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BRL 1961, IBM 604, start page 0332
IBM 604
IBM 604 Electronic Calculating Punch
International Business Machines Corporation
Photo by International Business Machines Corporation
Business and scientific.
Management Services Office, White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico
System is used by Comptroller for business-type data processing; civilian
payroll, cost accounting, stock accounting, etc.
U. S. Naval Ordnance Test Station, China Lake
Located in Room 1035, the system is primarily used. for the calculation
of payroll, both civilian and military, also for the calculation of
material and labor costs. Because of the flexibility of the machine,
it is also used for other tasks such as gang punching, intersperse punching,
verification of cards for blank column and double punch detection.
Los Angeles County Engineer, Located at 108 West Second Street, Los Angeles 12,
California, the system is used for distribution of costs (Time - Miles -
Blueprints) by division, function, job no., etc. Payroll reporting
(Mark Sense Cards).
Blueprint plant - production and accounting and invoicing.
Utilities (water districts) - billing, accounting, stock inventory.
Statistics - building and safety, survey parties,
industrial waste inspections - overtime, absences, traversing,
etc. - error of closure and areas.
Geodetic triangulation matrix (simultaneous equations).
Street improvement districts: calculating - frontages (estimated and
actual assessments, debt limit).
Principal and interest on 10-year coupon bonds, unit bids.
Printing various notices, name and address lists, envelopes, reports,
assessment roll, bills, bonds, bond registers, bond payment notices,
sewer location post cards, etc. Capital projects cost distribution and
progress reports. Capital outlay and M. & 0. (equipment and
furniture) inventory.
(Sewer design tables) Miscellaneous engineering applications (wind rose
for Aviation Div.) (trendline data) etc.
The use of L B.M. 604 Calculator and 407 Tabulator for computing 10 or
20-year principal and interest payments on street bonds and printing
said bonds (with 30 or 60 coupons), a Bond Register and 10 annual
Notice of Payments due is a new application, never attempted before,
Bankers Life Insurance Company of Nebraska
Located at the Home Office, at Cotner and "0" Streets, Lincoln, Nebraska,
the system is used for commission extensions, dividend
extensions, premium paid to-up date, premium rate making,
dividend schedules, mortality studies (ratios), mortgage loan
accounting, policy reserve calculations, and mean reserve
Harvey Aluminum Sales, Inc., Defense Plants Div.
Located at Milan Arsenal, Building T-1, the system is used for payroll -
checks, register, timecards, tax records, etc., accounts
payable, cost compilations, direct materials - stock records
and reports, general stores (indirect materials) - stock
records and reports, plant equipment records, toolroom records,
BRL 1961, IBM 604, start page 0333
annual inspection and lot number reports on direct materials, and salvage
inventory records.
Manning, Maxwell and Moore, Inc. Located at 414 Broadway, Muskegon, Michigan,
the system is used for payrolls (calculations of wages earned, taxes
applicable, net earnings), labor distribution (calculation of
labor and burden amounts utilizing master cards), material distribution
(calculation of material costs utilizing Master Unit Cost Deck), inventories
(calculation of inventories costs utilizing Master Unit Cost Decks),
and orders (extending and discounting).
National Airlines, Inc.
Located at the Airport Mail Facility, Miami, Florida,
the system is used for payrolls, accounts payable,
labor and material cost, accounts receivable, cargo
accounting, government transpcrtation billing, revenu statistics, ledger,
and sales distribution.
Internal number system Binary coded decimal
Decimal digits per word 3 or 5
Instructions used 9
Arithmetic system Fixed point
Instruction type One or two address code
Number range Variable
Exclud Stor Access
Add 500
Mult 14,000 avg
Div 17,000 avg
Construction Vacuum tubes
Basic pulse repetition rate 50 Kc/sec
Arithmetic mode Parallel
Timing Synchronous
Operation Sequential
Medium Words Access Microsec
Electronic Tubes 9 500
Medium Speed
Card Reader-Punch 100 cards/min
Medium Speed
Card Reader-Punch 100 cards/min
LA County
Card speed drops to 25 cards per minute, minimum,
for calculating cosine and sine.
Tubes 1,250
Tube types 4
Checking is possible through control panel wiring.
Power, computer 7.59 KVA
Volume, computer 73.9 cu ft
Area, computer 19.4 sq ft
Weight, computer 1,949 lbs
Power, computer 5.1 Kw 7.59 KVA
Volume, computer 79.9 cu ft
Area, computer 19.4 sq ft
Capacity, air conditioner 5 Tons
Weight, computer 1,949 lbs
Weight, air conditioner 500 lbs
Exhaust fan required.
LA County
Power, computer 230 Volts 19,000 B.T.U.
Power, air conditioner Exhaust fan 1/8 HP
Area, computer 24 sq ft
Weight, computer 2,100 lbs
Exhaust fan and hood vented to outside through window.
Bankers Life
Power, computer 33.1 Amps 6.9 KVA 0.6 to 0.8 In-
ductive Load
Volume, computer 53"x33"x58" 58.5 cu ft
Volume, computer 40"x26"x50" 29.9 cu ft
Area, computer 20 sq ft
Room size, computer 12 ft x 12 ft
Weight, computer 2,041 lbs
Conventional type building - reinforced concrete floor, central air
conditioning with area humidity controlled. Separate power circuit for
Manning, Maxwell & Moore
Power, computer 6.0 Kw 7.5 KVA
Volume. computer 73.9 cu ft
Volume, air conditioner 45.5 cu ft
Area, computer 19.4 sq ft
Area, air conditioner 7.6 sq ft
Floor loading 105 lbs/sq ft
105 lbs concen max
Capacity, air conditioner 5 Tons
Weight, computer 2,041 lbs
Number produced Over 2,993
Delivery on an availability basis.
Approximately $550/month and up.
604 Electronic Calculator and 521 Card Reader Punch
rent at $645/month.
