnetic drum provides the extensive storage capacity
required for the table look-up involved in the calculations
of runway visual range and approach light contact height.
About 35 tables are stored on the drum; each table has about
90 three-digit values.
One set of these tables contains the data on runway visual
range (RVR), i.e., the distance along the runway visible to a
pilot from the point of touchdown generally 1,000 to 6,500
feet, depending upon runway illumination (natural and
artificial) and atmospheric conditions. The primary input for
the RVR determination is a transmissometer reading. The
computer continuously monitors this reading and "looks up"
the proper corresponding value of RVR, which is then
displayed locally and inserted into the teletype message.
The other set of tables contains the data on approach light
contact height (ALCH), i.e., the height from which the pilot
can identify the approach lights. ALCH is affected by
background illumination level, atmospheric conditions, and the
intensity of the approach lights, which are set in accordance
with prevailing conditions. If limiting conditions are
indicated by either low clouds, as shown by the ceilometer, or
by fog or snow, as sensed by the transmissometer, a value of
ALCH based on the interfering factor is obtained. If both
factors are present, two calculations are made; the machine
then determines and displays the lower value. Since there is a
statistical uncertainty in this type of information, two
values of altitude are presented. The higher altitude is that
at which the pilot has a 20 percent probability of seeing the
approach lights; the lower altitude is that at which the
probability is 90 percent.
The drum operates at a conservative rate of 1,800 rpm;
non-return-ta-zero recording is used, with a recording
density of 120 bits per inch.
Thus, the machine operates at a bit rate of 50 kc.
Media Paper Tape Keyboard
Various Analog Data Channels
The computer continuously monitors new input data while
simultaneously processing data already entered and
transmitting messages on command. Among the input quantities
which the AMOS IV Computer can handle are temperature, dew
point, wind speed and direction, atmospheric pressure,
precipitation, transmissivity, and cloud height. Input data
can be received directly from the instruments in the simplest
possible form, such as analog voltage, current, or resistance;
and pulse rate or contact closure. Information may also be
received in coded form, such as the Gray binary code
frequently used with shaft-position encoders. The nature of
the weather instruments and of the quantities measured limits
the input data to 2 or 3 decimal digits for the most part;
word size is therefore 3 digits plus sign. Double precision
methods are available for those few instances requiring
greater accuracy. Communication with the machine is via
electric typewriter or punched tape.
The method of receiving input data from the weathersensing
instruments is a compromise between the use of separate pre-
processing devices and use of the central processor. In order
to avoid excessive interruption of the central processor,
varying amounts of circuitry have been assembled, depending on
the form of the input data, to pre-digest the instrument
signals .for most efficient use of the processor. Once the
data has been prepared in suitable form, generally as contact
closures or storage in flip-flop registers, it is entered into
the computer via an input-data track on the magnetic drum.
This track is equipped with two heads, one addressable by the
central processor and the other wired to the input circuitry.
Since the track can store 100 words, there is an input
capacity of 100 instrument readings, a quantity considerably
in excess of present requirements. The address of each word
identifies the reading, and the addresses therefore, are used
to call out the appropriate subroutines when new data appears
in the various word locations. The input devices are sampled
sequentially by means of commutating pulses obtained from a
decoding network attached to an address counter. It is
possible with this ache to sample any instrument within 130
second of the time that a desired reading is obtained. If
readings were obtained at the rate of 30 per second, however,
the central processor would quickly be overloaded; actually,
it is sufficient to sample most instruments at intervals of
once per minute or longer. The ceilometer is the most frequent
with readings at 6 second intervals.
The teletypewriter outputs involve the buffering of data,
which comes from the drum at a high rate, down to the desired
message speed. In addition, data words must be reorganized
into teletypewriter characters, including the addition of
start and stop pulses, and the generation of space and sign
characters. Taro independent teletypewriter outputs are
required, with different codes and message formats. The
lowspeed output is nominally 100 words per minute, while the
high-speed output is in the range of 750 to 1560 words per
minute. Several different message lengths are required at the
higher speed, requiring that the
BRL 1961, AMOS IV, start page 0033
circuitry be capable of skipping unwanted portions of the
message. Since the messages are to be combinations of data
prepared by the computer and alphanumeric remarks and text
inserted by hand, several tracks have been allowed on the
drum for this information. Certain tracks, addressable by
the computer, contain the numerical data. Other tracks may
be written into only from the automatic typewriter, and are
used for the remarks. These are all dual-head tracks, with
one set of heads being used to insert data, either from the
processor or the typewriter, while the other set is used to
read out the information.
Photo, 120 K bytes
The computer circuitry is based on transistorized plug-in
assemblies designed at NBS for a variety of data-processing
applications. These 50-kc packages perform flip-flop, analog
switch, and gating circuitry functions, as well as others.
Parity. This pushbutton-light indicates when parity has been
lost in the memory circuits. AMOS IV operates on an even
parity system. As each word is written into the memory, the
number of binary "1's" is counted. If the number of 1's is
even, a "0" is placed in the parity bit position. If the
number of 1's is odd, a "1" is placed in the parity bit
position; thus, any word in the memory plus its parity bit
contains an even number of 1's in its binary notation.
Upon read-out of a word from the memory, a check is
made for this "even 1's" characteristic. If, through an
error in the recording process, parity does not check,
the parity light is operated and remains lighted until
the parity control button is depressed.
This light is a warning light, indicating that some
malfunction has occurred in the read process. Depressing the
parity button resets the parity system
The circuits are designed to permit wide variations from
the nominal values of the characteristics and parameters of
the components.
The electrical outputs from most of the packages can be
short-circuited to ground or to the negative voltage supply
without damage to any of the components.
Pin-type connectors with high-pressure contacts are used
rather than printed-circuit edge-type connectors.
Signal swings are at least 6 volts, with a collector supply
of -12 volts.
All connectors have gold-plated pins.
All back panel wiring is by taper pins for ease and
convenience in making external connections. Taper pins also
eliminate solder joints.
A need for improved reporting of weather data has been
brought about by the requirements of modern, high-performance
aircraft, together with the advent of high-speed computers
for use in weather forecasting. Manual methods of recording
meteorological observations introduce an undesirable time
delay, increase the chance of error, and limit the frequency
of observations. A solution to this problem lies in the use
of automatic data processing equipment for the recording, pre-
processing, and transmission of the information. Under the
sponsorship of the U. S. Weather Bureau, the National Bureau
of Standards has developed a specialized computer for use as
a research tool in exploring this concept.
National Bureau of Standards
Washington 25, D. C.
BRL 1961, AN/ASQ 28 (v) EDC, start page 0034
AN/ASQ 28 (v) EDC
AN/ASQ 28 (V) Emergency Digital Computer
System is designed and used as a general purpose stored
program computer for manned aircraft bombing, navigation
and missile guidance subsystem. It may be utilized for real
time control of processes of small capacity. The central
computer is general purpose while the input-output
equipment is special purposes.
Designed and developed under contract no's AF 33
(600)36599 and AF 33(600)41253 as a minimal emergency back-
up computer to the main computer of the AN/ASQ-28(V)
Bombing, Navigation and Missile Guidance Subsystem of the B-
70 aircraft.
International Business Machines Corporation
Federal Systems Division
Internal number system Binary
Binary digits/word 26
Binary digits/instruction 26
Instructions per word 1
Instructions decoded 10
Arithmetic system Fixed point Sign and Magnitude
Instruction type One plus one
(Operand and next instruction)
Number range Plus and minus 23 bits accuracy
Instruction word format
| S|W1|W2|W3|T1|T2|T3|T4|T5|W1|W2|W3|W4|W5|W6|T1|T2|T3|T4|T5|T6|01|02|03|04| P|
| | Operand Address | Next instruction address | Operation |
P = Parity
S = Switching
Registers include a Multiplier-Quotient revolver, an
accumulator, and an instruction revolver.
Incl Stor Access Exclud Stor Access
Microsec Microsec
Add 624 156
Mult 3,744 3,276
Div 3,744 3,276
Construction (Arithmetic unit only)
Transistors 60 - 5 Types
Diodes 290 - 6 Types
Arithmetic mode Serial
Timing Synchronous
Operation Sequential
No. of Access
Medium No. of Words Digits/Word Microsec
Drum Instructions and 26 Min - 156
Constants - 3456 Max - 5000
Data - 38
Instructions can be optimally located to permit a minimum
memory access time. Fast intermediate data access time
provided by revolvers on the drum.
