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BRL 1961, IBM 1401, start page 0526
IBM 1401
IBM 1401 Data Processing System
International Business Machines Corporation
Photo by International Business Machines Corporation
Manufacturer System is designed and used for commercial applications,
including payroll, railroad freight car accounting, public utility customer
accounting, merchandising, and accounts receivable for retailers.
Hickok Manufacturing Co., Inc.
To be located at 850 St Paul Street, Rochester , New
York, the system will be used for order processing (packing lists and shipping
labels, invoicing, accounts receivable preparation, item sales statistics and
forecasting, inventory planning and control, prime cost reports, customer
statistics, salesmens territory reports, and hourly payroll.
Western Electric Company, Inc. - Laureldale Plant Located at Laureldale,
Penna., the system will be used for a variety of data processing problems on a
one shift basis. Initial plans are to convert major tabulating applications such
as payrolls, labor distribution, order accounting and accounting analysis
which will require twenty-five percent utilization and effect cost reduction in
released punch card equipment and personnel. New applications planned
are inventory control, parts explosion, product inprocess inventories and
results, statistical analyses of product test results, X bar-R chart plotting, and
cost bulletin.
Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Steam Division Located at Lester
Branch P. O., Philadelphia 13, Pa., the system is used as off-line equipment
auxiliary to 7090, for tape-to-card operations, card-to-tape operations, tape-to-
printer operations, card-to-printer operations, etc. In addition, as a computer
for small ,jobs currently done on punched card tabulating equipment.
Internal number system Binary coded decimal
Decimal digits/word Variable length
Decimal digits/instruction one to eight
Instructions per word Variable length
Arithmetic system Fixed point
Instruction type One or two address
BRL 1961, IBM 1401, start page 0527
Instruction word format
| OP | A/I Address | B Address | d Modifier |
| X | XXX | XXX | X |
| OP | (A/I) | B |
| X | XXX | XXX |
| OP | (A/I) | d |
| X | XXX | |
| OP | (A/I) |
| X | XXX |
| OP | d |
| X | X |
| OP |
| X |
OP 1 character operation code
A/I 3 character storage address where A is loca-
tion of a data word or I is address of next
B 3 character storage address of a data word
d 1 character modifier
Automatic coding includes a symbolic programming system.
I Address Register
A Address Register
B Address Register
A Register
B Register
A Index Register
B Index Register
AB Index Register
A and B Address Registers allow chaining of instructions, i.e., performing a
series of operations on several fields that are in sequence in storage. Less time is
required to perform the operations and space is saved in storing instructions.
Indexing is part of optional advanced programming feature which also
includes abilities to move full records and to store A and B Address
Registers for easy program modification.
Incl Stor Access
Add 300(8+8 digits)
Mult 1,960(6x4 digits
Div 2,170(10/4 digits)
Multiply-Divide times are for the Multiply-Divide feature installed.
1401 1s an "Add-to-Storage" system. No additional
instructions or time is required to store results.
Arithmetic mode Serial (by character)
Timing Synchronous Asynchronous
(depending on function)
Operation Sequential Concurrent
(depending on function)
Timing - Operations
Card input/output can often be overlapped with processing.
Print output can be partially overlapped with processing; or can be
completely overlapped with print storage installed.
Magnetic tape input/output is not overlapped. Internal processing
is serial.
No. of Access
Media Alphanum/Char Microsec
Core 1,400; 2,000; 4,000; 11.5
8,000; 12,000; 16,000
Magnetic Disk 10,000,000 500,000 (Avg)
(Type 1405) Model I
Magnetic Disk 20,000,000 500,000 (Avg)
(Type 1405) Model II
50,000 two hundred character records on 25 discs
(Model I).
100,000 two hundred character records on 50 discs
(Model II).
Both models have two read-write arms.
Magnetic Tape
No. of units that can be connected 6 Units
No. of chars/linear inch of tape 556 Char/inch
Channels or tracks on the tape 7 Tracks/tape
Blank tape separating each record 0.75 Inches
Tape speed 75 Inches/sec
Transfer rate 15,000 to 62,500 Char/sec
Start time 7.3 or 10.8 Millisec
Stop time 7.3 or 10.8 Millisec
Average time for experienced
operator to change reel of tape 60 - 120 Seconds
Physical properties of tape
Width 0.5 Inches
Length of reel 2,400 Feet
Composition Mylar
Two tape units can be specified: 729 II or 729 IV.
Mylar is DuPont's registered trademark for its
polyester film.
No. of No. of Access
Medium Words Digits Microsec
Magnetic Core 4000 char 6 bits/char, 11.5
1 parity bit,
1 word mark bit.
Media Speed
Cards (80 column Type 1402) 250 or 800 cards/min
Magnetic Tape (729 II or 15,000 or 62,500 char/sec
729 IV)
Dual density standard
Paper Tape 500 char/sec
Reading is controlled by a panel which decodes the
paper tape in binary coded decimal for 5, 6, 7 or 8
channel tape.
