Worldwide, organized by location, family name
To list yourself, fill out this form :-)) |
| . |
Site ID or center | Name, family name first (rank & duty optional) | dates at location |
KC-60 | Gardner | . |
. | Ancharski, Edward J., SP-5, Missile Maintenance. 8290 E. Nicaragua, Tucson, AZ, | 7/66-1/67 |
. | Barrera, Leonard J, - 21666 Highland Knolls Dr, Katy TX 77450 | 4/68-decomm |
. | Buzan, Robert F., SP4 Launcher Platoon LCT Operator | 5/68-7/69 |
. | Cooper, John, Gate Guard Duty SP/4 1207 S Payne Olathe Kansas 66061 | 3/67-12/68 |
. | Gee, Ted R., Sp5 Senior Low-par Hi-par Acquisition Radar Operator 16C20 & Battery Safety NCO. 1967 C-5-55 was the National Safety Council Safe Battery of the year. Rt.1 Box441 Boynton, Okla.74422 | 4/65-1/68 |
. | Hall, Jesse, Pvt. -launcher area. Was Gardner the town? If so it must have been small, we always went into Olathe. Then went to Germany - 206 Empresario Dr. San Antonio, TX 78253 | 4/66-8/66 |
. | Hendrickson, Ed R., mtr operator, sp-5 - gardner ks what a look at the ks sky line...went to snap at ft bliss in 68 Early out-due to site closer good parties at oatha,ks park area & nco club. - 1839 320th st, cushing, mn 56443 | 1/67-1/69 |
. | Higginbotham, David, E-1, 16B Launcher Crewman, arrived approx. Mar1st 1965, really enjoyed this assignment -even thou "I sure did a lot of chipping & painting the rails while in Gardner (smile)"., upon promotion to E-4 was sent to 51L Refrigeration training in Dec 1965-yes finished 51L training, then the wise US Army sent me for further training as an 61E Amphibian Engine Repairman to increase my knowledge in repairs of things -yes I finished 61E, then assigned to Vietnam for maintaining the US Army's boat fleet via US Navy boat ride to Cam Ranh Bay,RVN with the 165th Trans Co. for assignment; my 2nd tour in Vietnam was as a 61C Watercraft Engineer (trained in Savannah,GA) with the 1099th Medium Boat Co.,locations where Cat Lai & Can Tho, RVN. - 1310 Ensenada Dr., Florissant, MO. 63031 | 3/65-12/65 |
. | Miner, Gary E., SP4, Launcher Crewman. Helped close site in December 1968. 305 Hargis Lane, Belton, Mo 64012 | 1/68-1/69 |
. | Payne, Jackie R. (Jack), Helped activate site. Was quartered at Olathe NAS for 2 months till site was finished. Launcher platoon crewman. Arrived as E-1 departed as E-4. Would like to hear from anyone stationed there at the time. - 11986 S. 353 Earlsboro, OK 74840 | 9/59-4/61 |
. | Stafford, Stephen, Launcher Crewman Arrived from Ft. Bliss just as the battery received notification that it would close. Began disassembly of missiles and was transferred to Porter Indiana approximately 4 months after arrival. | 8/68-11/68 |
KC-65DC | NAS Olathe | . |
. | DiMarco, Dino, Wirked at Bn. S3 as Electronics Maint. Chief.E-7 Member of ORE, TPI, CMMI Teams. | 2/64-6/66 |
. | Nichols, Dale, Battery Control Officer OJT. Went through Arty OCS to be a Forward Observer but was sent to AD instead. We worked the 24 hours on, 48 hours off duty cycle -- which I liked a lot. We used M-1 carbines when the M-14 was beginning to be issued elsewhere. We were co-located with the 738(?) Radar Sqdn., USAF. | 10/67-04/68 |
. | Skinner, Ray O., Fire Distribution System crew chief, HDQ BTTY, 5TH MSL BN, 55TH ARTY - Started out as a plotter, and ultimately promoted to crew chief. Worked in the concrete block bldg with Air Force plotters. Began first year working 24 ON and 48 OFF. | 11/61-8/64 |
. | Smith, Charles E. (Chuck), Bn HQ S3 - SP4 - Operations & Intel Specialist - Would you have any ideas where I could get a roster of personnel stationed there for 1970-71? My memory for names is not too good, faces but that doesn't help me. I would really appreciate any help you could give me. | 1/68-1/69 |
. | Van Horn, George A., Commanding Officer, 192nd Signal Detachment Arrived, 1st assignment as WO-1. Six personnel assigned to detachment. Personnal maintained search radar and IFF systems at four missile batteries. Detachment was presented the ARADCOC Distinguished Maintenance Award, 1965. Transfered to Korea, 7/66 | 11/63-6/66 |
KC-80 | Ft. Leavenworth | . |
. | Davis, Jim, ... was one of my more pleasant assignments. Major, USA Retired | 1965-1966 |
. | Kowalski, Donald, Generator operator/mechanic 52B20/30 Sp4 Excellent squirrel hunting behind barracks | 6/66-1/68 |
. | Miller, Frank, Sp/5 Computer Operater | 6/61-8/63 |
. | TollIver, Roger, Leavenworth, Kansas 66048 | 9/61-7/64 |
. | Walters, Dave, Parts clerk Fire Control & Launcher - Pfc, Sp4. Got orders for Nam. Was a bunch of great guys that I worked with. - P.O. Box 263, Moorestown, NJ 08057 | 12/66-11/67 |
. | Willis, James, | 1/63-6/64 |
SC-01 | Schilling AFB | . |
SC-50 | Schilling AFB | . |
To list yourself, fill out this form :-)) |
| . | |||
Site ID or center | Name, family name first (rank & duty optional)
George Carmack suggests "old Kimchee Lovers may want to check out this site - " | dates at location . | Sutton, Ron,
Assigned to Korea Nike site - Duty was boring so i transfered back to infantry and was stationed on the DMZ,
duty on the DMZ was almost 24/7 and time went very fast. During that time the USS Pueblo was taken and a squad of
North Koreans infiltrated south to kill the president of South Korea, none of them made it back after failing
the mission they was on. - 865 w. river st. Deerfield, MI. 49238 | 8/67-9/67 | |
HQ 38th Bde | Osan A.F.B -
- Unit yearbook for 1964-1965 - 48 miles south of the Korean DMZ and 30 miles south of Seoul. via Dennis Tully | . |
. | Dowd, Edward, First assignment as newly minted LT. Worked as Asst. Adjutant in S-1 at Bde. HQ. One of my jobs was to get port calls for everyone leaving Brigade. Later sent to 6/44th to be battalion Adjutant to prepare them for AGI. - etowah, nc 28729 | 5/68-6/68 |
. | Evans, George Asst S3 Ops Off | '68 |
. | Fissori, E. Jack, Worked at ADCC (Air Defense Control Center), Sp4, responsible for reports to General on condition readness of all missile sites. One of the nike sites accidentally shot off a Nike Herc. It happened during a firing exercise. It sure made my reports more complicated! Left Korea just two days before all DEROS were stopped due to capture of the Pueblo. - P.O. Box 800 Santa Margarita, CA 93453 | 1/67-2/68 |
. | Jaynes, Thomas H., Worked in the HQ S-3 Operations Section as Classified Files Custodian and Operations and Intelligence Specialist (16H). Worked for MSG Roberts who was later promoted to SGM. Roberts had been our First Sergeant during AIT at Fort Bliss, TX in Nov-Dec 66 and Jan 67. - 357 Wauford Drive, nashville, TN 37211 | 3/68-5/69 |
. | Law, David, S3 EMS section then only Army (SFC 16H70) at AADCP #1, closed AADCP #1 | 6/72-7/73 |