$550 monthly rental rate.
Service time averages 70 hours per month.
LA County
604, 521, and 407 rent at $1,491/month.
407, 2-514's, 2-077's, 083, 082, 552, 5-024's,
2-056's rent at $1,912/month.
Maintenance included in rental.
Bankers Life
604 and 521 cost $26,000.
Rental is $550..
Maintenance/service contract is $153/month.
Manning, Maxwell & Moore
604 Electronic Calculator $430/month (+ 100 excise tax)
521 Card Reader Punch $150/month (+ 10% excise tax)
Service contract contained in rental charges.
BRL 1961, IBM 604, start page 0334
National Airlines 3-402, 2-083, 1-552, 6-024, 2-514, 1-604, 2-077
and 2-056 cost $40,000. Maintenance service is $400/month.
One 8-Hour Shift
Supervisors 1
Analysts 1
Programmers 1
Clerks 1
Operators 3
IBM customer courses and local on-post courses
are given.
One 8-Hour Shift
Supervisors 2
Operators 3
Method of training used is on-the-job training.
LA County
One 8-Hour Shift
Clerks 1
Operators 4
Input Opera 5 6 Recomm
Operation tends toward closed shop (civil service).
Methods of training used include some IBM manuals and machine operation -
on job, and evening extension courses.
Chief Tabulating Machine Operator acts as supervisor, analyst, programmer,
form designer, systems, and
procedure man.
Bankers Life
One 8-Hour Shift
Supervisors 1
Programmers 1
Methods of training used includes IBM School and
on-the-job training.
Manning, Maxwell & Moore
One 8-Hour Shift
Used Recommended
Supervisors 1 1
Operators 1 1
Operation tends toward open shop.
Methods of training used includes on-the-job training supplemented by
manufacturer's training schools.
National Airlines
Two 8-Hour Shifts
Supervisors 2
Operators 17
Technicians 1
Operation tends toward closed shop.
Operators are trained by supervisors.
Average service time for all installed machines is
approximately 10 hours per month.
Good time 14 Hours/Week (Average)
Attempted to run time 16 Hours/Week (Average)
Operating ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) 0.875
Above figures based on period from 1956 to present.
Time is not available for rent to outside organiza-
US NOTS Time is available for rent to outside organizations.
LA County
Good time 40 Hours/Week (Average)
Attempted to run time 43 Hours/Week (Average)
Passed Customer Acceptance Test 1954
Time is not available for rent to outside organiza-
We do street improvement work for various cities in Los Angeles
Employees are assigned different lunch periods, so we often operate
equipment more than 8 hours per day.
Bankers Life
Good time 14.4 Hours/Week (Average)
Attempted to run time 15.4 Hour s/Week (Average)
Operating ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) 0.935
Above figures based on period 1 Jul 59 to 30 Jun 60
Time is available for rent to qualified outside or-
Manning, Maxwell & More
Average error-free running period 2 Weeks
Good time 32 Hours/Week (Average)
Attempted to run time 33 Hours/Week (Average)
Operating ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) 0.97
Above figures based on period 1 Jan 57 to 31 Dee 59
Passed Customer Acceptance Test 1 Jan 55
Time is not available for rent to outside organiza-
National Airlines Time is not available for rent to outside
The IBM 604 Electronic Calculator is a general purpose electronic
digital computing machine which is helping solve problems in science,
engineering, business and government.
Reading problem data from IBM punched cards at a constant speed of 100
problems (cards) a minute, it can go through as many as 60 separate steps,
such as multiplications and divisions, to obtain the solution to a single
Answers are recorded in the same cards which carry the problem data, or they
can be punched in specially designated cards.
The smaller of the two cabinets is the electrical card reading and punching
unit. The larger cabinet is the all-electronic unit which includes the
sections: power, timing, arithmetic, storage and switching.
Many built-in features make this electronic calculator easy to operate and
service. These include interchangeable control panels for changing from one
type of operation to another, and testing devices and pluggable
which facilitate rapid maintenance and service.
These machines have been produced on the assenbly line at IBM's plant in
Poughkeepsie, New York, since early 1949.
Bankers Life Double punch, blank column detection on the 521.
WSMR Proposal for Univac Solid State "80" forwarded
through command channels. LA County
Should be able to shift to IBM 1401 (punched card configuration) for
costing, utilities, etc. in about 18 months.
Acquisition of an IBM 1620 (with hookup to 1401) would permit complex
high speed calculations for engineering - such as traversing, earthworks,
calculations (cut and fill), least squares adjustments, etc.
Contemplate use of aperture film cards for maps.
BRL 1961, IBM 604, start page 0335
Could then have a complete set of maps in each reg-
ional office (surveyor's maps - street no. maps -
special district maps - architectural drawings -
storm drain maps, etc.)
Bankers Life
IBM Type 1401 Card Input on order.
Management Services Office White Sands Missile
Range, New Mexico
U. S. Naval Ordnance Test Station, China Lake China Lake,
Los Angeles County Engineer 108
West Second Street Los Angeles 12,
Bankers Life Insurance Company of Nebraska Cotner & "0"
Streets Lincoln, Nebraska
Howard Savings Institution Newark 1,
New Jersey
Harvey Aluminum Sales, Inc.
Defense Plants Division
Milan Arsenal
Milan, Tennessee
Manning, Maxwell & Moore, Inc.
414 Broadway
Muskegon, Michigan
National Airlines, Inc.
P. 0. Box NAL
Airport Mail Facility
Miami 59, Florida
BRL 1961, IBM 607, start page 0336
IBM 607
IBM 607 Electronic Calculator
International Business Machines Corporation
Photo by International Business Machines Corporation
Manufacturer Business and scientific calculating.
Rossford Ordnance Depot located at Rossford Ordnance Depot,
Toledo 1, Ohio, the system is used for inventory control and cost
accounting (Comptroller).