Media Speed
Decimal. Insert Random
Shaft-to-Digital 100 words/sec/device
Pulse Trains Variable
Discrete Signals Variable
Manual insert is by 7 decimal digits. 48 instrumental
discrete signals may be inserted.
Media Speed
Discrete Signals Variable 32 instrumented
Decimal Display Variable 7 Decimal digits
Digital-to-Shaft 100 words/sec/device
Pulse Train Variable
The decimal display is seven digits long. 32
instrumented discrete output signals are obtainable.
high speed input-output processor is provided which
performs a number of functions coincidently with the
central processor. 48 parameters can be processed at a
rate of 4800 operations per second.
System characteristics include updating of digital servo
loops, determination of first order clamp for digital servo
loop, accumulation and generation of pulse train inputs and
outputs, buffering of decimal display word, acceptance of
manual insert register word, and reading and decoding of
shaft-to-digital encoder inputs.
BRL 1961, AN/ASQ 28 (v) EDC, start page 0035
Type Quantity
Diodes 4,395
Transistors 592
These figures include the central computer and input-
output processor. They do not include special input-output
equipment required for special applications.
Transfer parity check is built in.
Power, computer 0.25 Kw
Volume, computer 1.9 cu ft
Weight, computer 81 lbs
These figures include the central computer and input-
output processor. They do not include special input-output
equipment required for special applications.
This equipment is designed to meet stringent reliability
requirements for a supersonic military aircraft
environment. The ambient temperature range is 0o
to 100oC. All circuits use.silicon transistors
and diodes and. are designed for ultrareliable operation
from 0o to 100oC. Reliable drum readout signals
are provided by air floated drum heads.
Outstanding features include replaceable (pluggable)
subassemblies, nonerasable drum tracks to prevent accidental
destruction of the stored program, intercommunication
provided with a main digital computer through a common drum
track link, unique high speed input-output processor with a
repetition rate greater than the computation cycle of the
basic computer, and 48 programmed discrete inputs for program
branching and 32 discrete outputs for system control.
Unique system advantages include rugged environmental
specifications, high reliability, and flexibility.
BRL 1961, AN/ASQ 28 (v) MDC, start page 0036
AN/ASQ 28 (v)MDC
AN/ASQ 28 (V) Main Digital Computer
International Business Machines Corporation
Federal Systems Division
photo 34 K bytes
Photo by International Business Machines Corporation
Subassembly Drawer, containing Printed Circuit Boards
Designed for general purpose stored program computer for
manned aircraft bombing navigation and missile guidance
subsystem. Applicable to real time control of processes
(large capacity). The central computer is general purpose
while the input-output equipment is special purpose. System
was designed and developed under contract no's AF
33(600)36599 and AF 33(600)41253 as the central computing
element for the AN/ASQ-28(V) Bombing, Navigation and Missile
Guidance Subsystem of the B-70 aircraft.
Internal number system Binary
Binary digits/word 22 plus sign and parity
Binary digits/instruction 16 including parity
Instructions per word 1
Instructions decoded 14
Arithmetic system Fixed point Sign and Magnitude
Instruction type One address
Number range Plus and minus 22 bit accuracy
Instruction word format
| P| M|S6|S5|s1|s2|s3|s4|Rl|R2|R3|R4|0l|02|03|04|
P = parity
M = modifier
R1-R4, S1-S6 = address
01-04 = operation
Registers include multiplier-quotient, accumulator, check
register, and memory buffer.
An instruction word is read from drum storage 4 bits
parallel by 4 bits serial. A constant word is read from
dry storage 6 bits parallel by 4 bits serial.
BRL 1961, AN/ASQ 28 (v) MDC, start page 0037
Photo by International Business Machines Corporation
Incl Stor Access Exclud Stor Access
Microsec Microsec
Add 24 24
Mult 264 264
Div 288 288
Construction (Arithmetic unit only)
Transistors 249 - 5 Types
Diodes 2,726 - 6 Types
Arithmetic mode Parallel
Timing Synchronous
Operation Concurrent
The feature of instruction overlap is incorporated
which permits the reading of instructions and per-
forming arithmetic operations simultaneously.
No. of No. of Access
Media Words Digits/Word Microsec
Cores 1,024 24 24
Drum 26,624 Instructions 16
6,656 Constants 24 5,000 avg.
Minimum drum access time is 24 microseconds.
Media Speed
Decimal Insert Random (Manual) 7 decimal digits
Shaft-to-Digital 100 words/sec/device
Pulse Trains Variable
Discrete Signals Variable96 instrumented
Seven decimal digits are inserted. 96 instrumented
discrete signals may be entered.
Media Speed
Discrete Signals Variable
Two Decimal DisplaysVariable
Decimal Printer Variable
Digital-to-Shaft100 words/sec/device
Pulse Trains Variable
Eighty instrumented discrete signal outputs are
available. The displays and printer utilize 7 deci-
mal digits. A high speed input-output processor is
provided which performs a number of functions coin-
cidently with the central processor. 52 parameters
can be processed at a rate of 5,200 operations per
second. The following characteristics are involved:
Updating of digital servo loops.
Determination of first order clamp for digital
servo loop.
BRL 1961, AN/ASQ 28 (v) MDC, start page 0038
Accumulation and generation of pulse train inputs and
Buffering of decimal printer word.
Buffering of decimal display word.
Acceptance of manual insert register word.
Reading and decoding shaft-to-digital encoded
Types Quantity
Diodes 13,076
Transistors 1,697
These figures include the central computer and the input-
output processor. They do not include special input-output
equipment required for special applications.
Checking features include a random error counter, parity
and timing check circuitry, and Test Point compare. The
random error counter minimizes the effects of random and
intermittent errors on system performance. Built in test
equipment enables rapid fault location.
Power, computer 0.8 Kw
Volume, computer 7.4 cu ft
Weight, computer Approx 260 lbs
These figures include the central computer and input-
output processor. They do not include special input-output
equipment required for special applications.
This equipment is designed to meet stringent reliability
requirements for a supersonic military aircraft environment.
Ambient temperature range is from 0o to
100oC. All circuits use silicon transistors and
diodes and are designed for ultra-reliable operation from
0oC to 100oC. Reliable drum readout signals are
provided by air floated drum heads.
Outstanding features are replaceable (pluggable)
subassemblies, nonerasable drum tracks to prevent accidental
destruction of the stored program, intercommunication
provided with an emergency digital computer through a common
drum track link, built-in checking circuitry minimizes
effects of random and intermittent errors on system
performance, a new hardware approach to fault isolation,
supplemented by simplified diagnostic programs, which
permits rapid location of computer failure, a unique high
speed input-output processor with a repetition rate greater
than the computation cycle of the basic computer, and 96
programmed discrete inputs for program branching and 80
programmed discrete outputs for system control.
Unique system advantages include rugged environmental
specifications, high reliability, flexibility and ease of
During normal operation of the bombing, navigation and
missile guidance subsystem, a high-speed, parallel computer
with both a random access memory and a magnetic drum memory
performs all calculations required by the subsystem. If the
main computer malfunctions, a moderate speed, serial, all-drum
computer automatically assumes control and generates solutions
to a simplified problem. Repair of the main computer is then
possible without disturbing the remainder of the subsystem.
Main Computer Drum Organization 27 K bytes
Diagram by IBM
BRL 1961, AN/ASQ 28 (v) MDC, start page 0039
Flow Diagram of Main Central Computer 27 K bytes
Diagram by IBM
BRL 1961, SAGE, start page 0040
IBM AN/FSQ 7 and 8 (Semi Automatic Ground Environment)
International Business Machines
Photo by Systems Development Corporation, 47 K bytes
Photo by Systems Development Corporation
Manufacturer Real time for Air Defense (SAGE) - Semi
Automatic Ground Environment. The AN/FSQ-7 is a Real Time
Digital Computer at the heart of each SAGE Air Defense
installation. At electronic speed the computer processes
radar data, performs complex computations and displays
visually the current air defense situation to Air Force
personnel for assigning the appropriate weapons for
System Development Corporation Located at 2500
Colorado Avenue, Santa Monica, California, system is
presently being used for design analysis and development
checkout of SAGE computer programs.
(SAGE is a duplexed computer system. Information
quoted is for one simplex computer.)