. | Poston, Greg, Osan AFB, AADCP Camp HUMPREYS (K-6) AADCP was good duty, finally got to be a 186.10 fire distribution console operator in the AADCP, nice and warm in the winter. My job was to sit at a console and to lock up missile sites to targets and then pass it on the the battle staff for a decision on FIRE or NOT FIRE. The battle staff consisted of an Air Force one star and an Army major but varied and changed all the time. | 8/63-3/64 |
. | Prather, Kenneth J, Worked at the TACC or ADCC as a 16H (151) - 209 Teneva Cove, Cibolo, TX 78108 | 8/64-8/65 |
. | Tully, Dennis P. Sp4 E4 - Battery Clerk, Osan Air Force Base, | 12/64-12/65 |
. | Van Horn, George A., Radar Maintence Officer for an AN/MPS-23, 3-demensional, air defense radar system Radar site [Camp Howard - 8ish miles South of Osan Air Base] located on a mountain top, 12 miles of rough,dusty road, from the hooch. "A Hooch is a room or tent or where ever you dropped your boots and hit the sack." ADACAP Hq. was located in the middle of an ammo dump. Mountain road was fun during the winter. | 6/66-6/67 |
--AADCP DET 1 | o/l Palgonsan 38th Arty Bde So Korea | . |
. | Peters, Jess, We were stationd on top of Palgongsqan mountain near Taegue. Our mission was to co-ordinate air operations for the southern half of South Korea It was an Air Force site with USAF and ROKAF Air traffic and fighter controllers, there was also ROK Army communications site located there. This site was really remote, with nearly a 40 mile drive to our closest installation. We traveled 40 miles of duwsty roads to Camp Carrol Waegwan for our breaks. by the time we got there we were completely covered with dust and had to shower before we could do anything else. I was on duty the night the USS Pueblo was hijacked and also when one of our EC 131s were shot down. The Officers I remember was 1LT head our det Commander and Lt Raoul Soto, whom also met later at Ft Bliss Texas. There was sp4 Curtis Metzler aka Daffy, Donald, Austin aka MDA, others whose names I cant recall after all these years. We were a close crew worked and played together. i even recieved my draft notice there, I did not bother to reply. | 1/68-12/69 |
--AADCP #1 | Camp Howard near the village on Son Wan Yi. | . |
. | Williams, Chuck, 25H20, (Radar Data Command Post Repairman) I was there from a few days prior to Memorial Day 1969 until mid October 1970. We spent 3 days on the mountain and 2 days off rotated with 2 days on 3 days off. Can't remember the name of the mountain but we were in communication with Palgonsan near Taegu often. Camp Howard was about 35 miles from Osan AFB. Master Sargaent running the show was Max Kobige back then. I hung out with P.J. Riddle, "Moon", Nelson Thatcher, Doug Hefner, Glendell Moore, Wayne Waersch, Ken Toguchi, Ken Tayman, Clyde Luckenbaugh a photographer with the last name of Burns and many others I can't seem to remember. Would love to get in touch with these guys. - P.O. 1432 Mattapoisett, MA | 5/69-10/70 |
--aadcp2 | walmi-do island, inchon | . |
. | Crowder, Chuck, built the plexiglass map & wore 4 headphones during drills. 3 days-3 nights-3 off shifts (9-day weeks). Great location. E2-E4. Scrambled the Air Force for UFO once, but they never found it. | 3/66-9/68 |
. | Duoos, John, 16k40 (also was the motor sergeant, battery clerk, and supply sergeant, at one time or another during the 19 months i was there. | 5/69-11/71 |
--Camp Intercept | Camp Intercept ?? | . |
. | Baugh, Gary A, E-4, Communications 31Sxx. I got to fly and drive to various sites. Met some great guys and had fun. Postal-32935 | 11/72-11/74 |
Operation Center 74
OC-74 | located on a hill about 4.2 miles from the back gate at Camp Humphreys, info from Holcombe, Dick | . |
. | Holcombe, Dick, E-5 hard stripe and worked as duty officers "go for". Hunted a lot of birds and ducks from top of "Hill". - It was the control center for all Hawk and a few Nike?s, we worked with Air Force and even sometime could control flights to the Helo base at Humphreys. | 12/70-01/72 |
HQ 4th Bn , 44th Arty
2/44 (Redesignated from 4/44 in 1971) | Pyongtaek (commonly called K6) (Camp Humphreys) | . |
. | Almond, Wayne N., PMOS 26H20 Air Defense Radar Repairman, Sp5 - 408 Clymer Ave., Morrisville, PA 19067 | 1/70-8/70 |
. | Ballard, John I was assigned to the VHF Platoon of the 4th/ 44th ADA of the 38th Artillery Brigade. I worked at a site on top of a large hill about 2 miles to the west of the camp. This site was the Operations Command (OC 74) for all the missile batteries of the 4th. I worked in the radio building (code name Fresno). Our radios provided commo from HQ to all the batteries. | 12/70-1/72 |
. | Briant, James A., Nike Track Radar Repairman 23N20 SP/4 | 5/75-6/76 |
. | Brown, James, 22L20 NIKE Test Equipment Repairman. Still looking for Jack Herron from El Dorado, Ark. Had some interesting/good times while waiting for 18 months to go by. | 6/67-3/69 |
. | Brown, Mark E, Loved Korea. Many different jobs at HHB, NCO club manager at Sea Range for 4 months - 2629 Granite way, Sacramento, CA 95821 | 10/68-12/70 |
. | Carder, Joseph Lynn, SP-4 16J20 acquisition and surveillance radar crewman. cpt lowell k. reed was are old man 1st. sg martinez he would say to us no speek english. are LTC john j.murphy bn.commander he was one good commander, maj.harlin l.fenn jr. he wanted me to goto japan for ocs training he told he would love to pin 2lt. bars on me, i said no . i wish i said yes thats life. - 604 coralwood ct. kingsport , tenn. 37663 | 06/73-06/74 |
. | Click. Gary, BN Chaplain Assistant. Drove to all the firing Batteries. Anyone know of any agent orange there during that time. Lived in Anjon-ni with wife and 2 year old daughter not command sponsored. A lot of interesting experiences | /72-/73 |
. | Cooper, Kendall, Was the Bn Career Counselor during this period. Good duty, good troops, & excellent leaders. Retired Sergeant Major | 8/75-4/77 |
. | Correa, Greg, ... one of my old sites, HHB, 1st Bn, 44th ADA @ Reno Hill above the village of Byeokgye-Ri, South Korea. LTC Michael Stupka was the Bn Cdr?awesome guy! I was his S-4. see Korea stories- Maui, Hi | /79-/80 |
. | Cuerdon, Matthew, PMOS 16E, OJT 23N 153 Margo Dr., Mountain View, CA 94041, 650-906-7589 | 3/76-3/77 |
. | DeGuire, Thomas, IFC at DSP 23U30 Hipar and T-1 Rpmn. | 4/73-4/74 |
. | Downing, Malcolm, Was Bn Commo Officer then a transfer to site as Launcher Platoon Ldr. Would like to hear from anyone that remembers these days. 2nd Lt | /66 |
. | Durffee, Ed After Korea, went to Bliss, did 4 years, and back to Hq-4-44 Korea. ORE Team Chief. CW4 and retired while in Korea. - 43297 W Oster Dr, Maricopa, Az 85138 | 12/68-1/70 |
. | Dobarzynski, Walter, I was an ABAR, DAR, and IFF Tech and I was there to close the BN out. We worked out of OC-74. [then] DSD 2Bn 65th ADA Hawk - 7/76-7/77 - 6700 Manorly Court, Frederick, MD 21703 | 9/75-9/76 |