U. S. Naval Ordnance Test Station, China Lake Located at the Analysis
Branch, Code 4535, China Lake Pilot Plant, China Lake, California, the
is used for theoretical propellant evaluation, rocket performance
evaluation, and
statistical analysis.
Internal number system Binary coded decimal
Decimal digits/word 3 or 5
Instructions used 10
Arithmetic system Fixed point
Instruction type One or two address
Number range Variable
Exclud Stor Access
Add 520
Mult 12,940
Div 15,700
Construction Vacuum tubes
Basic pulse repetition rate 50 KC
Arithmetic mode Parallel
Timing Synchronous
Operation Sequential
Medium Words Access Microsec
Electronic Tubes 37 520
Total storage is 37 words or 293 decimal digits.
Total storage is 14 words or 66 decimal. digits.
Media Speed
Card Reader-Punch 100 cards/min
Tubes 2,584
Tube types 7
Check possible through control panel wiring.
Power, computer 13.5 KVA
Vole, computer 18.9 cu ft
Area, computer 36.5 sq ft
Weight, computer 4,330 lbs
Power, computer 13.5 KVA
Volume, computer 178.9 cu ft
Area, computer 36.5 sq ft
Weight, computer 4,330 lbs
No significant requirements.
Power, computer 10 KVA
Volume, computer 78 cu ft
Volume, 529 38 cu ft
Area, computer 13.8 sq ft
Area, 529 9.2 sq ft
Room size 120 sq ft
Floor loading 25 lbs/sq ft
121 lbs concen max
Weight, computer 2,780 lbs
Hood with exhaust fan over computer, 26,000 BTU heat
load exhausted.
Number produced Over 267
Delivery time Availability basis
Manufacturer Rental rates of basic system
approximately $800 per month and up. Rental rate includes
maintenance and parts.
Basic System
607 Electronic Unit $550/month
529 Punch Unit 250/month
Additional Equipment
942 Electronic Storage Unit $200 to $800/month
Maintenance/service is included in rental contract. US NOTS
$940 per month (IBM 607 and IBM 529)
$1,295 per month, includes equipment for data preparation for
709 (2-IBM 026, 1-IBM 077, 1-IBM 082, 1-IBM 519, 1-IBM
523, 1-IBM 557, and 1-IHM 407).
Maintenance/service is included in rental contract.
Rossford Used in conjunction with other card punch
equipment. No special handling is required.
One 8-Hour Shift
Used Recommended
Supervisors 1 1
Analysts, Programmers & Coders 4 4
Operators 2 2
Tape Handlers 2
Total 7 9
Operation tends toward closed shop.
Methods of training used are in-house plus IBM training.
Rossford Time is not available for rent to outside
The IBM 607 Electronic Calculator is designed for use by
business and industry. Because of its expanded capacity, the
overwhelming majority of business calculations requiring
multiple machine operations are performed and checked in a
single operation. It is capable of performing and checking
14,000 computing operations a minute.
The memory capacity of the 607 makes it possible
to use intermediate calculated results as well as
original data in solving a problem. Other necessary
information not punched in cards, such as tax per-
centages, discount rates, and overtime factors, may
be entered as required.
It is possible to use intermediate calculated results
as well as original data in solving problems.
A unique system advantage is its availability for
static test data reduction. It should be noted that
this computer (IBM 607) is located 5 miles distant
from the Station's IBM 709 system.
US NOTS Proposal for 1401 System to replace present
system. Proposal for micro-wave hook-up with IBM 709 and
Polaris test stand-digital data processor (to write 709 binary
Rossford Ordnance Depot, Machine Records Division Toledo
1, Ohio
U. S. Naval Ordnance Test Station China
Lake, California
Shell 011 Company
New York Life Insurance Company
Consolidated Edison Company
New York, New York
Bausch & Lomb Optical
Company Scientific Bureau
Rochester 2, New York
BRL 1961, IBM 608, start page 0338
IBM 608
IBM 608 Transistorized Calculator
International Business Machines Corporation
Photo by International Business Machines Corporation
Business and scientific computing
Internal number system Binary coded decimal
Decimal digits/word 9
Instructions used 12
Arithmetic system Fixed point
Instruction type One or two address
Number range Variable, depending on program
Exclud Stor Access
Add 220
mult 11,000 average
Div 13,420 average
Construction Transistors and cores
Basic pulse repetition rate 100 KC
Arithmetic mode Parallel
Timing Synchronous
Operation Sequential
Medium Words Digits Microsec
Magnetic Cores 40 360 220
Each word may be split into a 3 digit and 6 digit word with
separate signs.
Medium Speed
Card Reader-Punch 155 cards/min
Medium Speed
Card Reader-Punch 155 cards/min
Checking possible through control panel wiring.
Power, computer 2.3 KVA
Volume, computer 160 cu ft
Area, computer 30 sq ft
Weight, computer 2,400 lbs
BRL 1961, IBM 608, start page 0339
Photo by International Business Machines Corporation
Models have been produced and are in customer service. Production has
been discontinued.
Rental rates of basic system $1,600/month and up. Rental rate includes
engineering maintenance and parts.
IBM's "608", the first completely transistorized calculator for commercial
applications, operates without the use of a single vacuum tube.
Transistors-tiny germanium devices that perform many of the functions of
conventional vacuum tubesmake possible a 50% reduction in computer-unit
size and a 90% reduction in power requirements over a comparable IBM tube-
model machine. They are mounted, along with related circuitry, on banks of
printed wiring panels in the 608.
The machine's internal storage, or "memory", is made up of magnetic cores-
minute, doughnut-shaped objects that can "remember" information
and recall it for use in calculations in a few millionth of a second.
For IBM, the 608 marks the achievement of production techniques for the
manufacture, on a large scale basis, of computing and data processing
combining transistors, printed circuits and other forms of miniaturization.