Optical Character Reader 290 to 400 documents/min
Cards or documents may be read. Reader is under
program control. Characters which may be read are
the Type 407 print, .093 inches high. Characters
which may be read are the integers 0 - 9, -, 1-, and
a # . Paper or cards must have a horizontal width
dimension of 5-7/8 inches minimum to a 8-3/4 inches
maximum. The vertical dimensions are 2-3/4 inches
minimum to 3-2/3 inches maximum. .Option of one or
two lines/document. Reading is serial, left to right.
Console Inquiry Station Manual
(Type 1407)
Modified IBM Electric Typewriter with a 12 inch carriage, using a
continuous form.
BRL 1961, IBM 1401, start page 0528
Media Speed
Magnetic Tape IBM 729 II75 in/sec
15,000 or 42,000 char/sec
Character rate varies due to high or low density tape option.
Card Reader Boo cards/min
IBM 1402 Card Read-Punch
CardsMedia(8o columm) 250 cards/min
Magnetic Tape 15,000 or 62,500 char/sec
(Type 729 II and 729 IV)
Dual. density standard
Printer 60 lines/min
Card Punch 250 cards/min
IBM 1402 Card Read-Punch
Printer 600 lines/min
IBM 1403 Printer
Magnetic Tape
Type Quantity
Diodes 6,213 - 14,171 (Min. and max. systems
Transistors 4,315 - 9,805 (Min. and Max- systems)
Magnetic Cores
Type 17: 17,540 Minimum system
Type 24: 200
Type 17: 129,540 Maximum system
Type 24: 600
Type 18: 1,120
Parity and validity checks are made. Programming checks,
balances and controls may be made.
1402 Checking
Automatic hole count check between read stations.
Automatic Hollerith Validity check before storage entry.
Automatic hole count check between punch station and
read station.
1402 Translation
Automatic card to internal BCD input translation.
Automatic internal BCD to card output translation.
1403 Checking
Automatic parity check of character to be printed.
Automatic validity check of character to be printed.
Hammer action to be performed.
Hammer action
729 II - 729 IV Checking
Vertical parity check by character
Horizontal check by record
Two-gap head verifies validity at the time data is written
Dual-level sensing provides additional checking of tape
read and write operations and error-free operation on valid
1402 Card Read Punch - Punch feed read and 51/80 colon
interchangeable read feed.
1403 Printer - print storage.
Input-output - column binary device.
Power, computer 2.88 Kw 3.2 KVA min. = Model A
(Max)12.15 Kw 13.5 KVA 0.80 to 0.90 pf
max' = Model C+6-729s
Power, air condition approx 3 Kw (Min.)
approx 11 Kw (Max. )
The KVA and power factor varies with manufacturer.
Minimum system requires 1 Ton, maximum system requir-
es 3 1/2 Tons.
Volume, computer 117.2 cu ft min.
403.8 cu ft max.
Area, computer 33.8 sq ft min.
80.8 sq ft max.
Room size 239 sq ft min.
463 sq ft max.
Floor loading 25 lbs/sq ft
325 lbs concen max
Volume, air conditioner 6 cu ft - 1 ton unit
84 cu ft - 5 ton
Area, computer 3 sq ft - 1 ton
12 sq ft - 5 ton
Capacity, air conditioner Depends on manufacturer
3 1/2 tons are required for maxim size system,
a 5 ton unit would be nearest size available.
Weight, computer 3,063 lbs (Min:)
11, 530 lbs Max
Normal air conditioning will usually be adequate, providing
the capacity is available to handle the added B.T.U. of heat
generated by the system.
Relatively few restrictions axe placed on the
arrangement of the 1401 System units.
Electrical requirements - 208 or 230 volts
(¤10'%), 3-Abase (4-wire), 60 cycle (t 1/2 cycle).
Environmental requirements
Power On (system operating) temperature 600 -
900F, relative humidity 20 - 80'%, air filtration - 20'% minimum
by National Bureau of Standards discoloration test for
mechanical-type filter.
Power Off (extended non-operational period)
temperature 500 - 1100F, relative humidity 0 - 80%.
These environmental requirements are less stringent than
those that apply to storage areas for IBM cards and magnetic
It is recommended that instruments capable of
recording temperature and humidity be provided.
The 1401 System does not require a raised floor. However, if
the rated floor loading of the area in which the system is to be
installed is inadequate, certain types of raised floor can serve the
purpose of spreading the load evenly over a larger area. Also, the
use of a raised floor reduces the possibility of damage to cables
and improves the appearance of the installation.