. | Evans, George Bn S3 (back again) Battalion Cmdr - Lt. Colonel, I was last Commander of that Battalion and turned it over to the ROK Army July '77 | '68-'69 '76-'77 |
. | Garcia, Dan,
Parts Clerk, Job Order Clerk in Direct Support Platoon
Bn Chaplain Assistant, drove constantly to all 6 batteries. | 7/69-8/71
7/75-8/76 |
. | Gibbs, Larry, Spec-4. What a great time, so many good soldiers, Galde, Ward, Jobes. Worked for Capt. Speer. Would love to hear from anyone that served with me. | /65-/66 |
. | GolfGolfGolf, I was stationed at HQ battery 6/44 (Reno Hill)1969-70. My MOS was 24-P20 (formerly called 26J) Aq Radar Maint). We had fire control over 3 HAWK & 3 Herc sites. Still amazed that our TAC site was only equipped with an "ancient" TPS radar. Anyway, when telling my sons about the whole experience, I am foggy about one thing (well, maybe a lot more): When the Herc sites would radio in that line such & such was down, I recall noticing that if they had, say 26? birds on site, that 24 were nukes with 2 conventional, or do I have that backwards? | /69-/70 |
. | Goltman, John, Ordnance Detachment Commander Access to/from the site was severely restricted after a race riot in the village. | 7/71-1/72 |
. | Harper, Lawrence E., 24U20, SP5 | 11/71-1/72 |
. | Harris, Jim (James), worked in the personnel section; qualified soldiers to work with classified material - 224 Chebistal Drive, Grifton, NC 28530 | 3/69-3/70 |
. | Herbson, Dennis J., Worked with CW-4 Fuzzy and others at parts bldg. Drove around a lot all over Korea. trucks, cars, jeeps my favorite was the I/H carryall lost an axel on the main 4 lane oh what fun to spend the night with it. hahaha!!! - 112 Mayfield Lane, West Mifflin, Pa. 15122 | /71-/72 |
. | Hillard, Bill, Served here with Joe Messer, Remember Korean Police on the bus. and the 7 Club, also Don Hauton, Neilly and Shaw - 140 Panorama Cr, Kunkletown, PA 18058 | 11/69-1/70 |
. | Hopp, David L. (AKA Jim), Draftsman / E-4 / Taught English at Hunguon Girls High School in Pyongtech / volunteered at local orphanages / traveled as a document currer all over the country / Great tour! - 20804 Castle Pines Ct. North Fort Myers FL 33917 | 2/69-12/69 |
. | Hughes, Robert (RT), Known by all as (RT, Huggie, Huggie Bear) Scope Dope (Chassis Repair) of all Nike Herc Electronics, Had many good friends and good times ... Loved the schnitzels and (Schwartzen Katz) Black Katz wine. | 9/76-6/77 |
. | Hunter, Gilbert, 53B30 Gen op repair, E2 to E4, New barracks built and new building on the hill, thank God - Worked on the Johnny Mathis USO show. I took 2 weeks and came home round trip on free MATS, they said it couldn't be done. Drank a lot of OB and Crown - Wallingford CT | 1/66-4/67 |
. | Jansen, Nicholas, Worked for three months in a line battery as a wrecker operator then moved to Bn HQ, direct support shop, as environmental support section chief (heaters and air conditioner repair). Rotated back to states in Apr.70 and got a 5 mo. early out! | 2/69-4/70 |
. | Jobes, William 'Bill', Spec 4. Worked Hqs PIO. Courier runs to Osan. Guard Duty. Attended Sea range. Traveled to all firing sites with C.O./ Sgt. Major. | 6/65-6/66 |
. | Johnson, Joseph M. Jr, CW2 251B Ground Guidance Section | 9/74-12/75 |
. | Kakugawa, Del T,
Sp5. Internal parts specialist. My co-workers called me "pineapple" because I was
from Hawaii. We had about 10 civilian Korean workers working with us. I can't
remember everyone's name, but I remember some of my co-workers' name which were
George Cousart (from San Francisco), Joe Messer and Joe Karlovic ( Mount Olive,
Illinois), John Looram, Donald Crowe ( Native Indian) and Scotty Johnson ( From
Honolulu, Hawaii). Our leader was Cw4 Moser. When the commander shipped us out
we went all over Korea, Daegu, Busan, Osan air force base, Incheon and Uijeongbu .
We also delivered all the missile parts and miscellaneous items to DMZ on a Convoy.
we would stay overnight if we were late and come back the next day. Anyone who
remembers we delivered missile parts to DMZ and who worked in same unit with
Mahalo. | 10/68-1/71 |
. | Kinter, Charles, sat and watched the steady flow of ladies of the night at 7 Club. Made ufo's to **** with ADCAP. Greatest place to be Overseas. Could write a book about the happenings and the incredible fun. And God bless the Donut dollies. - PO Box 319 Hot Sulphur Springs,Co 80451 | 10/69-2/73 |
. | Law, David, Bn S-2 Intel/Scty NCO (Top Cop) (SSgt 95B40), NCOIC Bn QRF | 6/67-6/68 |
. | Malone, Charles, AQ Radar Operator 16J30 SP5 | 11/70-12/71 |
. | McAulay, George, T1 traveling show training KATUSA's for final takeover of systems | 10/75-10/76 |
. | Meyers, Ray,
As a SSG (E6) I served in Korea at Camp Humphreys from 1973 - 1974 and
Conducted on site Direct support for all of the Nike sites in Korea on the
all of Radars ( ACQ., TTR, MTR, TRR and the computer systems To include
the Track Vans as well as the IFC. I was assigned to the 2/44 ADA, 38
BDE Direct Support Platoon (DSP) and we were stationed in a separate compound
outside of Camp Humphreys. When Herc started to fade out in 1977 as a
SFC (E7) I transitioned to the Improved Hawk system and continued my career
to include serving on General Officer Staff at 32 ADCOM in Darmstadt Ger.
from 1983-85. I retired in 1986 at Redstone Arsenal as a CWO3
I do not see any reference to the 2/44 DSP in the information on your site. The DSP supported not only the day to day support of the firing units on a 24 hour call 365 days a year. We also supported all of the Annual Firings on SEA Range for both the US as well as the KOREAN NIKE units on a 24 Hour on Call basis and we were stationed a B Battery Tac site for the duration of all the firings. Sorry to get so winded but I count my time in KOREA serving the NIKE sites as my best assignment in my 20 year career. | /73-/77 |
. | O'Berry, Sgt. Brad, Worked at OC-74 24 on 24 off the whole time in country. Would like to hear from anyone I served with. | 5/69-1/71 |
. | Pecoraro, Richard J., (Started as a private and stayed on until deactivation of NHWSD. Left as Assembly Sgt, Team 1. | 12/76-7/80 |
. | Presley, Bishop, DSD 2-44 Missile and Launcher Section. I worked for Sp6 Manfredi, SFC Winer and SFC Bernachi. I went from private to Sp5 there, and it was a wonderful experience. I later retired a CW3 after 27 years in the army. I went to college and served as a pastor for about 10 years. Believe it or not I am here in Korea working as an engineer, but many things have changed. Rreally nothing is the same as it was. | 3/73-9/76 |
. | Schmidt, Timothy,
Assistant Operations Officer OC-74 (2nd Lieutenant)
The battalion was designated 4-44 ADA when I arrived in {Korea} August 1972, but was re-designated
as 2-44 ADA within a couple of months of my arrival.