Internal number system Binary
Binary digits/word 32 + 1 parity
Binary digits/instruction 32 + 1 parity
Instructions per word 1
Instructions decoded 61
Arithmetic system Fixed point
Dual arithmetic unit with left and right half
The instruction, set through programming methods,
permits binary coded decimal and floating point to
be simulated.
Instruction type One address
Single address with indexing capability
Number range 215 in each half word
BRL 1961, SAGE, start page 0041
Photo by International Business Machines Corporation, 47 K bytes
Photo by Systems Development Corporation
Instruction word format
Left Hand Word
| P | L | L | L | L | L | L | L | L | L | L | L | L | L | L | L | L |
| | S | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10| 11| 12| 13| 14| 15|
Right Hand Word
| R | R | R | R | R | R | R | R | R | R | R | R | R | R | R | R |
| S | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10| 11| 12| 13| 14| 15|
L1, L2, L3: Index Register Selection Bits
L4, L5, L6, L7, L8,
L9, L10: Instruction Code Bits
L10, L11,-L12, L13,
L14, L15: Index Interval Bits
RS through R15: Data Address
P = Parity Bit
S = Sign Bit
Automatic built-in subroutines include Start from Test
Memory, Load from Card Reader, Load Prom AM Drums, Clear
Memory, and Master Reset.
Automatic coding includes Compass, Lincoln Utility, and
4 Index Registers
1 Memory Buffer Register
1 "A" Register
1 Accumulator
1 B Register
1 I/0 Register
1 Drum Control Register
1 I/0 Word Counter Register
1 Program Counter Register
1 Address Register
1 I/0 Address Register
3 Memory Address Registers
1 Test Register
1 MI Register
(Simplex Incl Stor Access Exclud Stor Access
Computer) Microsec Microsec
Add 12 6.0
Mult 16.5 10.5
Div 51.0 45.0
Arithmetic mode Parallel
Timing Synchronous
Internal computer operations are synchronous. How-
ever, input data can be handled at a random rate.
Operation Sequential and concurrent
The Stored Program computer with sequential execution of
programmed instructions. Through the use of buffer storage
devices (drums) input, output, arithmetic operations can be
accomplished concurrently.
(Simplex Computer)
No. of No. of Binary Access
Media Words Digits/Word Microsec
Ferrite Memory 69,632 33 6
Magnetic Drums 135,168 33 10
Magnetic Drums 18,432 24 10
Drum access time is for each consecutive word.
Magnetic Tape
No. of units that can be connected 8 Units
No. of chars/linear inch of tape 248 Chars/inch
Channels or tracks on the tape 6 Data, 1 control
Blank tape separating each record 0.75 Inches
Tape speed 75 Inches/sec
Transfer rate 18,750 Chars/sec
Start time 5 Millisec
Stop time 5 Millisec
BRL 1961, SAGE, start page 0042
Average time for experienced
operator to change reel of tape 60 Seconds
Physical properties of tape
Width 1/2 Inches
Length of reel 2,400 Feet
Composition Mylar or cellulose acetate base
System Development Corporation
No. of No. of Binary
Media Words Digits/Word Microsec
Core 69,632 33 6
Drum 153,600 33 10,000
(Simplex Computer)
Media Speed
Cards 150 cards/min, 24 words/card
Magnetic Tape 3,086 words/sec
Manual Inputs Random
Automatic Inputs Random LRI-GFI, Xtell
System Development Corporation
Magnetic Tape 75 feet/sec
248 characters per inch, 1.2 million words per
reel. 3,000 words/sec read-write time.
Card 150 cards/min
Hollerith contains 1 instruction word per card.
Binary contains 24 instruction words per card.
(Simplex Computer)
Media Speed
Printer 150 lines/min
Punch 100 cards/min
Display Random
Digital Display & Situation Display
Automatic Outputs Random
LRI: Long Range Radar Inputs from distant radar sites
are received at random, processed and stored for use by
the computer.
GFI: Gap Filler Radar Inputs: A separate element
processing and storing data in a manner similar to LRI.
Xtell: Coded Digital messages from adjacent SAGE
computers received at random, processed and stored for use
by the computer.
TTY: Teletype output capability for computer generated
G/AFD: Ground to Air Frequency Division output
capability for computer generated messages.
G/ATD: Ground to'Air Time Division output capability
for computer generated messages.
G/G: Ground to Ground output capability for com-
puter generated messages to other SAGE computers.
System Development Corporation
Media Speed
Cards 100 cards/min
Binary is normal output. Hollerith can be outputed.
Tape 25 ft/sec
Printer 150/500/5,000 lines/min
Printer - IBM 717, 720A and SC 5000.
TypeEstimated Quantity
Tubes 50,000
Diodes 170,000
Transistors 703
Magnetic Cores 4,603,904
Manufacturer Parity, inactivity, overflow, fix
programming (Self detecting, error correcting program
routine which corrects approximately 95% of all errors
without manual intervention.)
All values are for duplex system
Power, computer 750 Kw 0.65 DC Supplies 1.0 Filaments
Volume, computer 337,500 cu ft
Area, computer 22,500 sq ft
Room size 150 ft x 150 ft
Floor loading 150 lbs/sq ft
Weight, computer 275 Tons
Site preparation requirements
Computer plenum, requirements are 150 x 150 x 6 =
135,000 cu ft.
Display system requires additional 35,000 sq ft of floor
The Display area has a special hexcel ceiling and
controlled blue lighting.
Building is climatically controlled, reinforced
concrete construction, no windows.
All power is self-contained within the compound.
The square footage is divided into four separate areas:
A Computer, B Computer, Simplex and Maintenance and
The air conditioning equipment is not provided by IBM.
System Development Corporation
Power, computer 1500 Kw 1875 KVA 0.8 pf
Power, air cond 288 Kw 360 KVA 0.8 pf
Volume, computer 10,450 cu ft
Volume, air condition 8,500 cu ft
Area, computer 1,508 sq ft
Area, air condition 1,250 sq ft
Room size, computer 100 ft long
76 ft wide
20 ft high
Room size, air condition 36 ft long
16 ft wide
20 ft high
Floor loading 150 lbs/sq ft
Capacity, air conditioner 500 Tons
Weight, computer 113.1 Tons, total
The building was constructed by the Air Force using
specifications furnished by IBM for the specific purpose of
housing the computers, power and air conditioning equipment,
the space for support equipment (EAM) and operating and
maintenance personnel. Above figures are approximate
BRL 1961, SAGE, start page 0043
Number produced to date 25 (25 duplex systems
equals 50 units)
Number in current operation 23
Number in current production 1
Time required for delivery 16 months
The personnel requirements are dependent upon the
intended application and requirements (reliability and
shift policy) of the equipment as established by the Air
Force. The experience to date would not necessarily be a
criteria for all equipment applications.
Training of operators, maintenance personnel, programers,
and customer management is available on the basis of
specific contract negotiation.
System Development Corporation
one 8-Hour Two 8-Hour Three 8-Hour
Shift Shifts Shifts
Used Recom Used Recom Used Recom
Supervisors 12 12 14 14 16 16
Analysts 10 10
Programmers 500 500
Clerks 11 11 16 16
Operators 7 10 13 17 19 20
Engineers 10 7 20 14 30 21
In-Output Oper Covered under Operators
Tape Handlers Covered under Operators
Operation tends toward open shop.
Programming and System training staff.
Five weeks of concentrated programming training and
three weeks of associated System training.
Manufacturer The four years of field operating
experience on this equipment has proven it to be reliable.
Quality control and sound engineering has contributed to
maximum reliability and maintainability.
System Development Corporation
Average error-free running period 13 Hours
Good time 116.76 Hours/Week (Average
Attempted to run time 120 Hours/Week (Average)
Operating ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) 97.3
Above figures based on period 1 Jan 60 to 28 May 60
Passed Customer Acceptance Test Nov 57
Time is not available for rent to outside organiza-
The total hours on the air is 144 (6 days/week).
The total maintenance hours is 24 hours/week (4
The available operational time = 120 hours/week (20
Outstanding features include large ca city internal
memory, automatic recovery program self-checking), BOMARC
control capability, high reliability, and automatic
marginal checking.
Unique system advantages include six or nine tube
pluggable unit packaging with printed circuits which enable
quick replacement by a spare, visual display capability to
assist in tracking and identifying aircraft and assist in
selecting and directing weapons, duplex switching to
increase reliability.
Tapes used with the AN/FSQ-7 are form the standard IBM
commercial product line. The same precautions are
applicable in tape handling.