Power, computer 208 or 230 volts, 60 cycle, 3 phase, 4 wire
Power, air conditionerlimited amount needed
Volume, computer326 cu ft approx
Volume, air conditioner60 cu ft (approx
Area, computer 70 sq ft approx
Area, air conditioner12 sq ft (approx
Room size 350 sq ft (approx
Floor loading 50 lbs/sq ft
70 lbs concen max
Weight, computer 14,655 lbs
Weight, sir conditioner 400 lbs
BRL 1961, IBM 1401, start page 0529
Number produced to date Over 2,800
Time required for delivery 24 months
Over 2,800 systems have been sold to date.
Manufacturer Monthly
Basic System Cost Rental
IBM 1401 Processing Unit, $ 70,500 $1,200
Model A-1
IBM 1402 Card Read Punch, Model 1 24,800 550
IBM 1403 Printer, Model 1 30,300 725
Total $125,600 $2,475
Additional Equipment
IBM 729 II Magnetic Tape unit $ 27,500 $ 700
IBM 729 IV Magnetic Tape Unit 59,000 1,100
(maximum of 6 tape units)
Tape Input-Output Adapter Feature 22,700 980
IBM 1406 (Additional Core) Stor- 20,100 to 575 to
age (3 models) 55,100 1,575
Maintenance contracts available for purchased or rented
Hickok Mfg Co.
Rental configuration scheduled for installation:
Model or Monthly
Type Device Description Rental
1 1401 C03 Processing Unit $2,680
1 560 Multiply-Divide Md 1 B C 325
1 617 Print Storage Md 1 BCD 375
1 497 High Low-Eq Comp BCD 75
1 1403 002 Printer ARM A 775
1 1402 002 Card Read Punch 550
5 729 002 Magnetic Tape Unit 770 ea
WE - Laureldale Plant
The Laureldale Plant presently employs conventional punch
card equipment for mechanized data processing. A feasibility
study has recently been completed and an IBM 1401 data
processing system has been recommended. Management is
currently considering this recommendation.
The recommended components of the 1401 are as
Machine Model Description Rental
1401 B4 Processing unit (4,000 $ 1,630
27 Advanced Programming-
Index Registers 105
321 Expanded Print Edit 20
560 Multiply-Divide Device 325
605 Additional Print Control 60
611 Punch Feed Read 55
497 High-Low-Equal Compare 75
617 Print Storage 375
627 Read Punch Release 25
682 Sense Switches 15
1402 1 Card Read Punch 550
619 Punch Feed Read 25
1403 1 Printer 775
of Magnetic Core Storage) 575
Total Monthly Rental $4,610
System components are IBM 1401-c3, IBM 1402, IBM
1403, IBM 1406, and IBM 729 II. The approximate
monthly rental is $8,300.
Maintenance and service is provided by the
manufacturer and is included. in monthly rental.
Varies considerably according to installation and application.
Training made available by the manufacturer to the users
includes programming and practical experience on systems.
Programming systems available are: symbolic programming
system; generalized tape sorts; tape system utilities, including card-
to-tape, tape-to-card, tapeto-printer; card report program
generator; subroutines; and debugging aids - service routines.
Manufacturer Reliability is achieved by utilizing solid
state devices, i.e. core storage, printed circuits, and
transistorized circuits. Checking, as previously detailed, also
provides reliability.
Outstanding features are: high speed card inputoutput, high
speed magnetic tape input-output, high speed on-line printing,
completely variable length core storage assignments, "Add-to-
Storage" simplifies programming, and single-instruction print
Unique system advantages are: solid-state engineering,
economical, independent data processing system, auxiliary
system to 7007000 series, and simplified programming.
Growth of the system is permissible in the basic card system,
the advanced card system, and the card and magnetic system.
Optional features as required, are available.
Boston Naval Shipyard
Boston, Massachusetts
General Electric Company, Inc.
Missile and Space Vehicle Department
3198 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia 4, Pennsylvania
General Insurance Company of America
4347 Brooklyn Avenue
Seattle 5, Washington
Hickok Manufacturing Company, Inc.
850 St. Paul Street Rochester 1, N. Y.
Western Electric Company, Inc. - Laureldale Plant
Marion and. Vine Streets
Laureldale, Pennsylvania
Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Steam Division
Lester Branch P. 0.
Philadelphia 13, Pennsylvania
U. S. Army, Headquarters, TAGO
Washington 25, D. C.