I read a comment elsewhere on the site that said the re-designation took place in 1971; this is incorrect, it took place around October 1972. | 5/73-8/73 |
. | Smith, John P (Jack), My MOS was 22L20 (Field Maintenance Test Equipment). | 8/68-4/69 |
. | Stoll, Patrick L. aka papa sierra, My MOS was 62C, missile equipment maintenance, a graduate of Fort Belvoir VA. Worked 24 on 24 off at the BOC, a nearby hill top. Our commander was Col Mel Rice. I separated at Ft. Lewis as spec 5 acting sergeant and server most of the last 12 months as a crew chief. The tour was 13 months, I extended for 6 months and separated at 31 months on a 36 month enlistment. | 1/67-9/69 |
. | Tether, Mick, Section Chief (E-5)Fire Control Repair. Best kept secret the Army had. Race riots? No problem - we had our ways to get out. Major parties at house boy's house - Mr. Kim. Sank a jeep in the Yellow Sea playing rat patrol because the firing at Sea Range was postponed - as senior occupant thought I'd go to jail. Got great pictures of it! Worked for Goyer, Fasnaught(SIC), Goltman. Buddies were Soup Campbell, Tom McGowan, Scott McCoy, John Peters. | 1/71-2/72 |
. | Verace, Guy A, sp5 nike hercules repair 254.1 - 16th ord detachment - just want to see if some of the guys there response to this | - |
. | Wilbur, Ron, 16H40. Runnin' the orderly room. | 7/69-7/71 |
. | Woida, Carl, J., CW3, HQ 4/44th ORE/NSI/ASP team. | 1972 |
Alpha 4th Msl. Bn. Chinchon | near Seoul, Site 1, Camp El Paso | . |
. | Adams, Bill, IFC Platoon Ldr., Btry XO (stories) | 7/67-7/68 |
. | Aldridge, Clyde, 16C20 IFC Fire Control Crewman, Remember the Hilltop | 72-73 |
. | Berg, Steven, Worked in orderly room as Battery Clerk | 5/70-4/71 |
. | Briggs, Gerald (Jerry), Spec-5 TTR TRR Unbelieveable ...just unbelieveable TTR op on the Moonball took 3 missels to get one to go - 13022 w. Colfax Butler WI 53007 | 8/70-5/71 |
. | Brody, Rick, SP/ 4, Missile Launcher Crewman 16 B-20. Also worked MP duty at Post #7. MiGs put us at battle station alerts often. Had a Red status with a shoot authorization once. The MiGs headed back to DMZ upon TTR lock. Many intrusion alerts. I have some self developed photos from Chinchon Korea and some old copies of "The Gauntlet" newspaper, 44th Arty 38th Brig. Poetry | 6/70-6/71 |
. | Burns, Richard, 24Q, SP4, Fire Control Mechanic. Many wonderful hours on the "Hill". Had a great time with Lt. Ferry on night recon adventures, SSg Holt and his "farm animals", Gary Ball getting over with his beard, The brave Greg (Circumsized) Morgan. A time I'll never forget. Hi to all, Korea was one of the best assignments the Army asked me to participate in. I hope you're all doing well. | 01/74-01/75 |
. | Byers, Joe, | 10/71-11/72 |
. | Carter, Danny, 16C,PFC,IFC-crewmen | 6/67-7/68 |
. | Clifton, Doug E., supply clerk, armour pfc had hooch with painted black walls. if anybody remembers send e-mail. would be fun to talk. | 4/74-9/75 |
. | Coluccio, Wayne, Sp-4, IFC Crewman, 16C20 | 5/66-6/67 |
. | Corey, Craig P, 24-P-20 Aq radar and fire control repair. Once locked the TTR on US-1! | 01/74-01/75 |
. | Dixon, Byron, Assembly and Service Section aka A&S, Most A&S shops had a Warrant Officer and 3 24U (Nike Herc Electronic Maintenance). | 1977 |
. | Durffee, Ed After Korea, went to Bliss, did 4 years, and back to Hq-4-44 Korea. ORE Team Chief. CW4 and retired while in Korea. - 43297 W Oster Dr, Maricopa, Az 85138 | /74-? |
. | Erickson, Robert, Section cabinet / launcher crewman. Guard duty, 7 days a week. I think our Major Walker named our Camp El Paso! | 12/60-9/61 |
. | Galindo, Michael Jr, ifc mos 16c pfc | 5/72-6/73 |
. | Gardner, Ray, SP4, scope-dope, had a lot of fun there | 6/70-6/71 |
. | Geddes, Deane, Sp 5, Track radar mechanic, IFC Was present for complete exchange of radars, from old to new! Got pretty quiet when we shut down the generators! | 3/60-4/70 |
. | Ghiselli, Bruce C., ( he sent bad e-mail address ) Arrived as pvt. in the commo section. Left as a spec 4 driving the battery commander - 402 Sherwood Drive, Brentwood, Ca 94513 | 6/66-7/67 |
. | Goyette, Steven, Launcher platoon, 16B20, (rail ape), PFC. When I got there was the 38th Air Defense Artillery. - Houston, Texas (later Battery D, 2nd Battalion, 5th ADA, 2nd Armored Division, Ft. Hood, Texas 3/74-9/74 - Crew Chief, 16P20, E-4) | 2/73-2/74 |
. | Gravel, Ronald R, A great life changer for me and experience. - 3 Gina st. Lewiston,Maine 04240 | 10/66-10/67 |
. | Jackson, Carl T., SP/4 Served as Battery Clerk. 1SG name was Alfred Buchburger. | 2/63-2/64 |
. | Jensen, John Jr., It was different place for a young kid...cold in the winter and Hot in the Summer.. I was assigned to A-4-44 it was out in the bonnies I turned 19 there and did I have fun and did a lot of training and no KP there . still a lot of 24 hour shifts ... Learned a lot about things while in the US Army...even made E5 while there. the place was "Camp El Paso"....Left there and was stationed at the real El Paso Texas till enlistment was over later in November 1967... ...hard to believe its been 50 years | 6/66-7/67 |
. | Jones, Frank R., I worked in the BC van as an AQC. radar operator and as a computer operator. I came to the site from Ft. Bliss, Tx. as a Private and left as a Spec.4 I had alot of fun. And made alot of friends. - 109 Ashley Lane Weatherford, Tx. 76086 | 5/66-7/67 |
. | LaPointe, Cliff, Dog Handler | 10/72-11/73 |
. | Lewis, Michael, I was assigned as motorpool sgt. and as shop foreman for the time SSG. Phyle was assigned there. I left there for reassignment at Ft. Jackson as a wheeled vehicle instructor and then in 11-1977 was reassigned to the 53rd. Trans. Bn. in Kaiserslautern,Germany as a SSG working in Bn.Maint. I was assigned there till I got out on 9-1980. | 7/73-11/75 |
. | McCraw, John L., XO, 1st Lt. | 12/64-12/65 |
. | McGuire, George, Served as motor SGT . Replaced SFC Phyle who took over BN Maint. Had some great times on the hill and in the village. Trying to locate SSG Campbell who was commo SGT. | 08/75-09/76 |
. | Miller, Gary E., Sp/5 IFC computer operator asst section chief. I was there when the Pueblo was taken. I was on duty the night it happened. I was there when another site mis-fired a round and it wound up in the Han river. | 7/66-2/68 |
. | Moore, Donald E. (Don), Sp 4, IFC, The first unit to serve there with all Equipment IFC & Launcher area, set up to operational, we named it Camp El Paso - DeKalb, TX 75559 | 11/60-10/61 |
. | O'Connor, John, SP4 MP Interesting time in all our lives. Remember faking a ground defense raid and puttin Hat's bed in snow. | 1/75-2/76 |
. | Odom, James, 1Sgt was Ronald J. Cobb. 16B section chief and KATUSA SGT for last few months there. - 1048 Highland Cir. Fairfield, AL 35064 | (/74-9/75 |
. | Orrell, Gary, Pitrat 16Bravo, and worked as 24U Crazy times in the Village | /71-/72 |
. | Penn, Jerry W, fire control supply clerk, left as Sp-4 - 3626 s pecos rd, las vegas, nv 89121-3749 | 5/66-6/67 |
. | Pless, James R., 95B | 9/74-10/75 |
. | Prettyman, John, The worst place that I ever lived! Had the best friends that I have ever known. That was a bonding place! - 15533 Mitchell Bend Ct. Granbury TX. 76048 | 7/66-8/67 |
. | Rhodes, John SP5 Fire Control Operator(Acq/Computer) | 1960-62 |
. | Schlotfelt, Don, A Btry "in the middle of nowhere next to nothing". North Koreans sent infiltrators into the south. | 02/69-03/70 |
. | Simmons, Keith, sentry dog handler - Worked nights, lived at the dog hootch, played spades and hearts, filled sandbags. I remember a dog and pony show where my dog got to bite the training nco( He had the attack suit on.) - Roseau, Minnesota 56751 | 2/75-3/76 |