BRL 1961, IBM 609, start page 0340
IBM 609
IBM 609 Calculator
International Business Machines Corporation Monterey and
Cottle Roads San Jose, California
Photo by International Business Machines Corporation
Commercial and scientific applications, especially where IBM cards are used
presently with IBM 6o4, 607 and 608 calculators. This machine is a modular,
solid state, one-unit calculator designed to expand the area of applications
performed by the above machines. The 609 is a numerical card in-put, card
output calculator offering a substantial increase in internal operating and
arithmetic speeds.
Internal number system Binary coded decimal
Decimal digits/word 12
Decimal digits/instruction Control panel
Control panel logic wired
Arithmetic system Yield on card - arrangement by
control panel wiring
Instruction type Two addresses per program step
(Control panel wiring)
Instruction word format
Control panel wiring
Not a stored program machine. 2nd cycle subtract or conversion to true
number in storage.
Maximum 384 positions of core storage. All posi-
tions may be used. Operation is of the add-to-mem-
Read words Max. - 144 pos.
Punch words Max. - 96 pos.
Process words max. - 144 pos.
BRL 1961, IBM 609, start page 0341
Incl Stor Access
Add 6-digit fields: 224
Mult 6-digits x 6 digits: 13,860
Div 6-digit dividend & quotient: 17,640
Arithmetic mode Serial
Timing Synchronous
Operation Non-sequential
Approximately 95,% of all the transistors used in the system
are considered as being in the arithmetic function. Condenser-
quantity 1,354, nineteen different values.
No. of No. of
Media Words Digits
Core Storage
Basic - Model A-1 Read 8; Punch 8; 96, 96, 48
Process 4
Max. -Model A-1 Read 12; Punch 8; 144, 96, 144
Process 12
Basic - Model B-1 Read 4; Punch 3; 48, 36, 0
Process 0
Max. -Model B-1 Read 7; Punch 6; 84, 72, 36
Process 3
Medium Speed
Cards 200 cards/min
The card input has 3 card stations: a first reading station, a
punch station, and a second reading station. Cards are placed in a
1,200-card-capacity hopper face down, 12-edge first. The cards
feed continuously from one station to the next at the rate of 200
cards per minute. Thus, while one card is being read for
calculation, another is being punched, and a third card may be
read for checking, gang punching, etc., or for recalculation. Input
and output (double-punched blank-column) are checked.
Medium Speed
Punched Cards 200 cards/min (max)
Type Quantity
Diodes 5,194 (Various types)
Transistors 1,887 (Various types)
Magnetic cores 2,500
Selenium rectifiers 130
Condensers 1,354 (19 different values)
Approximately 95% of all the transistors used in the system
are considered as being in the arithmetic functions.
All input, calculated, and output information is tested for error
conditions. Output (DPBC detection) and additional position
checking is optional. The 609 Calculator uses a unique type of
matrix-analysis adder which includes the checking bit in its
arithmetic operation.
Power, computer 1 Kw
Volume, computer 50 cu ft
Area, computer 12.08 sq ft
Floor loading 116 lbs/sq ft
1,400 lbs concen max
Weight, computer 1,400 lbs
A 15 ampere, 115 volt, 60 cycle/sec, single phase AC line is
Time required for delivery 12 months
Basic System Cost Rental
Model A-1 complete system $55,500 $1,175
Model B-1 complete system 36 000 735
Additional Equipment
Number of groups for each model
A-1 B-1
4 3 Program Steps - each group 1,200 30
4 3 Storage - each group 1,200 30
4 3 Each decision feature 1,200 30
2 2 Digit Test 600
2 1 Digit Selector 240
2 2 Adder overflow selector 200
4 3 DPBC, each group 370
Maintenance contract available.
One operator/shift is required.
Training made available by the manufacturer to the user at
IBM Education Centers and at some local branch offices.
Modular standard packaging and solid state hardware.
Outstanding features include non-sequential branching logic, fast
access magnetic core storage, direct add storage words, 200
cardsper minute, no special voltage requirements (115 volts), no
air conditioning, 3 radial stackers, solid state, modular, one-unit
calculator. System advantages include fast access magnetic core
storage, 12 and 16 digit words, direct-add storage word - every
word addressable, and high speed reading and punching.
International Business Machines Corporation
Monterey and Cottle Roads San Jose, California
BRL 1961, IBM 610, start page 0342
IBM 610
IBM 610 Autopoint Computer
International Business Machines Corporation
Photo by U. S. Naval Ammunition Depot, Crane, Indiana
Manufacturer Applications of the 610 Autopoint Computer
include heat transfer calculations, analysis of mass
spectrometric data, formulae evaluations, calculation
of aeroelasticity, stress analysis, flutter and vibration
analysis, data reduction, highway design, bridge design,
surveying problems, matrix arithmetic, correlation and
regression analysis, sales forecasting, actuarial calculations,
analysis of variance, curve fitting, experimental design, and many
other applications. Ordnance Missile Laboratories Division Army 'vet and
Guided Missile Agency Located au the Design and Development Lab and
Systems Analysis Lab, OML Division, ARGMA, the computer is used for data
reduction and theoretical investigation.
Mathematical Sciences Division, Research Directorate, U. S. Army
Transportation Research Command Located at USA TRECOM, Building 401,
Fort Eustis, Virginia, the system is used for curve fitting, data reduction,
regression analysis, analysis of variance, correlation analysis, evaluation
of analytic expressions, including effects of neutron radiation on cargo,
effects of nuclear weapons on Army aircraft, helicopter control system analysis,
and helicopter design, and matrix arithmetic. Control Office, Ordnance Mission,
White Sands Missile Range Located at the Guidance Laboratory, Building
1676, Electro-Mechanical Labs., Ordnance Mission, White Sands Missile
Range, New Mexico, the system is used for data evalutaion, technical
support of engineering evaluation studies, etc. Users are primarily
BRL 1961, IBM 610, start page 0343
Photo by E. I. DuPont de Nemours and Company, Inc.
from the Ground Guidance Branch, Missile Borne Guidance
Branch, Structures Branch and Propulsion Branch.