U. S. Army Corps of Engineers
Engineer Maintenance Center
52 Starling Street
Columbus 16, Ohio (Proposed)
BRL 1961, IBM 1401, start page 0530
U. S. Army Quartermster Depot
Richmond, Virginia (Proposed)
U. S. Army Signal Supply Agency
225 S. 18th Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
U. S. Navy Administrative Office
Washington 25, D. C. (Proposed)
U. S. Navy Bureau of Yards and Docks
Washington 25, D. C. (Proposed)
U. S. Navy Mare Island Shipyard
Vallejo, California
U. S. Naval Ordnance Laboratory
White Oak
Silver Spring, Maryland
U. S. Navy Ships Parts Control Center
Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
U. S. Air Force Air Defense Command
Ent Air Force Base
Colorado Springs, Colorado (Proposed)
U. S. Air Force Aviation Supply Office
700 Robbins Avenue
Philadelphia 11, Pennsylvania
U. S. Air Force Mathematical Services Laboratory
Eglin Air Force Base, Florida
U. S. Air Force Mobile Air Materiel Area
Brookley Air Force Base, Alabama
U. S. Air Force San Bernardino Air Materiel Area
Norton Air Force Base, California
Wright Air Development Center, ARDC
Directorate of Systems Engineering
Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio (Proposed)
Air Weather Service
Climatic Center
225 D Street, S.E.
Washington 25, D. C. (Proposed)
U. S. Department of Agriculture (5)
Commodity Stabilization Service
New Orleans, Louisiana
Bureau of Flight Standards
Federal Aviation Agency
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Department of Health, Education & Welfare
Social Security Administration
Candler Building
Baltimore 2, Maryland (Proposed)
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Lewis Research Center
Cleveland 35, Ohio
Tennessee Valley Authority
116 Old Post Office
Chattanooga, Tennessee
U. S. Treasury Department
Internal Revenue Service 10th -
Constitution Avenues
Washington, D. C.
Veterans Administration
Data Processing Center
Hines, Illinois (Proposed)
American Telephone & Telegraph Company
Mount Kisco, New York (Proposed)
American Telephone & Telegraph Company (4)
50 Varick Street
New York, N. Y. (Proposed)
AVCO Corporation
Crosley Division
1329 Arlington Street
Cincinnati 29, Ohio (Proposed)
Bank of America (4)
500 Howard Street
San Francisco, California
Bankers Life Insurance Company of Nebraska
Cotner at 0 Street
Lincoln, Nebraska
Bell Telephone Laboratories (3)
Murray Hill, New Jersey (Proposed)
Bell Telephone Laboratories (3)
Whippany Road
Whippany, New Jersey (Proposed)
California Institute of Technology
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena 3, California
Chase Manhattan Bank 57
William Street, Room 200 New
York, N. Y.
Combustion Engineering, Inc.
200 Madison Avenue
New York 16, N. Y.
(Installation Newark, New Jersey)
Consolidated Edison Company of New York 4
Irving Place New York 3, N. Y.
Convair (2)
Fort Worth, Texas (Proposed)
Eastman Kodak Company (2)
Rochester, New York
E1 Paso Natural Gas Company (2)
P. 0. Box 1492
El Paso, Texas
Esso Standard (2)
Humble Oil & Refining Company
P. o. Box 551
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Firestone Tire & Rubber Company (2)
Akron 17, Ohio
Ford Motor Company
Dearborn Stamping Plant, Box 494
Controller's Office
Dearborn, Michigan (Proposed)
Ford Motor Company (2)
Ford Division
Rotunda and Southfield
Dearborn, Michigan (Proposed)
Ford Motor Company (2)
Manufacturing Services
Rouge Office Building
Dearborn, Michigan (Proposed)
General Motors Corporation (2)
A. C. Spark Plug Division
1300 N. Dort Highway
Flint, Michigan (Proposed)
General Motors Corporation
Allison Division
Indianapolis 6, Indiana
BRL 1961, IBM 1401, start page 0531
General Motors Corporation
Research Laboratories
12 Mile and Mound Roads
Warren, Michigan
Gulf Research & Development Company
P. 0. Drawer 2038
Pittsburgh 30, Pennsylvania (Proposed)
Hughes Aircraft Company
5405 West 102nd Street
Los Angeles, California (Proposed)
International Business Machines Corporation
Scientific Computations laboratory
Endicott, New York
International Business Machines Corporation
Data Systems Division
Poughkeepsie, New York
International Business Machines Corporation
Methods DS Manufacturing
South Road
Poughkeepsie, New York
International Harvester Company
1301 West 22nd Street
Broadview, Illinois (Proposed)
International Harvester Company
Motor Truck Division, Box 1109
Meyer Road
Fort Wayne, Indiana
The Marquardt Corporation
16555 Saticoy Street
Van Nuys, California
The Martin Company
Baltimore, Maryland (Proposed)
The Martin Company
Denver, Colorado
Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Company (3)
900 Bush Avenue
St Paul 6, Minnesota
Newport News Ship and Drydock Company
Washington Avenue
Newport News, Virginia (Proposed)
The Ohio 031 Company (2)
539 South Main Street
Findlay, Ohio
Pratt and Whitney (2)
Florida Research & Development Center
United, Florida
Republic Aviation Corporation
Farmingdale, L. I., New York
Sandia Corporation (2)
Albuquerque, New Mexico (Proposed)
Service Bureau Corporation
IBM Plant
San Jose, California
Socony Mobil Oil Company, Inc.