The system is to ensure reliable around-the-clock air
System Development Corporation
Outstanding features include a 16 bit half word
arithmetic logic for convenience in two dimensional
geometric calculations.
Unique system advantages include a large auxiliary memory
in the form of drums, permitting flexibility in the
manipulation of complex multi-program systems.
Manufacturer It is planned to provide a modest
product improvement program for the indefinite future.
System Development Corporation
2500 Colorado Avenue
Santa Monica, California
BRL 1961, AN/FSQ 31 (v), start page 0044
AN/FSQ 31 (v)
SAC Data Processing Subsystem AN/FSQ 31 (V)
International Business Machines Corporation
Federal Systems Division
The Q-31-V is a general purpose scientific computing and
data processing system control applications.
Internal number system Binary
Binary digits/word 48 + 2 parity bits
Binary digits/instruction 48 + 2 parity bits
Instructions per word 1
Instructions decoded 69
Arithmetic system Fixed and floating point
Instruction type One address
Number range
Sign, 11-bit characteristic, and 36 bit mantissa on
floating point. Ones complement binary arithmetic, sign +
47 data bits on fixed point.
An automatic coding system has been developed by the
Register and B-boxes include 8 index registers, expandable
to 13. 22 internal registers have specific addresses which
may be used in the address portion of the instruction, i.e.,
program register, accumulator "B" register, etc. 4 switch
registers have specific addresses. 32 plug-board registers
also have specific addresses.
Sixty nine basic instructions are decoded. The use of
the operation code modifiers in conjunction with the
basic instruction provides the capability of decoding
771,716 effective instructions.
When performing fixed point operations a data word may be
treated as a sign plus 47 data bits or may be split into two
half words of sign and 23 data bits. These half words may be
operated on either with the right or left half only or with
both halves at the same time but independently, in the
arithmetic section. There are three ways of addressing (a)
Real data - the right half of the instruction is the operand
to be used. (b )Direct Address - the address portion of the
word specifies the location of the data (c) Indirect Address
- the address portion of the word specifies the location of
another address which may specify the location of the data.
This function may be recursive.
There are two basic instruction forms. Form "A"
is used for all instruction except the decrement
class. Form B" is uses only for the decrement
class instructions. The decrement field of the de-
crement class instruction is the same number of bits
in length as the index registers because these in-
structions work with or on the index registers.
Data may also be handled in 6 bit groups called "bytes"
with an ability being provided to manipulate these bytes in
many ways. Manipulation of bits within a byte (as specified
by the instruction) is also possible.
Including Storage Access
Operation Microseconds
Time Fixed Floating
Add 2.5 5-27.5
Mutt 14-58 14.5-61.5
Div 70 56.5-63.5
Construction (Arithmetic unit only)
Transistors 9,800 Special MADT
Condensers 19,100 Corning Glass and Mica
Diodes 21,400
Transformers 2,700
Resistors 48,200 Special, 5'%, carbon
Arithmetic mode Parallel
Timing Synchronous
Operation Concurrent
The instruction times including and excluding memory access
are the same because of the overlap of the instructioned
coding with the fetch time of the operand. The two level
decoding structure permits
No. of Access
Media No. of Words Digits Microsec
Ferrite Core 65,536 (expand- 3,276,800 to 2.5
able to 131,072) 6,553,600
Mag. Drums - 139,264/drum 6,963,200 to
Aux. Storage (max of 557,056) 27,852,800
Magnetic Tape
No. of units that can be connected 24 expand to 48 Units
No. of char/linear inch of tape 556 Chars/inch
Channels or tracks on the tape 7 Tracks/tape
Blank tape separating each record 0.75 Inches
Tape speed 75 Inches/sec
Transfer rate 41,667 Chars/sec
Start time 3.65 Millisec
Stop time 3.65 Millisec
Average time for experienced
operator to change reel of tape 30 Seconds
Physical properties of tape
Width 1/2 Inch
Length of reel 2,400 Feet
Composition Acetate, Mylar
Magnetic Drum access time; maxmum 22.5 milliseconds,
average 11 milliseconds, minimum 11 microseconds,
consecutive transmission 2.75 microseconds/word. A
system may be expanded to handle two drum adapters
and eight physical drums increasing the maxim= stor-
age to 1,114,112 words. Up to 3 of the 24 tape units
may be operating on-line as input/output devices
Media Speed
Cards 250 cards/min
Typewriter Typing Speed
Data Channel 32 microsec/word
There are 12 full words and 12 half words on each input
card. The data channel can receive 1/2 word every 16
BRL 1961, AN/FSQ 31 (v), start page 0045
Media Speed
Cards 100 cards/min
Typewriter 600 char/sec
Data Channel 32 microsec/word
Printer 600 lines/min
132 char/line
The data channel is actually a communications link
with a smaller computing system operating as a
message switching/processing complex.
Type Quantity
Diodes 229,000Special high speed design
Transistors 138,000 Special MART Design
Magnetic 3,276,800 Ferrite
100% single error detection with the capability of
programmed error correction.
Power, computer (initial) 109.05 Kw 168 KVA 0.65 Pf
Power, computer (expanded) 147.47 Kw 227 KVA 0.65 Pf
Power, air cond, internal, liq cooled 62.25 Kw
Power, air cond, internal, air cooled 14.00 Kw
Power, sir cond, external air cooled 89.89 Kw
Volume, computer 4,825 cu ft
Area, computer 740 sq ft
Area, computer, maint and prog 4,250 sq ft
Area, maint, test and store 1,425 sq ft
Floor loading, structural design 150 lbs/sq ft
Weight, computer, total, SAC initial 105,650 lbs
Capacity, air conditioner, external 23.2 Tons
Site preparation requirements
Power equipment installation consisting of power dis-
tribution unit, frequency-converters, and M-G sets
for prime power regulation. Maintenance room provi-
sions for a-c regulators shall be installed.
Installation of heat exchanger for liquid cooling
Compressed air provision for drum units.
Forced air cool for memory required. Segregated
race-way systems (for signal and power) shall be pro-
vided for overhead at a height of 8'-8" and 9'-8"
Room air conditioning for personnel comfort.
Liquid cooling accommodations for transistorized
equipment shall be provided.
Dias is desirable with access ramp and/or stairs
due to underfloor cabling requirements for commer-
cial equipment.
Leveling channels shall be installed for uniform
floor loading for computer equipment.
Minimum 8 foot door heights have to be provided.
Power Emergency-Off system located within the build-
ing should be provided.
Lighting system for equipment installation and main-
tenance purposes (minimum average of 50 foot-candles
illumination at the floor level.)
Adequate administrative office area must be provided.
Number in current production 3
Number on order 3
Personnel requirements are established on the basis of
reliability and shift requirements established by the user.
Training of operators, maintenance, programmer and
customer executive personnel is available on the basis of
specific contract negotiation.
System features and construction techniques utilized by
manufacturer to insure required reliability include error
detection hardware enables 100% single failure detection,
specific hardware in the machines used for the FIX error
correction concept, where by an intermittent singe error may
be corrected by programming means, specific hardware
connected with FIX is used to isolate a solid failure to a
minimum number of circuit elements (Q-Pacs), and circuit
design was accomplished utilizing an "End-of-life" technique.
Marginal checking capability is provided to enable the
operation of the system with marginal voltages. Marginal
conditions may be controlled either manually or by program
means. Diagnostic Programming Techniques are employed in
conjunction with marginal checking to assist in locating
circuit elements which have not yet failed but may be about
to fail. Operating Experience-Prototype of system is
currently under reliability evaluation.
Outstanding features include a very sophisticated
instruction list, machine design which permits very
efficient usage for either data processing tasks or
scientific usage. Semi-variable field ability not usually
found with high speed arithmetic operations. Machine desing
permits use of many advanced programming techniques, i.e.,
direct or indirect addressing, single or double indexing,
most internal registers are addressable. Ultra reliable
design philosophy is used throughout the system. System was
designed primarily as a real time control system for a wide
range of command and control applications. In addition to a
very powerful general purpose computer, the system has
facilities for expansion (or contraction) in all storage and
input/output area to meet a large variety of real time
control and computing demands. Error detection and
correction design insure high reliability. The tape utilized
on this system is from the standard IBM product line.
Anticipated installation date of first system is the
fourth quarter of 1960. The system described here may also
be implemented as a completely duplexed installation with
very effective communication links from one computer to the
A modest product improvement program is planned.
