RICE PADDY DADDY by SP4, Clyde Hooten 1962 Author's note: This was written (a'hem) in honor of my section chief, SFC Rapp, who was the NCOIC of Assembly and Service. He bore a slight physical resemblance to Buddah. This was written in good humor, and received as such by SFC Rapp and the CO of Charlie Bttry (C-4-44), Capt. David Leavitt. Well in South Korea there's a man well known. His name is mentioned, wherever rice is grow'n Everybody loves him, he's a fine old chap, And the natives call him "Big Daddy Rapp" Rice Paddy Daddy, Buddah, Buddah, Rapp! Rice Paddy Daddy, Buddah, Buddah, Rapp! Well it's not infrequent when the moon is high, To see a shadow come slinking by, And when you hear his boots, sucking mud, You know it's Big Daddy out, looking for blood. Rice Paddy Daddy, Buddah, Buddah, Rapp! Rice Paddy Daddy, Buddah, Buddah, Rapp! Well, he fits in easy, cause he's no slob, And when it comes to a Jo San, he can handle the job When coming women faint, and men scare to death, It's not cause he's bad, he's just got kimchee breath. Rice Paddy Daddy, Buddah, Buddah, Rapp! Rice Paddy Daddy, Buddah, Buddah, Rapp! When it comes the day, for Big Daddy to leave, And should St. Peter, not grant him a reprieve, He'll say "move over Satan, you've really made a mess, I'll run the place myself, like I did A & S". Rice Paddy Daddy, Buddah, Buddah, Rapp! Rice Paddy Daddy, Buddah, Buddah, Rapp! Then he'll look up to Heaven and say, "Give me back my men" "Hooten, Mack & Long, where the hell you not been," "I've been await'n, for your return" "There's still some people, that I haven't burned" Rice Paddy Daddy, Buddah, Buddah, Rapp! Rice Paddy Daddy, Buddah, Buddah, Rapp! ====================================================================== WHEN IT'S SPRINGTIME IN KOREA by SP4 Clyde Hooten 1962 (To the tune of "When It's Springtime in Alaska") I steamed from Port Oakland on the USS Mann, Bound for Korea, a downhearted man. Pulled into Inchon, the city was a blast. Got a little liberty, but my freedom didn't last. I was hustled off to Ascom, and boy was I a wreck! Sobered up in a freight car on my way to Pyongtaek. Then a bus came and got me and I ended up in Hell, When it's springtime in Korea, the rice paddies smell! A cold bumpy ride, in the back of a truck. Off to a missile site, as would be my luck. A short-timer saw me coming, there was panic in his face. He said "You poor replacement", it's a lonely, barren place! I looked to my left, and I looked to my right. I looked all around me, then shut my eyes tight. Rock, mud and snow, was all I could find. When it's springtime in Korea, I'll be out of my mind! Then the sergeant said "Son, there's a big job to do", "The folks back at home are depending on you" "You are a missleman, you can't let them down". Then he handed me a shovel, and he pointed to the ground! So, I'll work and I'll sweat, till my tour here is through. Then sweet lovin' baby, I'll be coming back to you. Just send me a kiss, I can wait for the rest. When it's springtime in Korea, it'll be my ETS. ===================================