150 E. 42nd Street New York 17,
N. Y.
Standard Oil Company of California
Electronic Computing Center
225 Bush Street
San Francisco 20, California (Proposed)
Standard 011 Company of Indiana
EDP Department
2400 New York Avenue
Whiting, Indiana
Standard Oil Company of Ohio (3)
71.7 Republic Building
Cleveland 15, Ohio
Texaco, Incorporated (11)
P. 0. Box 2332
Houston 1, Texas
Western Electric Company (3)
77 South Wacker Drive
Chicago 23, Illinois (Proposed)
Western Electric Company (3)
100 Central Avenue
Kearny, New Jersey
Westinghouse Electric Corporation
Sharpsville Avenue
Sharon, Pennsylvania (Proposed)
Johns Hopkins University
Johns Hopkins Road
Scaggsville, Maryland
Midwestern Universities Research Association
2203 University Avenue
Madison 5, Wisconsin
Yale University
Computing Center
135 Prospect Street
New Haven, Connecticut
General Motors Allison Division
The 1401-1 is scheduled for shipment. The present
specifications and prices are as follows:
Qty Unit Rental
1 1401 C-3 $3,385.03
This price includes:
Advanced programming $105
Col umm Binary 100
High-Low-Equal Compare 75
Print Storage 375
1 1402 558.25
1 1403-2 786.63
Printing Arrangement F
2 729 II at 710.50
The 1401-2 is also scheduled for shipment. The present
specifications and prices are the rime as the 1401-1 above
with the exception of 1 729 II.
The 1401-3 is scheduled for shipment in May 1961. The
present specifications and prices are as follows:
1 1401 C-4 $3,801.18
This price includes:
Advanced programming $105
Column Binary 100
High-Low-Equal Compare 75
Print Storage 375
Multiply Divide 325
Back Space File RPQ 40
1 1402 558.25
1 1403 786.63
Printing Arrangement F
1 1406 583.63
1 729 11 710.50
BRL 1961, IBM 1410, start page 0532
IBM 1410
IBM 1410 Data Processing System
International Business Machines Corporation
The new IBM 1410 greatly extends the range of intermediate computers for commercial
data processing. Together, the 1410 and the 1401 system form a compatible
machine family. Transition from a 1401 to a 1410 is possible with a minimum
of system development costs.
Shown here is an expanded RAMAC 1410 system.
The 1410 comes in card, magnetic tape, RAMAC and RAMAC tape models. With five RAMAC
disk storage units, the 1410 can store 100-million characters of information
for inline processing.
Operator is seated at the 1415 console. From left to right in background
are the 1403 printer, the 1402 card read punch, the 1411 processing unit
and the 1011 paper tape reader. The girl is standing in front of the
1412 magnetic character reader used with the 1410 in banking applications.
To her right are a 1405 disk storage unit, a 7330 low-cost magnetic tape unit
and two 729 magnetic tape units. The 1410 can handle a total of twenty tape units.
Portions of this description have been reprinted
by permission from IBM General Information Manual
1410 Data Processing System, Copyright 1960 by Inter-
national Business Machines Corporation.
Large volume commercial data processing and rapid
scientific computations. System is available in a
variety of configurations. The three basic config-
urations are the IBM 1410 Card System, the IBM 1410
Tape System and the IBM RAMAC 1410 System.
Internal number system Binary coded decimal
Decimal digits/word Variable
Decimal digits/instruction 1 to 12
Instruction word format
| Op Code | A-or I-address | B-address | d-character |
| X | XXXXX | XXXXX | X |
| +------------------+ | |
| |(X-control field) | | |
| | XXX | | |
BRL 1961, IBM 1410, start page 0533
Photo by International Business Machines Corporation
Operations which may be performed are addressing operations, program
control operations, arithmetic operations, logic operations, indexing, general
data operations, input-output operations and checking operations.
To read out an address from storage, a device is needed to accept the address
characters and keep them until the complete address has been read out. The
devices used to do this are the address registers.
Instruction Address Register. The Instruction Address Register is a 5-character
register. The address read into it specifies the initial address of an instruction in
core storage.
A-Address Register. This register accepts a 5-character address that specifies the
storage location of the first A-field character involved in the operation.
B-Address Register. This register accepts a 5-character address that specifies
the storage location of the first B-field character involved in the operation.
Op Register. The Op-register (operation) is a 1character register that stores
the operation code of the instruction in process.
I/0 Channel Select Register, Unit Select Register, and Unit Number Register.
These registers accept the hundreds, tens, and unit positions of the X-control field
that designates an I/0 device. The hundreds position specifies the data
transmission channel.
The tens position specifies the I/0 device. The units position specifies the
number of that device such as tape drive 2.
There are 15 Indexing Registers of 5 characters each.
The 1410 uses stored-program instructions to cause input and output devices
to operate. These instructions perform all the tape, RAMAC, arithmetic, logical,
general data, and miscellaneous operations. The actual operation to be performed
is indicated by the format and contents of the instruction itself.