Weapons Dept., U. S. Naval Academy Located in Ward
Hall, U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md., the system is used to
demonstrate to Naval Academy Faculty and Midshipmen, semi-
automatic and automatic calculations using a small scientific type
digital computer. Application to date includes two dimensional
target relative motion studies, ballistic trajectory studies, and
sound in water studies.
U. S. Naval Ammunition Depot The system is located at
U. S. NAD, Q. E. Laboratory. The major problems for which this
activity uses the IBM 610 Computer are statistical and
engineering. Statistical uses include mean and standard deviation,
two and three way correlation, regression analysis, pxq analysis
of variance, many specific factorial analysis of variance, and
response surface analysis. Engineering calculations vary from
tabulation of simple equations in two and three variables to
relatively complex problems such as the solution of second order
differential equations which must be solved numerically.
Tennessee Valley Authority, Computing Center Located in
the Chemical Engineering Building, Wilson Dam, Alabama, the
610 is used in the general area of chemical research. Specific
problems include chemical
kinetics, thermodynamics and some structure work.
E. I. DuPont de Nemours & Co. Located in Room 224,
Laboratory Building, the system is used for material balances,
thermal efficiency calculations, heat transfer calculations, return
on investment calculations, equipment design, process control
correlations, statistical analyses, including multiple linear
regression, simple linear correlation, and analysis of variance,
preparation of process operating tables, calculation of finished
product intermediate requirements, and pressure drop
calculations for plant application.
General Tire and Rubber Company Located at 1708
Englewood Avenue, Akron, Ohio, the system is used for tire
development, quality control, research and development.
Engineering and scientific uses only.
Military Systems Div., Lockheed Electronics Co. Located on
U.S. Highway No. 22, Plainfield, New Jersey, the system is used for
the solution of engineering problems such as radar coverage
diagram, curve fitting of experimental data, and numerical analysis.
Carleton College Located at Carleton College, Northfield,
Minnesota, the system is used for undergraduate programming
instruction, undergraduate numerical analysis instruction, student
independent study, and faculty research.
BRL 1961, IBM 610, start page 0344
Computing Laboratory, University of Louisville Located at
the Speed Scientific School, University of Louisville, Louisville
8, Kentucky, emphasis has been on the introduction of digital
computer as an effective tool of numerical analysis. Both
graduate and undergraduate students are permitted time to work
their problems on the computer.
Computation Lab., University of Rhode Island Located at
Taft laboratory, University of R. I., Kingston, R. I., the system is
used for the solution of problems in such areas as mathematics,
physics, civil engineering, electrical engineering, agricultural
economics, agronomy, horticulture, marine biology, industrial
management,. and poultry husbandry. Computation Facility,
Worcester Polytechnic Institute Located in Room 3, Stratton
Hall, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, the system is used
primarily for education in the use of digital computation in
engineering and science and secondarily, for research requiring
digital computation.
Internal number system Decimal or Octal
Decimal digits/word 15 plus sign
Arithmetic system Fixed and floating point
Instruction type One address
Arithmetic speed - Seconds
Operation Flo Point Fixed Point
Add or Subtract 0.28 0.28
Multiply 1.37 1.155
Divide 1.43 1.155
Divide-Multiply 1.54 1.155
Square-root 2.23 1.90
Medium No. of Words Dec Digits/Word
Magnetic Drum 84 31 plus sign
Program Tape Reader and Punch
Reads at 18 characters per second, approximately 1.18
seconds to complete read in, tape is prepared while keying in
program and can be read back for automatic processing. Data
Tape Reader and Punch
Reads at 18 characters per second, approximately 1.06
seconds to complete read out, original data or intermediate
results can be punched and read back.
Manual Keyboard
Complete manual control of machine, control lights to indicate
internal operations, instruction keys for program tape
preparation, manual data entry and problem solution, and visual
display of all machine registers.
Electric Typewriter
Typed output at 18 characters per second, manual operation
to permit alphabetic headings for reports, typewriter up to 10
feet from machine, and automatic carriage return and tab
Cathode Ray Tube Display
Two inch tube for display, and 32 x 10 grid defines register
contents. Decimal point and sign displayed.
Control Panel
Convenient method of handling sub-routines, 200
program hubs for additional programming, 12 balance
test hubs for logical either-or decisions, 15 program
skips for program transfer, and 10 selectors for pro-
gram alteration.
The ratio of input time to computing time for most
statistical problems of any complexity is less than
one. The ratio of output time to computing time for
most statistical and engineering problems is small
except for large problems where intricate programming
requires temporary storage of large quantities of
data on the data tape. Small internal storage makes
programming of large problems intricate.
Manufacturer Checking features include circuit and
components designed for reliability, validity check of each tape
character read in and read out, all information transfer within
610 validity checked, auto-point sums, products and quotients
checked not to exceed machine capacity, all clear operations
checked to insure complete reset to zero, and all register
addresses validity checked.
105-130 volts, single phase, 60 cycle, AC,
16-20 amperes. Heat dissipation is 5,000 BTU/hour. 60o to 95oF
temperature range, 95% maximum humidity.
Power, computer 1.5 Kw 1.5 KVA 1.0 pf
Vole, computer 42 cu ft
Area, computer 14 sq ft
Room size, computer 8 ft x 10 ft
Floor loading 54 lbs/sq ft
190 lbs concen max
Weight, computer 750 lbs
30 amp fuse on separate line. No special air conditioner
required. USA TRC Power, computer 2.4 KVA 105-130V, 60 cycle,
16-20 amp
Volume, computer 26.5 cu ft
Area, computer 8.8 sq ft
Room size, computer Small
Floor loading 8.6 lbs/sq ft
800 lbs concen max
Weight, computer 750 lbs
Installed a separate 120V, 60 cycle, 30 amp line.