. | Thompson, Brad, I was a SP/4 MP Sentry Dog handler up on the "hill". The BC was Capt. Terrance Graves, the Exec. Officer was 1LT Ken Searcy, the 1SG was Dave Morrow. The other dog handlers were SGT Roy Lee, SP4 Bob Grandbois, SP4 Reed Kelly, SP4 Keith Simmons and PFC Glenn McDonald. I remember the main camp was in the valley and the IFC was on the taller hill opposite ours. I also remember that the Medic's (aka "Doc's") held the best parties. - Auburn, WA | 1/75-6/75 |
. | Waters, Richards, PFC, MP Sentry Doghandler, walking the Burm nights only, The patch we wore was a gauntlet grasping a lightning bolt. Still have yearbook from 1969. | 4/69-10/69 |
. | Willard, Ted, AJ'd as section chief when there was a lack of e-6's around and also did the CBR-NCO thing | 6/74 to 7/76 |
. | Wolff, Raymond L., E-4 Work in Maint. section Launcher Area - 4101 Parklawn Ave #113, Edina MN 55435 | 11/63-11/64 |
. | Wood, Donald H. Sr, IFC section chief E6 - 1114 seaman ave Beachwood ,NJ. | 09/63-10/64 |
Bravo Taechon-ne on Yellow Sea | Site 2, "Sea Range" "Camp Holiday" | . |
. | Ables, Johnne, SP5 16C I remember walking guard in 4 feet of snow up on the hill. | 1965-1967 |
. | Aldrich, Dave, Dates are correct as I extended my tour several times. I was told I should apply for Korean Citizenship. Rank Sp5 and as worked as IFC Crew Chief 16C on and off through the tour. Endured my second " invasion" (first was at Sak Son Ni for the Pueblo capture in 1968) when someone in the Launcher area reported men coming ashore by boat one night near their perimeter. I don't think anything ever turned up even though Eighth Army sent aircraf to drop flares. Also sat on 5 minute status locked on a missle beacon with the MTR during tense times during the 1973 Arab-Israeli War. Remenber Jim Jegelewicz running the T-1, Toshio Pendarvis in Supply, and Mark Simendinger from the club. Search on Google for Camp Holiday and select images to see a couple of photos of IFC Guys. I have some personal photos I would scan and email if anyone is interested. Worked thru many live firings from Sea Range, both Air to Surface and Air to Air Shots. Feel free to contact me. I would love to hear from some of you guys - 10425 Hess Drive Austin, TX 78748 | 6/72-2/76 |
. | Bailey, Frederick T., commo section, E 3,with Bob Bommersbach. James Bonarius, SP4 Shier, Sgt Colman, Rudy Aralians, William P wyatt, Pullman, btry commander Cpt Evengello, Ex 1 ST Lieutenant Hawkins, 2 nd LT Munson. 2 ND Lt Bets. We got one day off in 41 days. Guard duty ,switch board ,pole climbing , Radio,telephones. The days all melted into each other. during the cuban missle fiasco we dug in big time on fire direction hill. | 10/62-11/63 |
. | Beach, Chester, Fire Control crewman 16c20...It was a long time ago, 48 years to be exact and over the years lots of names have faded from memory, but the faces and happenings are just like yesterday. Wow...seen a lot of stuff, did a lot interesting things back in those days... It was great fun being stationed at sea range during the Annual Service Practice. We had front row seat to what someone called "the true sport of kings"!! Watching all those missiles go up was pretty amazing!! The food was bad and the weather stank, but the people I served with at Camp Holladay (site 5) were some of the finest folk that I ever known.. I remember SFC. R Sebold, from Penn. Who was kind enough to give a lowly red-neck a chance. And there was CWO. Deitz, who you didn't mess with. Just ask that Lt. from K-6! And I remember Z. Wicks from Penn.. R. Ooms from ILL.. MTR operator R. Fronk from CA.. R. May from N.C.. I also served with May again at McGregor Range. D. Ramsey from OH. SP5 J. Kohlhhammer from Iowa always had a ready smile and a joke. these are just a few of the ?steely eyed? missile men I remember. Like I said...Its been a long time. | 7/65-6/66 |
. | Bolger, John J, IFC Mech 24Q20, T1 Mech | 09/70-11/71 |
. | Borders, Harry, spc.4 TTR oper. Great bunch of guys! As Michael Mc Neely and Dave Sitte would know, we were the first ones there. I wish them all well. Thanks for the "Nike People" site. - 1042 Burlington Ln. Frankfort, Ky. 40601 | 11/60-9/61 |
. | Braswell, Henry K., IFC Platoon Leader until site was sold to ROK. I was Chaparral/Vulcan Weapons System trained, routed to Herc because I was a warm body. Told to go to the hill until I was BCO qualified. Transferred to Improved Hawk B 2/71 after site transitioned to ROK. IFC Maintenance folks were U.S.; crew members were all KATUSA. Imagine learning crew drill procedures with Korean accents. CW4 Ed Surface was the BEST Chief ever! | 10/76-4/77 |
. | Batson, Boyce, Korea was terrible, NJ was o.k. and Ft. Bliss was one of those jobs you just dream about. Most days we worked 5-6 hours and pulled Sgt. of the guard about every other month. We lived off post and loved it. | 9/61-10/62 |
. | Brown, Carl S, (Steve), A&S, Forklift, Wrecker, Btry Courier | 1/76-1/77 |
. | Bryn, Fred, with the Infantry detachment that ran patrols in the 'hills' around the launcher area during curfew hours.. we were the 'adopted' kids, so were left in the blind most of the time | /71-/71 |
. | Byrum, Jerry L., SSG/Platoon Sgt Military Police at B btry 9mos & moved to sea range for remainder of tour 309 park loop ,Chester Texas | 5/75-6/76 |
. | Cafini, Carlyle S, 16B10 launcher crewman, assigned to motor pool as dispatcher. Played in a band "The Rice Paddie Daddies" drummer.Loved the villiage. all for 10 won. - 118 S. 3rd. St. Brighton, MI 48116 | /66-/67 |
. | Camfferman, Richard, I was the lct operator and part of the warhead crew. Rank was pfc. Main base 36deg 19 min 50sec north by 126-32-25 east. Launch area 38-20-07 north and 126-31-57 east | 2/63-3/64 |
. | Carmack, George Fire Control Operator-IFC Sp5/E5 Van Chief | '63-'64 |
. | Church, Robert W., Remembers good times in the village - 5029-84TH ST S W #114 | 6/74-9/75 |
. | Clapham, Bruce, MP PFC who served with Sgt. Chuck Dalecke; Sgt. Lunsford, Sgt AW Hedge; Roger Winter; "Pop" Chris Jehlen, Turtle Hayes, John Nalley, Joe Bell, Nick, Russ Burris, Eugene Harris, Clyde Pineda, Jim Kelly, Mike Gibbons, Ben Foster, Raham, Michael Gross and many others. Remember Post 7, Post 2, OP 9, Tower 22, Dogs Alph & Kage. Battery Commander Captain John Thames - NCO Club - Miss Han & Miss Pak, first Club, Seven Club, House Boys Kim and Leo. I especially remember driving the launcher crew crazy playing over and over "If We Make It To December" by Merle Haggard in the NCO Club. To this day, I can't stand the smell of Southern Comfort. - 2636 E. Stringham Avenue Apt.A-125 Salt Lake City, UT | 2/75-7/75 |
. | Collins, Gary L., MTR Operator, 16C20 Looking for any old friends. I heard this site was given to the Rok Army. Would be interested in hearing from anyone with knowledge of the village after I left. - 696 Highway AT, Villa Ridge, MO 63089 | 1/70-2/71 |
. | Crawford, Harold A., | 11/62-11/63 |
. | Culbertson, Robert, Missile Crewman, But soon learned it was better to work with the Guard dogs (Security) for me...... | '73-/74 |
. | Drake, Murray W., Assigned to 30th Ordnance Detatchment (GMDS). I was a Launcher Control Repairman (MOS 251.1) working out of the Ordnance Shop at Site-5, I worked on the launcher electrical equipment at Site-4, 5, & 6. Arrived in Korea in November 1960 at Inchon. My outfit assembled the launchers for all six Nike Sites as they were unloaded off the ship. When this was completed we relocated south to Camp Holiday in early 1961. | 1/60-1/62 |
. | Drobny, Paul Joseph,
I was a SP. 5 and had a 16c mos, mostly I was a computer operator cross trained
on both Hi power and low power Acq radars.