The basic instruction format for the 1410 is divided into 4 parts - the operation
code, the A-or I-address (5-characters), the B-address (5-characters), and a d-
character modifier to the operation code. Because of the variable length instruction
format, the length of a valid instruction can vary from 1 to 12 characters. An
instruction word may also have an X-control field (3-characters) which designates
an input-output device.
Programming aids include basic autocoder, advanced autocoder, with Macro
instructions and an input/output package, FORTRAN, report generator, tape
sorts, RAMAC sorts, utility programs, and COBOL.
BRL 1961, IBM 1410, start page 0534
Add to storage system of logic is used to perform
these operations.
Arithmetic mode Parallel
Timing Synchronous
Operation Concurrent
No. of Access
Media Characters Microsec
Magnetic Core 40,000 4.5/char
Magnetic Disc (1405)10,000,000(Model 1) 100,000 min
20,000,000(Model 2) 800,000 max
Up to 5 disc units may be connected to the system. Thus, 5
Model 2 RAMAC units will have a capacity of 100,000,000
Magnetic Tape 729 (II and IV)
No. of units that can be connected 10 Units
No. of char/linear inch 200 or 556 Char/inch
Channels or tracks on the tape 7 Tracks/tape
Blank tape separating each record 0.75 Inches
Tape speed 75 or 112.5 Inches/sec
Transfer rate 15,000; 22,500; 41,667; 62,500 Chars/
Start time 10.8 or 7.3 Millisec
Stop time 10.8 or 7.3 Millisec
Average time for experienced operator to change reel of
tape 30 - 60 Seconds
Physical properties of tape
Width 0.5 Inches
Length of reel 2,400 Feet
Composition Mylar
Mylar is DuPont's registered trade mark for Polyester Film.
IBM Magnetic Tape Unit 7330 operates at less speed and
cost than the 729 Units. Both units utilize the two gap head and
dual level sensing. Thus, a parity error is detected when the
character is written.
Characteristics of the disc files are 10 or 20 million alpha-
numeric characters per file, up to five files - 100,000,000
characters, up to 3 arms per file-maximun of 12 arms to a system,
200 characters per record, average access time - 500 ms. - 600
ms., one instruction to read a full track - 1,000 characters, and
read and write overlapped with processing if
overlap device is on Channel 1.
Media Speed
Cards (1402-2 Read/punch) 800 cards/min
Magnetic Tape
729 11 15,000 or 41,000 char/sec
729 IV 22,500 or 62,500 char/sec
7330 7,200 or 20,000 char/sec
Paper Tape 500 char/sec
Media Speed
cards (1402-2 Read/punch) 250 cards/min
Printer (1403) 600 lines/min
Magnetic Tape As above
System utilizes an IBM 1414 Input-Output synchronizer,
allowing CPU to compute while an input-output device is
operating. Card units are completely buffered and checked. Printer
operates at 75 inches/ second, 100 or 132 char/line, with high
speed carriage skipping., Magnetic tape units have optional
overlap and dual gap heads for write checking.
The characteristics of the input-output synchronizers are:
The 1414-I has controls for 729 Tape Units and can
attach 10 tapes to 1414-I.
The 1414-II has controls for 7330 Tape Units and can
attach 10 tapes to 1414-II.
The 1414-III has controls for 1402 Card Read/punch and
1403 Printer, can attach 1-1402 and 1-1403, and has controls and
buffers for other devices, e.g. paper tape input at 500 char/sec,
which uses 5, 6, 7, or 8 channel tape.
System can have a maximum of three 1414's, one lk14-
iii, and two 1414-II's or I's, thus a maximum of 20 tapes is
System is composed of solid state, printed circuit, modular-
cube components.
Special checking features in the IBM 1410 Data Processing
System assure reliability and accuracy of results. Checks must be
made on the validity of data handled by the input-output units and
one the handling of data within the system itself. Some of the
checks include: legitimate instruction codes, arithmetic overflows,
valid signs of numerical quantities, and many others.
In many cases, it is not necessary to interrupt machine
operation when an error condition is detected. The programmer
can insert branch instructions to recognize certain types of errors
as exceptions. An error in reading a record from tape, for
example, can be programmed to backspace the tape and re-read
the record. If a correct reading is obtained the second time,
normal operation continues. If the error persists, operation can be
interrupted, or the incorrect record can be noted and operation
Some machine check indicators, however, stop all processing
immediately. They indicate such conditions as: a blown fuse, a
broken tape, and card ,jams.
Three internal self-checking features incorporated into that
1410 system are parity, validity, and hole count.
Parity Checking
The 1410 uses an odd-bit parity system of recording binary-
coded-decimal information. Each character is checked at various
locations in the system to be sure that it has an odd number of
If a parity error occurs, a console light is turned on to indicate
the error location.