Power, computer 120V single phase, 17.1 Amperes
Area, computer 5x3'5x2.5 ft
Weight, computer 800 lbs
Adequate power plus ventilation. Built in blower. US NA Power,
computer 110V, single phase, 20 amp, 60 cycle
Vole, computer 33.5 cu ft
Area, computer 10.2 sq ft
Room size, computer 20 ft x 40 ft(Classroom)
Floor loading 80 lbs/sq ft
800 lbs concen max
Weight, computer 800 lbs
Power, computer 1 Kw 2 KVA 0.5 Pf
Volume, computer 30.7 cu ft
Area, computer 9.2 sq ft
Room size 200 sq ft
Floor loading 10 lbs/sq ft
87 lbs concen max
BRL 1961, IBM 610, start page 0345
Weight, computer 800 lbs
No air conditioner is required. Special individual computer
power supply wiring. Heat removal blower.
Power, computer 1.65 KVA
Volume, computer 50 cu ft
Area, computer 15 sq ft
Weight, computer 1,100 lbs
No air conditioner needed.
Power, computer 2.34 Kw
Power, air condi 1.75 Kw 0.21368 KVA 0.91 pf
Volume, computer 15.9 cu ft
Volume, air conidtioner 5.63 cu ft
Area, computer 14.7 sq ft
Area, air conditioner 3.11 sq ft
Room size 19 ft 1 in x 9 ft 3 in
Floor loading 140 lbs/sq ft
1,200 lbs concen max
Weight, computer 1,150 lbs
Weight, air conditioner 178 lbs
Separate 20 ampere, 117 volt service.
General Tire
Volume, computer 800 cu ft
Area, computer 100 sq ft
Room size 10 ft x 10 ft
Lockheed Electronics
Power, computer 1.44 Kw 1.44 Kw
Vole, computer 31.5 cu ft
Area, computer 9.2 sq ft
Room size 9 ft x 14 ft
Floor loading 6.35 lbs/sq ft
87 lbs concen max
Weight, computer 800 lbs
Site preparation included soundproof room 9 ft x 14 ft, false
ceiling, 80 watt fluorescent lighting, electric fan, and 115 volt -
60 cycle - single phase20 ampere electrical line.
U of Louisville No special preparation was required.
The room has concrete block walls and acoustic ceiling, tile
and concrete floor.
Worcester Poly
Power, computer 2.3 Kw
Volume, computer 24 cu ft
Area, computer 8 sq ft
Room size 15 ft x 20 ft
Floor loading 100 lbs/sq ft
200 lbs concen max
Weight, computer 800 lbs
New partitions, acoustic ceiling, fluorescent lighting,
redecorating, one special power circuit, regular electrical outlets.
System has been dropped and is no longer available.
Unavailable from manufacturer
Rental rate is $1,100 per month. USA
Console, keyboard, and typewriter rent at $1,150/mo. WSMR
$1,150 per month for all 610 equipment.
US NA $460 per month - computer, keyboard typewriter
(includes academic contribution of 60%j. USNAD
$1,283 per month for basic system.
Remington Rand Synchro Tape is rented for $142/mo.
Maintenance/service contracting is included in rental
rates. TVA
The 610 console, 869 typewriter, 973 keyboard cost
System rents at $1,150/month.
Computer cost $55,000 and rents for $1,150 per month,
including console, keyboard, and typewriter.
The off-line punch rents at $125 per month.
Maintenance/service contract
0-36 Months 37-72 Months 73 108 Months
Console $112/Mo $142/Mo $191/Mo
Typewriter 11 15 -
Keyboard 2 3 4
General Tire
Approximately $1,100 per month is paid.
Lockheed Electronics
Monthly Rental
Console $1,065
Typewriter 35
Keyboard 50
Tax 115
$1,2 5-
U of Louisville
$460 monthly (basic system costs about $50,000).
Maintenance is included in rental.
U of R. I.
The IBM 610 rents $460 per month.//
026 card punch, 402 accounting machine, 101 elec-
tronic statistical machine, and 514 reproducing punch
rent at $500 per month.
Worcester Poly
IBM 610: $460/month (educational contribution rate),
including maintenance.
10 engineers and 4 technicians utilize machine on an as
needed basis. No full time personnel assigned or needed.
Operation tends toward open shop. USA
One supervisor and 2 or 3 programmers. One operator is
required for each shift.
Operation tends toward open shop.
Methods of training used includes in-house instruction to
members of the command conducted by members of the
Mathematical Sciences Division.
One Theoretical Physicist (BA) does all programming, etc.
(IBM maintains equipment).
Operation tends toward closed shop.
IBM has run several one week courses (4 hrs per day) on
operation of 610.
One operator required.
Operation tends toward open shop.
Methods of training used includes classroom instruction.
BRL 1961, IBM 610, start page 0346
one 8-Hour Shift
Supervisors 1/4
Analysts 1/2
Programmes s 1/2
Operators 1
In-Output Oper 1
Mathematical aptitude was determined by qualifying tests and other
criteria and further training was on-the-job in nature.
There is no one person designated in a supervisory capacity for the 610.
The computer is used a great deal by about six or eight chemical engineers,
is periodically used by about six or eight more.
Two-day training classes, taught by IBM personnel, are offered
periodically as needed.
Four engineers use the system.
Operation tends toward open shop.
IBM conducted 2 day class for training - this included "hands-on"
General Tire Used by engineering and research personnel who
do their own programming and operating.
Lockheed Electronics
One 8-Hour Shift
Supervisors 1
Programers 2
Engineers 10
Operation tends toward closed shop.
Methods of training used include the instruction manual, brief kecture,
and demonstration. Typical personnel able to operate and program the
computer one day training and experience.
U of Louisville
Operation tends toward open shop.
Formal course work: Math 400 Machine Computing, 1 credit hour (1 hr
lecture and 2 hr lab each week
for 10 weeks).