Strategic Air Command
BRL 1961, AN/FSQ 32, start page 0046
International Business Machines Corporation
Federal Systems Division
General purpose scientific computing and data processing
system with emphasis on real-time control applications.
Internal number system Binary
Binary digits/word 48 + 2 parity bits
Binary digits/instruction 48 + 2 parity bits
Instructions per word 1
Instructions decoded 69
Arithmetic system Fixed and floating point
Instruction type One address
Number range
Sign + 47 data bits fixed point, Sign + 36 bit
mantissa 11 bit characteristic floating point.
An automatic coding system has been developed by the
Registers and B-boxes
3 index registers expandable to 13.22 internal registers
have specific addresses which may be used in the address
portion of the instruction. (i.e. Program register,
accumulator "B" register, etc.j 4 Switch registers also have
specific addresses. 32 plug-board registers also have
specific addresses.
Sixty nine basic instructions are decoded. The use of
the operation code modifiers in conjunction with the
basic instruction provides the capability of decoding
771,716 effective instructions.
When performing fixed point operations a data word may be
treated as a sign plus 47 data bits or may be split into two
half words of sign and 23 data bits. These half words may be
operated on either with the right or left half only or with
both halves at the same time but independently, in the
arithmetic section. There are three ways of addressing (a)
Real data - the right half of the instruction is the operand
to be used. (b) Direct Address - the address portion of the
word specifies the location of the data. (c) Indirect
Address - the address portion of the word specifies the
location of another address which may specify the location
of the data. This function may be recursive.
There are two basic instruction forms. Form "A" is used
for all instruction except the decrement class. Form "B"
is used only for the decrement class instructions. The
decrement field of the decrement class instruction is the
same number of bits in the length as the index registers
because these instructions work with or on the index
Data may also be handled in 6 bit groups called "bytes"
with an ability being provided to manipulate these bytes in
many ways. Manipulation of bits within a byte (as specified
by the instruction) is also possible.
Including Storage Access
Operation Microseconds
Fixed Floating
Add 2.5 5-27.5
Mutt 14-58 14.5-61.5
Div 70 56.5-63.5
Construction (Arithmetic unit only)
Transistors 9,800
Condensers 19,100
Diodes 21,400
Pulse Transformers 2,700
Resistors 48,200
Arithmetic mode Parallel
Timing Synchronous
Operation Concurrent
The instruction times, including and excluding
memory access time, are the same because of the over-
lap of the instruction decoding with the fetch of
the operand. Two level decoding structure permits
Media Microsec
Ferrite Cores 81,920 expand- 4,096,000 to 2.5
able to 8,192,000 (complete
163,840 memory cycle)
Aux. Storage 139,264 exp. 6,963,200 to
to 557 056 27,825,800
Dator Storage 139,26 6,963,200
Magnetic Drum access time, Aux. storage maximum
22.5 milliseconds, average 11 milliseconds, and minimum 11
microseconds. Consecutive transmission time
is 2.75 microseconds. The dator drum is used with
the output system and the data to be sent out must
be put on the drum in specific patterns to enable
the correct operation of the output system.
Magnetic Tape
No. of units that can be connected 24 Units
No. of chars/linear inch of tape 556 Chars/inch
Channels or tracks on the tape 7 Tracks/tape
Blank tape separating each record 0.75 Inches
Tape speed 112.5 Inches/sec
Transfer rate 62,500 Chars/sec
Start time 3.65 Millisec
Stop time 3.65 Millisec
Average time for experienced
operator to change reel of tape 30 Seconds
Physical properties of tape
Width 1/2 Inches
Length of reel 2,400 Feet
Composition Acetate or Mylar
BRL 1961, AN/FSQ 32, start page 0047
Media Speed
Crosstell 1,300 bits/sec 32 channels, max
Long Range Radar 1,600 bits/sec 40 channels, max
Low Data Rate (LDR) 60-75-100 words/min 32 channel
max, 5 bits/word
53-66-88 words/min 6 bits/word
Card 200 cards/min
12 full words and 12 half words/card
Typewriter Typing speed
Media Speed
Ground to Ground 1,300 bits/sec25 channels max
Ground to Air 1,300 bits/sec8 channel max
Teletype Same as LDR25 channel max
Card Punch 100 cards/min
12 full words and 12 half words/card
Typewriter 600 cards/min
Printer 600 lines/min 132 chars/line
Type Quantity
Diodes 305,000
Transistors 201,000
Magnetic Cores 4,096,000
MART transistors account for a very large percentage of
those used.
Type WA diodes (an IBM classification) are used.
100% single error detection with the capability of
programmed error correction.
Power, computer, initial 106.66 Kw 164 KVA 0.65 pf
Power, computer, expand 203.42 Kw 312 KVA 0.65 Pf
Power, air cond, expanded, liq 99.45 Kw
Power, air cond, expanded, air 23.80 Kw
Power, air cond, room 222.14 Kw
Volume, computer, initial 6,010 cu ft
Volume, computer, expanded 7,969 cu ft
Area, computer, initial 887 sq ft
Area, computer, expanded. 1,161 sq ft
Area, comp, prog, initial 5,632 sq ft
Area, comp, prog, expanded 6,656 sq ft
Area, maint, tape, calibration 4,608 sq ft
Floor loading 150 lbs/sq ft
Weight, computer, initial 132,960 lbs, total
Weight, computer, expanded 181,560 lbs, total
Expanded Q-32 is with 18 tape drives and 10 storage units.
Site preparation requirements Power equipment installation
consisting of Power Distribution Unit, Frequency-Converters,
and M-G sets for prime power regulation. Maintenance Room
provisions for a-c regulators shall be installed.
Installation of Heat Exchanger for liquid cooling purposes.
Compressed air provision for drum units. Segregated race-way
systems (for signal and power) shall be provided for
overhead at a height of 8'-8" and 9'-8" respectively. Room
air conditioning for personnel comfort. Liquid cooling
accommodations for transistorized equipment shall be
provided. Dais is desirable with access ramp and/or stairs
due to underfloor cabling requirements for commercial
equipment. Leveling channels shall be installed for uniform
floor loading for computer equipment. Minimum 8 foot door
heights have to be provided. Power Emergency-Off system
located within the building should be provided. Lighting
system for equipment installation and maintenance purposes
(minimum average of 50 foot-candles illumination at floor
level). Adequate administrative office area must be provided.
The personnel requirements are depended upon the intended
application and requirements (reliability and shift policy)
of the equipment as established by the user.
Training of operators, maintenance personnel, programmers
and customer management is available on the basis of
specific contract negotiation.
System features and construction techniques utilized by the
manufacturer to insure required reliability includes error
detection hardware which enables 100% single failure
detection and specific hardware in the machine, which is
used for the FIX error correction concept, whereby an
intermittant single error may be corrected by programming
means. Specific hardware, connected with FIX, is used to
isolate a solid failure to a minimum number of circuit
elements (Q-PACS). Circuit design was accomplished utilizing
an "End-of-life" technique. Marginal checking capability is
provided to enable the operation of the system with marginal
voltages. Marginal conditions may be controlled either
manually or by Program means. Diagnostic programming
techniques are employed in conjunction with marginal
checking to assist in locating circuit elements which have
not yet failed but may be about to fail. Operating
Experience - Prototype of system has been underlying
reliability evaluation for approximately two years. No
operating experience is available on the full system at this
time. Good prototype reliability is reported.
Outstanding features include a very sophisiticated
instruction list. Machine design permits very effi
cient usage for either data processing tasks or scientific
usage. The semi-variable field ability is
not usually found with high speed arithmetic operations.
Machine design permits use of many advanced
programming techniques, i.e., direct or indirect adressing,
single or double indexing, most internal registers are
addressable. An ultra reliable design philosophy is
utilized. System was designed primarily as a real time
control system for a wide range of command control
applications. In addition to a
very powerful general purpose computer, the system has
facilities for expansion (or contraction) in all
storage and input/output areas to meet a large variety of
real time control and computing demands.
Error detection and correction design insures high
reliability. The tape utilized on this system is from the
standard IBM product line. Anticipated installation date of
first system is the fourth quarter of 1960. The equipment
described here may also be implemented as a completely
duplexed installation with very effective communications link
from one computer to the other. A modest product improvement
program is planned.