Validity Checking
If an invalid combination of punches enters the system
through the card reader, the validity-check circuits detect it
and turn on the read-check light on the card reader.
Hole-Count Checking
To provide additional reliability of data that are read or
punched, the system employs a hole-count check feature. To
perform hole-count checking, the system keeps an internal count
of the total number of holes read from each column at the read-
check station. The system compares this number against another
count of the total number of holes read from the same column of
the same card, when it passes the read station. Hole-count
checking is also performed during punching operations. The count
of the total number of holes to be punched in each cola is retained
internally for one punch-feed cycle. Another column
BRL 1961, IBM 1410, start page 0535
by-column hole count is taken when this same card passes the
punch-check station, and the two counts are compared.
If a hole-count error (unequal comparison of holecount
totals) occurs in the reader or punch, the system indicates
the unit in error.
Unit Dimensions (Inches) Weight (Lbs) Service Clearance (Inches) KVA
Width Depth Height (Maximum) Sides Front and Rear
1402 Model 2 58 30 5/8 45 1,400 36 36
1403 47 3/4 29 53 1/4 750 30 36
1405 61 30 70 2,090 48 30 5.3
1411 146 31 70 2,800 2 43 14.0
1414 Models 1, 2, 3 38 31 70 600 2 43
1414 Model 4 74 31 70 1,200 2 43
1415 70 29 44 300 - -
729 11, IV 29 1/8 33 7/8 69 1/4 1,200 2 30 1.5
7330 29 31 58 500 2 30 1.0
Compressor 40 33 29 700 30 30 4.0
System requires 208V or 230V (+-10%), 3 phase, 60 cycle
Arrangement of units of the 1410 depends largely on the size
and shape of the machine area, the system configuration, and the
cable lengths available. Other factors to consider are customer-
engineering service space, operator convenience, and visibility of
units from a central operating position. Where space is limited,
service clearance of adjacent units may overlap.
Storage and file area for cards, forms, and magnetic tape should
be located conveniently in or near the . machine room. Space near
the 1410 is also required for customer-engineering test and
maintenance equipment.
The 1410 system does not require raised flooring. However,
a raised floor reduces the possibility of damage to cables, and
presents a more attractive appearance of the installation.
Air conditioning equipment must maintain the machineroom
area within certain limits of temperature and humidity:
Temperature 60 -
Relative humidity 20 - 80%
Air Filtration 20% minimum (by National Bureau
of Standards discoloration test)
These limits can be extended to 50-110oF. and 0-80%
R. H. during non-operational periods. Low tempera-
ture and high humidity may cause moisture condensa-
tion. High temperatures deteriorate solid-state com-
If IBM cards and magnetic tape are not stored in the machine
room, the storage area should be maintained at 50-90oF. and 30-
65% R. H. for IBM cards, and 40-120oF. and 0-8o% R. H. for
magnetic tape. Recording instruments are recommended to
provide a continuous record of temperature and humidity
conditions in both the machine room and storage area.
Normal room air conditioning is usually adequate to
accommodate the added heat generated. The table shows the
approximate heat dissipation and air-flow for
units of the 1410 system.
Unit BTU/hr CFM
1402 Model 2 5,600 390
1403 2,600 310
1405(first unit) 7,240 800
each additional 1405 4,400 600
1411 18,000 2,000
1414 Model 1 2,130 500
Model 2 1,825 500
Model 3 2,560 500
Model 4 5,560 1,000
1415 940 --
729 II 4,310 350
Iv 3,520 350
7330 2,400 400
Compressor 10,800 300
Basic System
Central Processing Unit 1411
Card Read-Punch 1402-2
High Speed Printer
Console 1415
Additional Equipment
Magnetic Tape 729 II
Magnetic Tape 729 IV
Magnetic Tape 7330
Disc Storage 1405
Input-Output Synchronizer 1414-1-2-3-4
Add to memory type instructions
Add two fields and store result in one instruction
No limit on size of result
Table look-up on high-low-equal or any combination
Flit, and expanded edit, are standard
Multiply and divide are standard
Any instruction can be indexed
Fifteen 5-position index registers
Increment or decrement
Move entire record or any part with one instruction
Additional logical instructions
High-low-equal compare
Zero balance test
Overflow test
Test digit or character
Store address register instructions
International Business Machines Corporation
590 Madison Avenue
New York, N. Y.
BRL 1961, IBM 1620, start page 0536
IBM 1620
IBM 1620 Data Processing System
International Business Machines Corporation
Photo by International Business Machines Corporation
Engineer adjusts paper tape which feeds data to IBM 1620 Data Processing System at
the rate of 150 characters a second. The IBM 1620 is a compact, all transistorized
computer which handles the complicated formulas encountered in solving engineering
and scientific problems in industry. Additions and subtractions are performed by
the 1620 at the rate of more than 1700 a second for five-digit numbers. The use of
conventional decimal arithmetic and simplified programming techniques, large-capacity
core memory, and high-speed operation are among features of the new computer.