Worcester Poly
One 8-Hour Shift
Used Recommended
Supervisors 1/3 1
Clerks 115 1/2
Operators (Users) 1/2
operation tends toward open shop (exclusively).
Methods of training used includes short special courses as required and
training is included in several regular academic courses.
Good time 30 Hours/Week (Average)
Attempted to run time 30 Hours/Week (Average)
Operating ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) 1.0
Above figures based on period from Nov 59 to May 60
Passed Customer Acceptance Test Nov 59
Time is not available for rent to outside organiza-
Good time 38 Hours/Week (Average)
Attempted to run time 40 Hours/Week (Average)
Operating Ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) 0.95
Above figures based on period 17 Mar 60 to 27 Jul 60
Passed Customer Acceptance Test 17 Mar 60
Time is not available for rent to outside organiza-
WSMR Time is available for rent to outside organizations. The
computer has been down for repair less than 5% of time in past year.
Good time 39.2 Hours/Week (Average)
Attempted to run time 40.7 Hours/Week (Average)
operating ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) 0.962
Above figures based on period 26 Apr 59 to 31 Jul 60
Passed Customer Acceptance Test 12 Apr 60
Time is not available for rent to outside organiza-
The IBM 610 has been very reliable and has had an excellent good time
record. The time availability has in general been based on a 40 hour week.
Average error-free running period 4 or 5 days
Passed Customer Acceptance Test Nov 59
Time is not available for rent to outside organiza-
Down time is sporadic and for the most part insignificant.
Average error-free running period 20 Hours
Good time 33 Hours/Week (Average)
Attempted to run time 35 Hours/Week (Average)
Operating ratio (Good/Attempted to run time) 0.94
Above figures based on period 5 Jan 60 to 5 May 60
Passed Customer Aceptance Test 5 Jan 60
Time is not available for rent to outside organiza-
General Tire Time is not available for rent to outside organizations.
Lockheed Electronics
Average error-free running period3 1/2 Hours/Week
Good time 4 to 5 Hours/Week (Average)
Attempted to run time 4 & 5 Hours/Week (Average)
Operating ratio 0.99
Above figures based on period 13 Nov 54 to 14 Apr 60
Passed Customer Acceptance Test 12 Nov 59
Time is available for rent to qualified outside or-
ganizations. Duration time of job must be long enough
to justify moving the computer to an unclassified area.
Average error-free running period 3 Months
Good time 40 Hours/Week (Average)
Attempted to run time 40 Hours/Week (Average)
Operating ratio 1.0
Above figures based on period 1 Feb 60 to 31 Aug 60
Passed Customer Acceptance Test Nov 59
Time is not available for rent to outside organiza-
U of Louisville Time is available for rent to outside organizations.
U of R. I.
Good time 38 Hours/Week (Average)
Attempted to run time 40 Hours/Week (Average)
Above figures based on period from Aug 59 to present
Passed Customer Acceptance Test 17 Jul 59
Time is available for rent to qualified outside or-
Worcester Poly
Good time 30 Hours/Week (Average)
Attempted to run time 35 Hours/Week (Average)
Operating ratio 0.85
Above figures based on period from Jan 59 to Jun 60
Passed Customer Acceptance Test 21 Jan 59
Time is available for rent to qualified outside or-
Use by outside organizations has been possible only via sponsored research
and educational uses. IBM contract (dated 1 Jun 60) permits sale of time to
outside organizations.
BRL 1961, IBM 610, start page 0347
Tape Characteristics
Automatic adjustment to 5 or 8 channel size, 5 channel teletype tape, and 8
channel includes: 5 for code symbols, one for even-order redundancy check,
and two for class marks (for operating use).
The IBM 610 is tailored to needs of engineering and science, mobile
desk-size unit with typewriter and keyboard, handles 5 or 8 channel punched paper
tape, 15 digit number plus decimal and sign, automatic control of decimal point,
84 registers of magnetic drum storage, each 31 digits, plus sign, octal or
decimal arithmetic, single instruction square root, single instruction
divide-multiply (x/y)z, program control frown-keyboard, program tape and control panel,
automatic program tape preparation while solving problem, built-in self-
checking for reliability, and multiple-command instructions. Keyboard Lights
KEY BD Keyboard in control
OPE Machine executing a step when automatic
program stops
INT Indicates interruption of a program
PCH CLASS Punch class switch (1,2,3) ON
CLEAR Register has failed to clear to zeros
PUNCH Invalid character punched into tape
REG Invalid register address
DIG ENT Invalid Numerical Code entered
RDN Invalid character read in or out
DIG CH Signals or digits from or to drum are
OFLO Number in SEL REG exceeds allowable
magnitude or division by zero attempted
USA TRC Outstanding feature is ease of programming.
US NA Outstanding features include automatic decimal point, each
memory drum register capable of storing 31 decimal digits plus sign and
decimal point, and option of octal or decimal mode of operation. System is
to program and operate.
USNAD Outstanding features include auto-point (floating point)
calculations, good reliability, and ease of programming.
TVA Since this computer is used by a relatively small integrated
group, tape storage is no problem. Each operator takes care of his own
special tapes, while standard tapes axe labelled and filed close to the
DuPont Outstanding features include automatic decimal point, easy
programming, and programming in engineering language.
Lockheed Electronics Outstanding features include computes and
prints-out in floating point point notation, very fast and easy to program,
air conditioning not required. Duration time of arithmetic operation too
especially those for trigonometric function, i.e., multiply 0.78 sec.,
square root -
0.67 sec., and sine (cosine) at least 20 sec.
Carleton Outstanding features are ease of programming (simple
command structure) and use as desk computer.
U of Louisville Unique system advantages are automatic positioning
of decimal point and simplicity in coding.
Worcester Poly
Outstanding features includes low cost, bringing it within the range of a
limited, small college budget,
simplicity in learning to use it, and minimum personnel requirements.