BRL 1961, AN/MJQ I REDSTONE, start page 0048
AN/MJQ 1 Missile Firing Data Computer (Redstone)
North American Aviation
Autonetics Division
Photo, 21 K bytes
Photo by U. S. Army Ordnance Guided Missile School
U. S. Army Ordnance Guided Missile School
Located in Room 114, Bldg. 3303, OGMS, Redstone
Arsenal, Alabama, the primary mission of this system
is to solve the Redstone Missile Firing Problem. The
computer is currently being utilized to train stu-
dents in Digital Computer Fundamentals.
U. S. Army Artillery and Missile School
Located in Bldg. 900, Gunnery/Cannon/Rocket Dept.,
Fort Sill, Oklahoma, the system is used for fire
control computations.
No. ofNo. of Access
Medium WordsDig/WordMicrosec
Magnetic Disc 4,096 4115,700
The disc is of beryllium.
Media Speed
Keyboard (decimal) Manual
Paper Tape (Teletype) 200 char/sec
Five channel tape is used.
Media Speed
Typewriter (IBM) 9 dec dig/sec
Indicator (Nixie)
Displays momentarily during printout. Readout
capacity is 16 decimal digits, including sign.
BRL 1961, AN/MJQ I REDSTONE, start page 0049
Power, computer 0.4 Kw 0.9 pf
Weight, computer 155 lbs
Complete system can be set on top of 2 office size desks.
No special air conditioning or special installation
requirements are needed.
Power, computer 1.3 KVA
Volume, computer 4.5 cu ft
Area, computer 3.4 sq ft
Floor loading 36.8 lbs/sq ft
Weight, computer 125 lbs
System cost approximately $80,000.
A van, with air conditioning and power system for field
use, cost approximately $80,000. USAAMS
System cost $66,000.
The system is designed to be utilized in the field with a
tactical organization and under tactical conditions. Its
sole purpose is computation of the Redstone firing problem.
Personnel required for this system include only
military operators and maintenance type personnel.
All training other than on-the-job training is conducted
at the OGMS, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama.
Figures are based on the period from Sep 58 to Apr 60.
Time is not available for rent to outside organizations.
This machine has approximately 1,000 hours of operating
time on it. It is normally used for demonstrations and
instructing students in maintenance and programming. A
record exists only for the last 482 hours of operation. In
this period 88.9 hours were utilized for maintenance. Of
this maintenance time listed, many of the hours were spent
adjusting and checking out memories for other machines
before shipping them to overseas.
USAOGMS Outstanding features are simplicity of
operation, and small size. Maintenance is difficult due to
poor documentation and time sharing of components.
USAOGMS There are apparently no future plans for this
machine. In all probability the machine will be utilized for
its present mission as is until the Redstone System is
replaced with a newer system. USAAMS The Field Artillery
Digital Automatic Computer (FADAC), a rugged, lightweight
computer for use in the field with artillery units will
replace this system.
U. S. Army Ordnance Guided Missile School
Redstone Section, BM Br., FAM Div. Redstone
Arsenal, Alabama
U. S. Army. Artillery and Missile School
Computer Branch, R&R Div. Fort Sill,
BRL 1961, COMPAC, start page 0050
Philco Corporation
Computer Division
COMPAC General Purpose Control Panel, 50 K bytes
Photo by USASRDL
General purpose computer operating as an integral part
of a larger weapon system; operation includes field
artillery, fire direction, gun data computation and
automatic transmission, survey data computation and
automatic transmission, and meteorological data reduction,
computation and automatic data transmission.
Major component of the Army automatic data processing
Major component of an automatic data processing system
organized as an integrated subsystem.
Internal number system Binary
Number of binary digits per word 36 plus sign and
Number of binary digits per 36 plus spare and
instruction parity
Number of instructions per word 1
Total number of instructions 26 with in/out
decoded converter, 19 w/o
in/out converter
Arithmetic system Fixed point
Instruction type One-address
Number range -(1-2-36) to + (1-2-36)
Instruction word format
Normal Command
Parity Spare Op. Code Index Minor Major
Register Address Address
| 38 | 37 | 36 31 | 30 28 | 27 16 | 15 1 |
I/0 Command
Parity Spare Op. Code Word Device Storage
Counter Selection Address
| 38 | 37 | 36 31 | 30 22 | 21 16 | 15 1 |
Automatic coding COMPAC uses an assembly program
Registers and B-boxes
Central processor 7 + 4 index = 11 registers
In/Out converter 1
There are a total of 4 arithmetic, 4 transfer, 6 logical,
3 sense, and 9 input-output instructions Of the input-
output instructions, 7 require the 1/0 converter.
BRL 1961, COMPAC, start page 0051
Operation time Inc. Stor. Excl. Stor.
Access Access
Microsec Microsec
Addition 24 12
Multiplication 252 240
Division 252 240
Construction, arithmetic unit only
Transistors 3,000
Condenser-Diodes 7,000
Arithmetic mode Serial by 6 bits/char
Timing Synchronous
Operation Sequential
Mostly sequential, however, processing may proceed
during input-output operations.
Media Words Digits/word Access
Magnetic Core 4,096 38 12
Core storage up to 3 additional 4,096-word memo-
ries may be added.
Magnetic tape
Maximum number of units that 8 Units
can be connected to the system
Maximum number of characters 300 Char/inch
per linear inch of tape
Channels or tracks on the tape 16 Track/tape
Blank tape separating each record 1-1.5 Inches
Tape speed 1 to 150 Inches/sec
Transfer rate 300 to 45,000 Char/sec
Start time 3 Millisec
Stop time 3 Millisec
Average time for experienced 30 Seconds
operator to change reel of tape
Physical properties of tape
Width 1 Inch
Length of reel 3,600 Feet
Composition Mylar
Two tracks on magnetic tape are "guard" channels
and are not usable.
Media Speed
Paper tape reader memory loader 30 char/sec or
300 char/sec
Keyboard on console Manual entry speed
Media Speed
Paper tape punch/printer 30 char/sec
Communications converter 45 KC
Limited by programming
Input/Output Device can be added. This enables use of:
Paper tape reader
Paper tape punch
Tape transports
120 char line printer
24 char line printer
FIELDATA typewriter
Type Quantity
IN-643 3,500
2N706 10,000
Magnetic Cores 156,000
Parity on memory transfer and input/output; overflow; non-
existent memory; non-existent instruction; non-existent
device (I/0); marginal checking.
Diagnostic Program.
Volt-Amperes, computer 4 KVA
Space, computer 9 cu. ft.
Weight, computer 200 lbs.
COMPAC has no special requirements. It can be used in the
field, on trucks, or in rooms.
Number produced to date 0
Number on order 1
Time required for delivery from 12 months
receipt of order
Estimated One 8-Hour Two 8-Hour Three 8-Hour
Shift Shifts Shifts
Supervisors 1 2 3
and Coders
Operators 1-2 2-4 3-6
Technicians 1 2 3
The number of coders and programmers depends on
The estimated mean time between failures is 101 hours
for the COMPAC Central Processor.
Ruggedized for field use, operating from 25oF to
+125o F; 0 to 97% relative humidity.
Computer can be expanded into a system with additional
memories, input-output converters and communications
It is a member of the Army FIELDATA family of computers.
It uses the FIELDATA code and is compatible with other
FIELDATA machines.
System uses a communications converter. Operating at 45
Key it is limited by programming.
Mobile with the Army in the field.
BRL 1961, AN/TYK 6v BASICPAC, start page 0052
Philco Corporation
Computer Division
Typical Basicpac Computer Arrangement, 50 K bytes
Photo by USASRDL
The system is designed for military field use in-
cluding a variety of logistical, administrative,
intelligence, command control, fire support, and
miscellaneous activities.
Fairchild Astrionics - Primarily for drone recovery.
Internal number system Binary
Number of binary digits per word 36 plus sign and
Number of binary digits per 36 plus spare and
instruction parity
Number of instructions per word 1
Total number of instructions 41
Arithmetic system Fixed point
Instruction type One-address
Number range -(1-2-36) to + (1-2-36)
Instruction word format
Standard Computer Instruction Word
38 37 36 31 30 28 27 16 15 13 12 1
| Parity| Spare| Op. Code | Index Reg.| Minor | Major |
| | | | Selection | Address | Address |
Input-Output Instruction Word
38 37 36 31 30 22 21 16 15 13 12 1
| Parity| Spare| In-Out | Word-Block| Device | Storage |
| | | Command | Counter | Selection| Address |
Automatic coding BASICPAC uses an assembly program
Registers and B-boxes
Central processor 6 + 4 index = 10 registers
Communications converter 10
In/Out converter 6
There are a total of 8 arithmetic, 7 transfer, 13
logical, 3 sense, and 10 input/output instructions. Of the
input/output instructions, 5 require the I/0 converter,
and one requires the search unit.