A general purpose computer in the scientific area that features magnetic core storage.
System is used for the solution of problems in petro-
leum, public utilities, optics, general manufacturing,
general engineering, civil engineering, and electronics.
American Machine & Foundry Co., Mechanics Research Div.
Located at 7501 North Natchez Avenue, Niles, Illinois,
the system is used primarily for achute design,
thermodynamics (e.g. heat engines,structural design,
soil loading, operations research, and servo system
Internal number system Binary coded decimal
Decimal digits/word Variable field
Decimal digits/instruction 12
Instructions/word Variable field 1 per 12 digits
Instructions decoded 32
Arithmetic system Fixed point
Variable field fixed point; programmed floating
point (8.5 millisec/floating add.
Instruction type Two address
Number range Variable field
BRL 1961, IBM 1620, start page 0536
Instruction word format
| 1 2 | 3 7 | 8 12 |
| Operation | P Address | Q Address |
Automatic coding includes Symbolic Programming System,
ForTran, and Go Tran.
Indirect addressing plus immediate instructions are available
instead of indexing. Immediate instructions are standard. Indirect
addressing is optional at $25 monthly rental. Branch transmit
instruction provides single instruction linkage to subroutines.
Incl Stor Access
Add (10 digit 960
Mult (10 digit) 17,700
Div 16,800
The 1620 is a 2-address system and times given above
include access time to the two operands and the storing of
the result.
Divide time includes loading dividends.
Table look up arithmetic is used. Table is stored in main
memory of magnetic cores.
Aritbmetic mode Serial
Timing Synchronous
Operation Sequential
No. of Access
Medium No. of Words Digits Microsec
Magnetic Core Variable Field 20,000-60,000 20
Media Speed
Paper Tape 150 char/sec (8-channel)
Typewriter Manual (Alphanumeric)
Cards 250 cards/min (Buffered)
Media Speed
Paper Tape 15 char/sec (8-channel)
Typewriter 10 char/sec (Alphanumeric)
Cards 125 cards/min (Buffered)
Diodes/Quan Diodes/Quan Diodes/Quan
GS 174 AES 48 AS 1
FS 342 J3 24 AU 26
Transistors/Quan Transistors/Quan Transistors/Quan
- 4 039 969 078 36
015 48 065 48 083 172
025 436 071 78 086 40
033 1,357
Magnetic Cores/Quan Magnetic Cores/Quan
17 120,000 24 200
18 384
Parity check on input, output, and internal manipulations of
Power, computer 2 Kw
Area, computer 22 sq ft
Weight, computer 1,210 lbs
Special air conditioning or site preparation are not required.
AMF Installed in air conditioned building. No special
modifications were made.
Time required for delivery 10 months
AMF One supervisor and one programmer for one 8-hour
shift. Operation tends toward open shop. Methods of training
includes group instruction in Fortran.
The following organizations are replacing their IBM 610
Systems with the IBM 1620 Systems:
U. S. Naval Propellant Plant, Crane, Indiana
U. S. Army Transportation Research Command, Mathematical
Sciences Division, Fort Eustis, Virginia
Lockheed Electronics Company, Plainfield, New Jersey
University of Louisville, Computing Laboratory,
Louisville 8, Kentucky
American Machine & Foundry Co., Mechanics Research
Division, 7501 N. Natchez Avenue, Niles, Illinois
Institute of Technology, Air University, Wright-
Patterson Air Force Base` Ohio
Manufacturer Charge Based on Age
Model or Monthly Purchase of Machine in Months
Components Feature No. Charge Price 0-36 37-72 73-108
1620 Central Processing Unit 1 $1,375 $64,000 $76.75 $78.50 $81.00
Automatic Divide 47 55 2,400 2.75 2.75 2.75
Indirect Addressing 493 25 1,150 1.50 1.50 1.50
1621 Paper Tape Reader 1 200 9,100 14.50 14.50 17.50
1622 Card Read Punch 1 625 30,000 51.00 68.25 94.00
1623 Core Storage
(20,000 positions) 1 800 39,500 29.00 32.50 36.oo
(40,000 positions) 2 1,275 62,400 35.75 39.50 45.25
961 Tape Punch (8-track) 1 25 1,400 4.75 5.25 6.75
Monthly charges and rental rate, plus taxes when applicable. (Note: In our opinion,
the 1620 system, with the exception of the 961 Tape Punch, at the present time
is considered not to be subject to Manufacturers' Federal Exise Tax.)
Monthly maintenance charge applies to first 176 hours of use. Each hour of
use beyond the 176 is billable at the rate of 1/176th of the charge listed.
Purchase price plus charge to field install of $40.00 for Automatic Divide,
$35.00 for Indirect Addressing.
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