Additional computing equipment available on campus includes two small
analog computers and one home-made demonstration digital computer in various
engineering departments. For large scale digital computing applications W.
P. I.
has limited access to the MIT Computation Center.
USA TRC It is proposed that the system be replaced by an IBM
USNAD The rental of the IBM 1620 Digital Computing System has been
approved by the Bureau of Naval Weapons. The IBM 1620 has much faster input
and computing times (input of 180 char/sec and access time of 20 microsec).
addition the 1620 has core storage of 20,000 digits with variable word len
h. The
rental of the IBM 1620 will be approximately $1,600 per month.
TVA The workload is increasing rapidly and may require some change in the
future. Present plans are indefinite.
DuPont To date, primary usage of the IBM 610 has been in the
development and research areas for engineering calculations and evaluation
analysis of experimental data. Continued use in this field is anticipated.
complex applications in the statistical field will be pursued in the plant
and product areas. Increased activity in the production and cost accounting
department is expected. At this time, no plans for an expansion or
modification of
the present computer system has been made. However, the adequacy of the
system for current and future demands will be studied within the next six
Results and recommendations of this study will determine the need for
or acquisition of a new system.
Lockheed Electronics IBM 610 to be
replaced by IBM 1620.
Worcester Poly Eventual acquisition of some other computer as addition to
or replacement for present one, possibly to meet administrative as well as
and research needs.
Army Rocket & Guided Missile Agency, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama
U. S. Army Transportation Research Command, Mathemat. ical Sciences
Division, Fort Eustis, Virginia
Ordnance Mission, White Sands Missile Range, N. Mexico
U. S. Naval Academy, Weapons Dept., Annapolis, Md.
U. S. Naval Ammunition Depot, Crane, Indiana
Tennessee Valley Authority, Computing Center, 116 Old Post Office,
Chattanooga, Tennessee
E. I. DuPont de Nemours & Co., P. O. Box 1378, Louisville 1,
General Tire & Rubber Co., 1708 Englewood Ave., Akron 9, Ohio
Lockheed Electronics Co., Military Systems Div., U.S. Highway No.
22, Plainfield, New Jersey
Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota
University of Louisville, Louisville 8, Kentucky
University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island
Worcester Polytechnic, Computation Facility, Worcester 9,
BRL 1961, IBM 632, start page 0348
IBM 632
IBM 632 Electronic Typing Calculator
International Business Machines Corporation
Electric Typewriter Division
Photo by International Business Machines Corporation
The IBM 632 is designed primarily for invoicing. It is available in
four models, including models with card punch, printing card
punch, and punched paper tape output. The 632 combines
calculating and typing in one unit. It automatically adds, subtracts,
and multiplies the information keyed into the companion
keyboard. It also automatically inserts decimal points, computes
taxes, discounts and accumulates information for daily totals. The
accuracy of electronics and magnetic core "memory" give the
IBM 632 Electronic Typing Calculator the ability to handle a
variety of business applications. This model, incorporating
punched card output, punches desired information into IBM
punched cards simultaneously with the typing action. The cards
may then be further processed in an accounting system.
Internal number system Binary coded decimal
Decimal digits/word 12
Instructions decoded 12
Arithmetic system Fixed point
Instruction type One address
1 buffer register and 1 companion keyboard is used.
Incl Stor Access Exclud Stor Access
Microsec Microsec
Add 110,000 21.5/word
Mult 2,500,000 430,000(average
Construction (Arithmetic unit only
Vacuum tubes 150
Magnetic cores 164
Ferrite cores 352
Switch cores 28
Arithmetic mode Serial
BRL 1961, IBM 632, start page 0348
Timing Asynchronous
Operation Sequential
No. of No. of Access
Medium Words Digits Microsec
Magnetic Cores 8 12 21.5/word
Medium Speed
10 Key Unit 12 digits/sec Binary coded input
Media Speed
Typewriter 10 char/sec
Cards 10 char/sec
Paper Tape 10 char/sec
Type Quantity
6887 48
5965 41
5844 45
2D21 5
6350 11
1N152 11
- 117
lN480 24
- 12
Magnetic Cores 352
Power, computer 0.75 Kw 1.035 KVA
Volume, computer 9.5 cu ft
Area, computer 4.5 sq ft
Weight, computer 600 lbs
Time required for delivery 4-9 months
Basic System Cost Rental
Model I-Typewriter unit, calcu- $6,000 $175
lator unit and companion keyboard
Additional Equipment
Model II-Typewriter unit, calcu- 8,700 235
lator unit w/non-printing punch &
companion keyboard
Model III-Typewriter unit, cal- 9,800 260
culator unit w/printing punch
& companion keyboard
Model IV-Typewriter unit, cal- 11,900 295
culator unit w/tape punch &
companion keyboard
Model V-Typewriter unit, calcu- 13,700 310
lator unit & companion keyboard
& card reader
Model VI-Typewriter unit, cal- 16,400 370
culator unit w/non-printing
punch & companion keyboard &
card reader
Model VII-Typewriter unit, $17,500 $395
calculator unit w/printing
punch & companion keyboard
& card reader
Maintenance/service is included in all monthly rental prices.
Maintenance/service for purchase machines is as
Model I $300
Model II 420
Model III 440
Model IV 535
Model V 472
Model VI 592
Model VII 612
One operator is required per 8 hour shift.
Training made available by the manufacturer to the user
includes operator training at time of installation.
Outstanding features are a program reading device, which houses
a mylar program belt, containing all of the instructions for a
particular application, and a companion keyboard, which has a
familiar 10key pattern, facilitating indexing of numerical
information, increasing speed and accuracy, and also aiding in
error detection and correction. Unique programming device
makes the equipment compatible with most systems.
International Business Machines Corporation
Electric Typewriter Division
590 Madison Avenue
New York 22, New York
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