The index registers may be increased to a total of 7.
BASICPAC central processor consists of one 4,096 word
memory, arithmetic, programming and control units. BASICPAC
system may contain one to seven input-output converters,
and one communications converter. Each Input/Output
converter can handle up to eight I/0 devices.
BRL 1961, AN/TYK 6v BASICPAC, start page 0053
Operation time, including storage access, micro-
Addition 22 - 26
Miltiplication 238 - 242
Division 238 - 242
Construction, arithmetic unit only
Transistors 14,000
Arithmetic modeSerial-parallel 6 bits/char
Parallel by bits
Serial by character
Timing Synchronous
Operation Sequential
Mostly sequential, however, processing may proceed
during input/output operations.
Media Words Digits/word Access
Magnetic Core 4,096 38 12
Core storage up to 6 additional 4,096-word memo-
ries may be added.
Magnetic Tape
Maximum number of units that can 56 Units
be connected to the system
Maximum number of characters per 300 Char/in.
linear inch of tape
Channels or tracks on the tape 16 Track/tape
Blank tape separating each record 1-1 1/2 Inches
Tape speed 1 to 150 Inches/sec
Transfer rate 300 to 45,000 Char/sec
Start time 3 Millisec
Stop time 3 Millisec
Average time for experienced operator 30 Seconds
to change reel of tape
Physical properties of tape
Width 1 Inch
Length of reel 3,600 Feet
Composition Mylar
This system employs the FIELDATA Tape Transport.
These units are connected to the central processor
through the I/0 converter.
Two tracks on Mag tape are "guard" channels and
are not usable.
Media Speed
Paper Tape Reader 30 Char/second
Communications Converter Approx. 45 KC, rate
Handles up to 8 simultaneous real time input
Keyboard on control panelManual entry speeds
Mag Tape Transport 45 KC
Communications converter rates limited by
Media Speed
Paper Tape Punch 20 Char/second
FIELDATA Typewriter100 words/min
Page printer
Must be operated with I/0 converter
Communications converterApprox. 45 KC rate
Handles up to 8 simultaneous real time output
channels Nixie display
Under program control or operator control
Mag tape 45 KC
Fairchild Astrionics $1,000,000 for 2 complete units.
Type No. Quantity
SG22 750
IN270 200
2N-393 13,500
2N-599 240
2N-341 162
2N-1123 174
2N-501-A 112
Magnetic Cores 156,000
Parity on memory transfer and input/output; overflow; non-
existent instruction; non-existent memory; non-existent
devices (I/0); marginal checking. Diagnostic Programs.
Volt-Amperes, computing system22 KVA
Space, central processor25 cu. ft.
Space, system 500.68 cu. ft.
Area, system 80.10 sq. ft.
Room size, system S-109 shelter
Air conditioners, two9,000 BTU/hr, each
Weight, total system, incl
air conditioners 4,150 lbs.
BASICPAC system is housed in a S-109 shelter (75 inches
high, 79 inches wide, and 146 inches long). Air
conditioning is for operator comfort only.
Number in current production 2 Produced 5
Number on order 2 Operation 3
Time required for delivery from 12 months
receipt of order
Estimated One 8-Hour Two 8-Hour Three 8-Hour
Shift Shifts Shifts
Supervisors 1 2 3
and Coders 2
Operators 1-2 2-4 3-6
Technicians 1 2 3
The number of coders and programmers depends on
Estimated mean time between failures: 154 hours
for BASICPAC system. 209 hours for BASICPAC
central processor.
Ruggedized for field use. Will operate from -25oF
to +125oF; 0 to 97% relative humidity.
The system is expansible in that 1 to 6 additional
memories may be added, and 1 to 56 I/0 devices may be
This machine is a member of the Army FIELDATA family of
computers. It uses the FIELDATA code and is compatible
with other FIELDATA machines.
Mobile with the Army in the field. Fairchild
Astrionics Division, Wyandanch, N. Y.
BRL 1961, AN/TYK 7v INFORMER, start page 0054
Minimal Informer (AN/TYK-7v)
International Business Machines Corporation
System is designed for military field use, including a
variety of applications, such as Intelligence, Logistics,
and Personnel.
Internal number system Binary
Binary digits/word 36 plus sign and parity
Binary digits/instruction 36 plus spare and parity
Instructions per word 1
Instructions decoded 55
Arithmetic system Fixed point
Instruction type One address
Number range -(1 - 2-36) to +(1 - 2-36)
Instruction word format (Operation)
| 38 | 37 | 36 31 | 30 28 | 27 16 | 15 1 |
| Parity | Spare | Operation | Index | Index | Memory |
| | | Code | Register | Increment | Address |
| | | | Selection | | |
| 38 | 37 | 36 31 | 30 22 | 21 16 | 15 1 |
| Parity | Spare | I/0 | Word or | Device |Storage Addr.|
| | | Code |Block Count| Addr. | |
Registers and B-boxes
In the central processor there is a total of 10 registers,
viz. A Q, Program Counter, Program Counter Store, X, Y, and
4 Index Registers. There is one Input/Output converter
instruction register.
The system utilizes a total of 17 arithmetic
instructions, 8 transfer, 17 logical, 3 sense, and 10
input-output instructions.
Mobidic Assembly Program may be used.
Incl. Stor. Access Exclud. Stor. Access
Microsec Microsec
Add 20.7 12.7
Mutt 392 376
Div 425 400
Construction (Arithmetic unit only)
Type Quantity
Transistors 2N696 3,204
Magnetic Cores 4 maxwell 5,799
Arithmetic mode Parallel
Timing Synchronous
Operation Sequential
System operates primarily sequentially, however processing
may proceed, during input-output operations.
Checking features used are parity on memory transfer and
input/output, overflow, non-existent instructions, non-
existent memory, non-existent devices (I/0), and marginal
checking. Diagnostic programs are available.
No. of No. of
Media Words Digits/Word Microsec
Core 4,096 38 8
Disk File 3,750,000 38 150,000
Additional Core Storage may be added up to 6 more 4,096
Magnetic Tape
No. of units that can be connected 16 Units
No. of characters/linear inch 300 Chars/inch
Channels or tracks on the tape 16 Tracks/tape
Blank tape separating each 1-1.5 Inches
Tape speed 1-150 Inches/sec
Transfer rate 300 to 45K Chars/sec
Start time 3 Millisec
Stop time 3 Millisec
Average time for experienced 30 Seconds
operator to change reel
Physical properties of tape
Width 1 Inch
Length of reel 3,600 Feet
Composition Mylar
Two tracks on magnetic tape are "guard" channels and
are not useable.
Media Speed
Magnetic Tape 45,000 char/sec
Disk File 69,000 char/sec
Paper Tape 30 char/sec
Console Manual entry speed
Media Speed
Paper Tape Punch 20 char/sec
FIELDATA Typewriter 100 words/min
Magnetic Tape 45,000 char/sec
Type Quantity Use
Diodes 6,314 Switching Units
Transistors 10,789 Power Amplification
Magnetic Cores
Tape 10,861 Logical Elements
Ferrite 163,840 Core Storage
One 8-Hour Two 8-Hour Three 8-Hour
Shift Shifts Shifts
Supervisors 1 2 3
Programmers 1
Coders 1
Operators 1-2 2-4 3-6
Technicians 1 2 3
Number of programmers and coders depends on application.
BRL 1961, AN/TYK 7v INFORMER, start page 0055
Photo, 50 K bytes
Photo by International Business Machines Corporation
Power, computer 0.312 Kw0.445 KVA 0.7 Pf
Volume, computer 21.0 cu ft
Area, computer 4.1 sq ft
Room Size S-109 shelter
Floor loading 110 lbs/sq ft
440 lbs concen max
Weight, computer 440 lbs
Weight, air conditioner 158 lbs
Capacity, air conditioner 3/4 Ton
System is installed in S-109 shelter. Air conditioning
is for operator comfort only.
Number in current production 1
Number on order 1
Time required for delivery 18 months
System is ruggedized for field use, will operate from -25oF
to +125oF, 0 - 97% relative humidity, and has the ability
to select desired information from files without "knowing"
the exact location of the information. Pulse Magnetic Logic
is used. This machine is a member of Army FIELDATA family
of computers. It uses the FIELDATA code and is compatible
with the FIELDATA machines.