While in Korea our unit was changed to B btry 2nd BN 44th Arty,
Received Dec 13, 2017 The man I remember the most was a then captain Tedesco who came from a Vietnam tour with one of the very few ADA units over there, it was a Hawk unit. He was a short very in charge officer, who loved his cigars. He was a true soldier's officer, who anyone could talk too. I believe I saw him on TV being interviewed as major Tedesco commanding a Patriot unit in Iraq. Other guys I recall were Sp 4 Mark Bauerle from Chicago, Sp 5 Phil Gardner, Sp 5 Paul Kelsey from Indiana, Sp 4 Charlie Owens, the only guy I ever knew who was over 21 and did not have to shave (baby face). Sp 4 Steve Rassmusen MP and a big time weightlifter from Minnesota, Sp 4 Bill Neal from Oklahoma, Dennis Cook from South Dakota, 1st Lt Tim Stoner from Oklahoma and last and a great maintenance man Sgt Jegelewicz who showed us there was nothing he couldn't fix. A few other things I recall was my first run in with Kimchi smell, another person and I were going into the barracks he was in front he opened the door took 1 step inside and turned around pushing me down as he was gagging going back out. That smell took some getting used too. It belonged to the house boy as his dinner. And then there were the paddies with there fertilizer right up there with lutefisk as a scent wafer. I was very lucky to get to go to the Bob Hope show, and as he reminded us he was our only hope left in Korea. He also had some women who were contestants for Miss World, with him they were a very eye opening group. Talk about jet lag how about living a day twice or just missing one totally thanks to the international date line. Speaking of travel another event I recall was the truck accident we had because papa san liked going down the middle of the rode around curves thank goodness we missed him, our deuce and a half versus his bike would have been a real mess. I guess he knew it was his country. I found the burial mounds and body positioning to be very interesting, sure different from some of my drinking friends idea of being buried face down. I will say Korea had some great sunrise and sunsets, with huge tidal movements. I have talked to 3 Korea war veteran friends of mine and 1 of them was a signal corp man stationed about 60 miles NE of sea range who said when they were forced to move south by the North Koreans the wounded and anyone left behind were killed so as not to slow the NK down, the village there was very small. The other 2 men both made it to the Yalu river before leaving. The price they paid was huge, but that sure made my tour over there a lot better. Thanks for serving everyone. anyone who sees any errors in this story, please feel free to let me know | 3/72-4/73 |
. | Edwards, Phil, Mail clerk, drove truck to pick up mail etc. only forgot mail once, Ha Ha, remember the good times, some great guys. Butt cold winters, bad food, 15300 Cabarrus Rd Charlotte, NC 28227 | 10/70-/73 |
. | Estes, Linwood, Battery supply clerk and tour guide | 8/73-8/74 |
. | Faltynski, Frank, Dog handler 1001 Mayflower Rd. Lot 69, South Bend, Indiana 46619 | 10/61-11/62 |
. | Funk, Don, Battery Commander | 1/69-11/69 |
. | Gilliland, Richard M., 16B10 & 16B20 Launcher Crewman, Section Control Indicator(SCI/Panel)Operator, Asst Sect Chief, lots of Battle Stations, Red and Blue status, with squibs connected. Best tour I ever had, all the right people at the right time. Did some ORE Team work last two weeks in country. We used to ride in an old slushbox deuce-and-a-half to the launcher area. I was in Alpha Section at the top of the hill and to the right. | 07/65-10/66 |
. | Hare, Jeerome, Mail truck Driver, every other day traded off with the Btry Driver. The 1st driver the Btry supplied was named Ellingham - 843 Centennial Way, Bennett Co. 80102 | 2/61-3/62 |
. | Helms, Curtis "Moe", E-5, 24U Off line for part of the summer to host all the Nike and Hawk batteries during annual live fire practice. Enjoyed watching all the missles fly. | 2/70-5/71 |
. | Hooper, Terence B., pfc generator operator c-section - Other sections couldn't figure out how c section could go from cold status to hot status so quickly in 20 degree weather and not kill the batterys trying to start cold generator. I kept a 60 watt light bulb lit at all times right under the oil pan oil stayed thin and gen. would start right up. - 161 ruby s.c. | 4/64-4/65 |
. | Hopkins, Robert, I was 95B10 M.P., worked security, and the gates. 17 Kastrup Dr. Eaton, Ohio 45320 | 10/66-11/67 |
. | Jegelewicz, James , The live firings were fun but had a blast when the Sneaky Pete's came in for some of their "not really there" business! The Katusa's killed off more of there own than the North did! | 11/71-11/72 |
. | Jones, Thomas W., Dog handler - 3105 Lockheed Dr. Midland, Texas 79701 | 11/72-10/73 |
. | Keough, Edward, Changed MOS to 16C20 on 12/70 but was asked by the CO upon arrival at B Btry to be a 16C. | 8/70-8/71 |
. | Knight, Paul, Panel operator. On assembly crew for launch exercise, sat on a fire truck and watched my bird make a kill. - Glen St Mary Fl | 11/62-11/63 |
. | Krysiak, Paul, 16C10 IFC Bravo Section. Interesting 13 months spent working on the "hill" overlooking the Yellow Sea. Wonder if Sea Range is now expensive beach resort. - 653 Shenipsit Lake Road 06084 | 12/66-1/68 |
. | Lukehart, David, MOS 23U20, High power radar and T1 Simulator support. SP4 | 05/76-/77 |
. | McKenzie, Rod/Tex, Dog handler, Supply truck driver. Highest renking PFC in Korea | 11/72-12/73 |
. | Manche, Robert L., SP/4 16C20 Computer Operator, I.F.C. area - 2100 Valley Road, Chesterfield, Missouri 63005 | 6/67-7/68 |
. | McNeely, Michael, Dog handler. - We were the first group to be on this site. We had to stay in a tent the first winter in the missile area with are dogs until the barracks were completed. Got extended to 15 months because of Cuba.- 21615 Thorofare Rd. Grosse Ile MI 48138 | 11/60-02/62 |
. | Melson, Gary, 16C10 Fire Contol Crewman---- cross trained to be a Generator operator. 186 Stevens st. Itasca Texas 76055 | 12/73-12/74 |
. | Michaels, Terry,
Was in the 13th quartermaster supporting you guys with a field laundry and shower.
Did anybody remember when I ran a 2and 1/2 ton truck into a rice patty near your
company? The first wrecker got stuck trying to pull me out. They sent a second wrecker
to pull out the 1st one. They then both pulled me out. Your co. was very ticked off
at me as was my company when I went back to the 13th qm. We didn't know many of you
missle guys cause we just slept all day or were out goofing off. Nobody was in charge of us.
Hey - who let this rowdy in here? He didn't seem to last long. | 4/64-4/64 |
. | Miller, Frank, Sp/6 IFC Maintenance | 12/66-12/67 |
. | Mitchell, Jimmy, PFC 16B Launcher crewman. Many a cold night walking guard around that burm. | 7/64-7/65 |
. | Moore, Larry, Was with IFC on the hill as missile control radar op. Other duties included duty driver, guard duty, generator operator. Very isolated area back then. Always had problems getting supplies. - 8981 turner drive shreveport la. 71118 | 11/70-12/71 |
. | Murphy, Hugh, CW3 - We supported missile launches at Sea Range. The site and equipment were turned over to the ROK Army. - posted Feb 2021 | 10/76-4/77 |
. | Murray, Fred L, computor operator, sp5 - participated 2 times snap ft bliss tx | 8/68-2/69 |
. | Naujokaitis, Jonas, 24U20-MOS turned site to the ROK E-1 - 9057 Satelite dr | 8/76-2/77 |
. | Pafford, Charles Ray MOS 16C20, spent 1966 Fireout season on loan to 8th Army Sea Range, on the beach in tents. Went back to Sea Range 1967 to Fireout with F Btry. I have old pics from both places & some Of LBJ. during his vist, also a 1967 F Btry year book. Also see Fox Trot | /66-/67 |
. | Pendarvis, Toshio, Supply Clerk Sp4 Used to fly the laundry run to the Hump from Camp Holiday in a chinook because roads were too rough on trks | 3/74-9/75 |
. | Rice, Charles, This site was Test Firing Site for all of South Korea Nike Hercules Batteries ( fantastic duty site and overall I always liked the every other day on duty status ) . When the visiting Batteries came to do their Test Firing , the on duty crew would perform daily checks and adjustments and then turn the site over to the visiting Nike Battery and be off duty for the next over a day and a half period of time . Prior to the 1970 summer test firings sessions new IFC Radar units ( except for the HIPAR ) were installed at the site . I made my my E-5 grade in October of 1968 and was on the E-6 list when I mustered out in May of 1971 . Really great Army experience . - posted Feb 2021 | /70-5/71 |
. | Rodriguez, Richard, I was the IFC Section Chief | 5/70-5/71 |
. | Schoessler, Jim, Panel operator C section Spec-4. Christmas 64 Raymond Burr vistited the Battery. I remeber there was a chopper that crashed near the Battery in 65. Went to Sea Range Sept 64. what a blast. Remember 1st Sgt. Wild Bill Ford (The Bear) It was a great year for a 19 year old form Walla Walla WA. I opened the first Craft shop down by the theater in 64. | 6/64-6/65 |
. | Simendinger, Mark, I walked a German Shepherd around the launching area for 14 months. May 2004 - B 4-44 ADA in Taechon-ne Korea was Camp Holiday, not Camp Humphries. Camp Humphries was the headquarters near Pyong Taek, also known as K-6. | . |
. | Sitte, Davis, SP/4,Mtr operator--Was re-assigned, per Berlin crisis ,to 25th Arty, I corps,anyone know the location them by chance????? | 11/60-10/61 |
. | Smith, Henry L., PFC, 16C. Site was being turned over to ROK army when I arrived, still tense from JSA Tree Chopping incident. Was on my way to Site from Humphrey's in back of M109 that turned over, not the best way to start Army career. I worked in Commo on the Hill, 3 months. PCS'd to Camp Colbern for Sergeant Missles, 4 months & then to Camp Stanley, 2nd ID for Honest John Rocket, 5 months, during my 13 months. Ret from Army as Calibrator. I am D.A.C now, Team Chief of Cal Team in Vilseck Germany. - CMR 411, Box 6398, APO AE 09112 | 10/76-1/77 |
. | Smith, James, 30th Ord Co. Every called me Smitty, 24713 US Highway 85 Four Corners WY 82715 | 5/73-10/76 |
. | Sobocan, Joseph, sp/5 radar control operator - 278 Bonita Lane, San Francisco,, CA | 11/67-6/70 |
. | Sontag, Charles, 16B10 Fresh out of AITand 17 years old. I was in hog heaven. | 3/74-3/75 |
. | Sykes, Robert L., CW2, We were able to get the IFC up and running to have all units finish their annual service practice. 7455 S. Hulen St #110 Fort Worth, TX 76133 | 11/68-8/69 |
. | Tigges, Rich, P.O. Box 809 - St. Johns, Az 85936-0809 | 1/10/63-11/64 |
. | Turner, Ronnie, Worked at A&S in the launching area with George Warren, CWO Hearndon. made spec-5 there (blood stripe)when a cook got busted to E-4. Great times in the vill...made lots of friends at the unit.Retired in 1979, again from the state, and social security in 2004. will be 65 in February 2005. Don't miss those COLD Yellow Sea winters (Ha). - 232 Cannon Rd., Lyerly, GA. 30730 | 7/64-8/65 |
. | Vallone, Albert A., 226.1 Fire Contorl Radar and CDG IFC | 1-63-1-64 |
. | Vigue, Jerry Lee, Launcher Missle Section Section Chief E-5 445 N. Volland St. A202 Kennewick, Wa. 99336 | 10/70-5/71 |
. | Zeffield, James R., SP5/E5 22L20 Nike test equip repairman. 19610 Fellows Rd. Morrison, IL 61270 | end/67-end/68 |
. | Zimmerman, W. Dean (Z-Man), Fire Control Systems Maintaince Sp5 | 7/68-8/69 |
Site 3 C--4-44 | SAK SON NI [Camp Sarafi] Saksoni - [?Tampa?] | . |
. | Aldrich, Dave, IFC Crewman 16C Acquisition and TTR Range Operator SP4 Definitely remember Larry Bear IFC Platoon Ldr (I'm the guy who sat on your safe). Also Pete Bolke and sidekick Jim Van Kirk) who I met at different times and places thru the years until I retired in 1986 at White Sands . Also extended due to capture of the Pueblo. I thought I would freeze to death up on top of White Tiger Mountain when we went on alert for that. An old E-7 came by checking the soldiers out for perimeter defense and loaned me his parka which helped a lot. The thought of being there for the start of the Second Korean War Kept me awake and alert at the edge of the mountaintop that night. I never pulled more guard duty anywhere than I did for 14 months in the IFC Area. I would love to hear from anyone who served there at the same time. There are many wild tales untold about that tour. - 10425 Hess Drive Austin, TX 78748 | 1/67-3/68 |
. | Babcock, Philip J., pannel operator in C Section and the projectionest that ran the movies at the club after Oct.64 I arrived in March of 64 a PFC and made Sp4 in Nov. 64 - 6305 Meadow Lakes Dr. N. Richland Hills TX 76180 | 3/64-4/65 |
. | Beamesderfer, Thomas W., SSG E6, Fire Control Section Chief. I was not planning to reenlist. Had a handlebar moustache. Two other guys on my crew had moustaches and we decided to let the ends grow, and used moustache wax to curl the ends . The regulation said, ?The moustache will be neatly trimmed and tidy. Any portion beyond the corner of the mouth will not extend below a line parallel with the bottom of the lower lip.? By waxing the ends, they did not go below the line! Our CO ordered us to cut the ends, but I respectfully requested a ruling from the IG before I did anything. The IG ruled that I was right so I kept my ?bars? intact. The other guys gave in and cut theirs before the ruling came down. Needless to say, I watched my back until I left Korea. - 1748 Normandie Drive, York, PA 17408 | 9/73-6/74 |
. | Bear, Larry, IFC Platoon Leader for the entire time. . My tour was extended when the North Koreans took the USS Pueblo in late January 68. I remember the cold in winter and heat in summer and it was always windy. I worked with a very talented bunch and under the leadership of a BC named Daryl McFerron the battery eventually went from an "F Troop" reputation to winning several 8th Army awards. | 1/67-3/68 |
. | Benak, John, launcher platoon sgt | 9/63-9/64 |
. | Bohan, Richard J, MOS 63B (motor pool). My first assignment. Took a regular mid-tour leave - somehow the paperwork got lost after my return. 30 days' free leave; thanks, Tony! | 2/74-2/75 |
. | Bolke, Peter, SP/6 maintenance and worked my can off, the Maintenace WO was great, the CO was a real pain Got to spent two XMAS on the ROCK "lucky me". - 4536 Croton Circle, El Paso, Tx 79924 | 12/65-1/67 |
. | Buckner, Daniel E., MP 1 year tour at Nike site in S. Korea - Vacaville, CA | 9/73-9/74 |
. | Campbell, Woolery "Woody", | 8/73-8/76 |
. | Cannon, Ronnie, from b battery - launcher crew member ets. Back home to join national guard ,red eye , then stinger 7949 hwy 903 halifax n.c. | 01/76-4/76 |