International Business Machines Corporation
Neighborhood Road
Kingston, New York
BRL 1961, AN/USQ 20 Navy Tactical Computer, start page 0056
AN/USQ 20 Navy Tactical Computer
Remington Rand Univac
Division Sperry Rand Corporation
Univac Park
St. Paul 16, Minnesota
Photo by Remington Rand Univac
Designed as a Navy tactical data system computer, it is
used for scientific, general purpose, data processing, on
or off-line.
Internal number system Binary
Binary digits/word 30
Binary digits/instruction 30
Instructions per word 1
Arithmetic system Fixed point
Instruction type One address
instruction word format
| F | J | K | B | Y |
| Func- | Branch | Operand | Index | Operand (The operand |
| tion | Cond. | Interp. | Desig- | Desig- or the address |
| Code | Des. | Des. | nator | nator of the operand |
| | | | | destination |
| 6-bits| 3-bits | 3-bits |3-bits | 15 bits |
BRL 1961, AN/USQ 20 Navy Tactical Computer, start page 0057
Automatic built-in subroutines includes automatic
A compiler is available.
Registers and B-boxes include A - 30 bit addressable
accumulator, Q - 30-bit addressable logical function
register, and Bl - B7 - seven (7) 15-bit index registers (B-
Incl Stor Access Exclud Stor Access
Microsec Microsec
Add 16 9.6
Mutt 35.2 - 112 35.2 - 112
Div 112 112
Construction (Arithmetic unit only)
Transistors 1,900
Diodes 5,700
Arithmetic mode Parallel
Timing Asynchronous
Operation Sequential
No. of No. of Cycle Time
Media Words Digits Microsec
Magnetic Core 32,768 30 8
Plugboard 16 30 8
Media Keyboard (Flexowriter) Paper
Tape Magnetic Tape On-line analog to
digital converters Specifications not yet
Media Hi-Speed Printer Typewriter
(Flexowriter) Paper Tape Magnetic Tape On-
line digital to analog converters
Specifications not yet finalized.
Type Quantity
Diodes 33,787
Transistors 10,265
Magnetic Cores 983,040
For 32,768 30-bit words.
All program checked (No internal checking).
Power, computer 2.5 Kw 3.1 KVA 0.8 pf
Power, air condit 2.0 Kw 2.2 KVA 0.9 pf
Volume, computer 60 cu ft
Area, computer 27 sq ft
Weight, computer 2,320 lbs
Number produced to date 1
Number in current operation 1
Training made available by the manufacturer to the user
includes written publications on description, theory,
operation and maintenance. Orientation courses, conducted
by Training Department, Field Service staff personnel,
will be given to assist in maintenance of computers at
Outstanding features include real time clock, automatic
recovery, repeat mode, extremely versatile input-output
logical function capabilities, and wide environmental
Unique system advantages include large hi-speed core
memory, versatile instruction repertoire, hicomputing
speed (less than 14 microseconds per instruction,
average), and asynchronous type of operation.
Remington Rand Univac
Division of Sperry Rand Corporation
Univac Park
St. Paul 16, Minnesota
BRL 1961, ASC 15, start page 0058
ASC 15
Advance System Controller Model 15
International Business Machines Corporation
Federal Systems Division
Welded Encapsulated Module, 50 K bytes
Photo by International Business Machines Corporation,
Federal Systems Division
Computer is used in airborne guidance and control
systems and is capable of a number of guidance sys-
tem monitoring and check-out functions (ground opera-
tions). System is similar to the computer being
developed by IBM for use in the Titan Guidance Sub-
Internal number system Binary
Binary digits/word 27
Binary digits/instruction 9
Instructions per word 3
Instructions decoded 22
Arithmetic system Fixed point
Instruction type Two address (modified)
Number range 224
Instruction word format
A computer instruction consists of the following
nine bits:FFFFF, TTTT. Every operation can be
considered a transfer of the contents of the F (from)
address to a location specified by the T (to) address
Incl.Stor Access Exclud Stor Access
Microsec Microsec
Add 312 156
Mult 2,028 1,872
High speed Mesa transistors are used in the arith-
metic unit.
Arithmetic mode Serial
Timing Synchronous
Operation Sequential
BRL 1961, ASC 15, start page 0059
There are two independent arithmetic elements (Adder and
Multiplier). Addition and multiplication can
be performed simultaneously.
No. of No. of Access
Medium Words Bits Microsec
Magnetic Drum 3,840 99,584 5,000
Thin Shell Magnetic Drum - Air-floated read-write heads.
Media Speed
Optisyns (hi-speed) 6,400 positive increments/sec
3,200 negative increments/sec
(Accelerometer and attitude)
Optisyns (lo-speed) 100 increments/sec
Discrete Inputs As programmed
(740 in number)
Media Speed
3 Ladder As programmed
(+- 6 volts 64 increments)
12 Discrete As programmed
1 Digital 5 bit parallel
High speed Mesa transistors are used.
There is a built-in check to determine whether computer is
out of synchronization.
Power, computer 0.150 Kw
Volume, computer Between 2 and 3 cu ft
A fan provides 100 cu ft/min of air at a pressure
rise of 2" water above atmospheric pressure.
Weight, computer Under 100 lbs
Computer logic is packaged in welded encapsulated
System is designed for a mean time to failure of
1,000 hours.
Outstanding features include welded encapsulated module
packaging, built to conform to missile envirormLental
specifications, dual arithmetic units, and high reliability
(MTF greater than 1,000 hours).
Unique system advantages include minimal addressing,
which requires only 9 bits per instruction, and a number
of system monitoring and control functions.
BRL 1961, ATHENA, start page 0060
Remington Rand Univac
Division of Sperry-Rand Corporation
Photo, 50 K bytes
Photo by Remington Rand Univac
Division of Sperry-Rand Corporation
Primary application is as a missile guidance compu-
ter. It is a special purpose, on-line machine that
runs synchronized with the guidance system.
Internal number system Binary
Binary digits word 24
Binary digits/instruction 17
Instructions per word 1
Instructions decoded 34
Arithmetic system Fixed point (fractional)
Instruction type One address
Data Registers
Control Registers
Tape Assembly
Drum Transfer
Program Control
Program Address
Tape Disassembly
Input Data Control
Input Constants Control
Exclud Stor Access
Add 40
Mult 520
Div 1,000
Construction (Arithmetic unit only)
Transistors 800
Diodes 4,000
Arithmetic mode Parallel
Timing Synchronous
Operation Sequential
BRL 1961, ATHENA, start page 0061
No. of No. of Bin Access
Media Words Digits/Word Microsec
Magnetic Drum 8,192 17
Magnetic Core 256 24 40
Magnetic Tape
No. of units that can be connected 1 Unit
No. of chars/linear inch of tape 200 Chars/inch
Channels or tracks on the tape 7 Tracks/tape
Blank tape separating each record 0.75 Inches
Tape speed 24 Inches/sec
Transfer rate 4,800 Chars/sec
Start time 3,000 Millisec
Stop time 3,000 Millisec
Average time for experienced
operator to change reel of tape 60 Seconds
Physical'properties of tape
Width 0.5 Inches
Length of reel 2,400 Feet
Composition Mylar
The magnetic drum contents cannot be altered by a
program instruction.
The magnetic tape unit is a system monitor only.
Paper Tape
Reader can introduce information to the magnetic drum
or the simulator.
Magnetic Tape
Tape unit can record computational results along with
input data.
Paper Tape
Punch can record program information from magnetic drum
or core storage.
Printer can record 8 decimal or octal digits.
The simulator is a combination input-output device used
to check computer operation.
Type Quantity
Diodes 33,000
Transistors 7,500
Magnetic Cores 7,680
Checking features include add, divide and shift overflow
invalid instruction. Checking may optionally be performed
by a simulator.
Power, computer 5.5 Kw 10 KVA 0.55 pf
Volume, computer 2,860 cu ft
Area, computer 370 sq ft
Room size 36 ft x 24 ft
Capacity, air conditioner 5 Tons
Weight, computer 21,000 lbs
Power requirement based on actual measurement.
Written publications on description, theory, operation and
maintenance; orientation courses conducted by training
department; staff of the manufacturer's field service
personnel assist in maintenance of the computer on site.
The outstanding feature is reliability.
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