. | Caughlin, Francis "Dale", LCT Went from E-4 to E-5. Worked entire year in the LCT. Most of the year there were only two LCT Operators, so we worked alone, 24 on and 24 off. It was a very long boring year. | 5/66-5/67 |
. | Clevenger, Emory Lee, | 6/66-6/67 |
. | Crews, Jim, do you have any information | 9/65-4/67 |
. | Dandeneau, James, 16C20 TTR/ TRR Assistant section chief | 1/69-2/71 |
. | Dietz, Albert, I was a Spec 4 scope dope. I still have two yearbooks from Camp Sarafi plus a bunch of slides. | 12/65-1/67 |
. | Eshleman, John, WO2 - , 132 N. Summit St., Derry, PA 15627 | 10/74-7/76 |
. | Gottschalk, Wayne G., sp/4 I worked in the supply room and later as a courrier. We ran to K6 three times a week, about 80 miles over the worlds worst roads. | 1/69-2/70 |
. | Heath, Richard, (Spec4 - 5 radar tech) on the "hill" from 74 to 75 and saw 2 winters there. It was pretty bad. The road to the top had a section that was made of corrugated rebar-ed concrete. The closest base was Osan AFB and we all tried to get rides on choppers to get there. Most of our motor pool was redlined and the roads would turn a soldier into on giant hemorrhoid. | /74- /75 |
. | Hill, Harry, Summit NJ-Fort Tilden-Hicksville-Tappan - 1956-1962 - Anybody from Korea-West side Sac-ze-ne - 84770 | /62 |
. | Hinson, Doug, Duty was not all that bad as an Acquistion (24p20) radar technician. Work 24 on and 48 off when I first got there and then 24 on and 24 off. I remember the cold winters and sleeping in the tower of the acquistion radar van...warmest place around. | 11/69-01/71 |
. | Hillard, Bill, Served with Bill Duke, Seymour Prim, Billy Box.. Mostly Post 3, remember Malapo Beach. Great People - 140 Panorama Cr, Kunkletown, PA 18058 | 3/68-11/69 |
. | Hoffman, Thom, E-5, and was moved from the launch area to admin/Training NCO workking with C.O. and X/O. Recall the night we're riding security with ROC troop transporting new missles to the site...and the driver fell asleep at the wheel, rolling the rig into the gully. Not a pretty sight! Amazing views of ocean to W. from the guard towers atop the radar hill! Shipped out for final hitch in Dallau, GY for 15 months (A-3/71st ADA?) - Minot, Maine 04258 | 8/69-9/70 |
. | Hooten, Clyde Sp4, trained as launcher crewman, worked 7 months in A&S, then became alternate battery mailclerk, riding the 77 miles every other day to Battalion HQ, K-6 and the 77 miles back. Songbook | 02/62-02/63 |
. | Johnson, Ben, Range operator, MTR operator, Sp/4 - Base was turned over to Rebulic of South Korea, after I left, possible that base is still operated by them. I have pictures of the IFC area, the main gate ,Sac-su-ne, was the small town out side the main gate (I have 2 photo) ,Some of the main compound, and one of the Prime round launch area but no missiles were out that day, (We were not allowed to take photos of the launch area because we had Nukes) Taean was the town to the east of the IFC area it was at the foot of the mountain we were on.. Peg-u-son mountain was the name of the mountain ,I'm not sure how it was spelled, sorry black and whites are grainy. - 8324 Crestwood Ave N Ridgeville Ohio 44039 | 7/69-7/70 |
. | Krueger, Carl, Launcher Platoon Leader | 10/61-11/62 |
. | Maetke, Joseph T. {Maddy}, 24Q2H (Official MOS but was 24Q20)"Nike Hercules New Improved Fire Control Mechanic" | 6/71-3/72 |
. | Marshburn, James, I was the company clerk and assistant mail clerk (PMOS 71H20 changed to 75B20) | 4/73-4/74 |
. | Mitchell, Jodie, I was one of the medics with C Btry, I was in the unit at Ft. Bliss Tx and went with the unit in 1960 by ship to Korea. I served in the unit until Febryary 1962. I was extended because of the Berlin Crisis. The other Medic was Frank C. Boyd.I am a retired MSG working as a civil servant at Ft Sam Houston Tx. I have been retired since 1986 after 27 years service. - 5635 Fountainwood St. San Antonio, Tx | /60-2/62 |
. | O'Brien, Thomas, | /65-/66 |
. | O'Leary, Gerard, Missile Crewman 16B, Training NCO, Motor Pool, Draftee - extended, finished service in Korea, had steady in village Su Ni Hong - lost contact. SP4. Smoked bad pot every day. Erected flag pole in village with peace flag, caused trouble. End of tour ran water and shift change to top of IFC. Trucks were worn out because of roads - 2751 Route 711 South, Ligonier,PA. 15658 | 6/70-10/71 |
. | Prather, Kenneth J, Worked at the EAF on the hill. - 209 Teneva Cove, Cibolo, TX 78108 | 7/74-7/75 |
. | Poff, James A., [assembly sgt.] This was my 3rd assignment, 2nd actual missile site. Tried to do OJT with ROKA to train soldiers to take over the missile site. Remember ROKA CSM using a baseball bat on KATUSA's. Remember ROKA's eating our dog. Don't miss a d*mn thing about this site. Those who were assigned to the installation after me got sent home early. I was sent to K-6 to setup a SW detachment. | 6/76-7/77 |
. | Powers, Larry W., It was a 14 month tour of duty but the Pueblo was captured so I had to stay longer (as others did). My M.O.S. was a Missile Launcher Crewman (16B10- 16B20) and I was a Specialist 4 rank. I spent much of my tour as a Courier on the road between Camp Sarafi and Camp Humphreys. Capt. McFerron was the commander on my tour. I miss the guy's I worked with there. Good bunch! Anyone who knows me feel free to email or even if you don't know me that's fine. I am now retired. - 20601 E. Apple Drive, Benton City, WA. 99320-6516 (509) 205-1646 | 1/67-3/68 |
. | Reeser, Darrell E., SP5, A&S | 4/69-5/70 |
. | Robinson, Jeff, 95 b10 (military police) dog handler. We worked only nights from 7pm to 7am. Served with bernie kerik and others, I am looking for anyone else who served there at that time ! - po box 155 Gleason, WI 54435 | /74-/76 |
. | Rollins, Rodney, 16B10, Later 16B20 SPEC 4 Launch Crew - I was told the first day that we were the presidents muscle. When he got tired of talking and told you to go to hell, and you decided you didn't want to go, It was our job to get you there. - 325 North End Ave NY,NY 10282 | /72-/73 |
. | Roy, Jon W, Real different for a kid from the sticks - Lakewood Colorado | 1/67-4/68 |
. | Rugh, Orville R, Generator Operator Mechanic; Spec 4. Will always remember Sgt "Murph" Gulchinski. | 1/66-2/67 |
. | Schmidt, Timothy, IFC Platoon Leader (2nd Lieutenant) I was due to transfer to HHB in January 1973, but instead was diverted to F Btry as Launcher Platoon Leader in order to have enough qualified BCOs for them to go to ASP in March 1973; | 8/72-12/72 |
. | Skinner, William [Bill], 2054 Jefferson #2 Memphis, Tn. 38104 - I arived in South Korea the day before Thanksgiving ,I was there when north Korea seized the Pueblo, While there I tried out for the 4th Bn. rifle and pistol team. Ispent approx one month at the 76th engenering Bn. | 12/68-12/69 |
. | Steimel, Larry (no e-mail address provided) Sp5 Working as a Staff Sergeant Section Chief. They held the stripes and pay over you to try to get you to reenlist. Left the Army when I got back to the states, Should have stayed in. - 173 N Lake Sherwood Dr 1491, Lake Sherwood, Missouri 63357 | 9/69-9/70 |
. | Sykes, Robert L., IFC Technician CW2, Our IFC area was on White Tiger Mountain about 1,000 feet above sea level. If you look at a map of S.Korea we were on a point that is as west as you can be on the main land of Korea south of Inchon. Left Camp Sarafi to go to Sea Range, Korea to help get the Radar back on the air. 7455 S. Hulen St #110 Fort Worth, TX 76133 | 11/68-8/69 |
. | Taylor, Robert, Looking for anyone who served with those sites while I was there | /69-/70 |
. | Thieman, Theodore J (Ted), Our site in Korea was referred to as "Tampa". I think because of it's relative position to Tampa, Florida. In Nebraska the IFC area was with the barracks, mess hall, and offices. In Korea the IFC area was about 2 miles away by winding and steep road. We pulled guard at the barracks, showers, mess hall area as well as the IFC area. I well remember the cold winter, the mountain road and the rice paddies. Not to mention hot floors and sliding doors. We mostly rode the back of a five ton to go to the Kimpo air base (K55 I believe) once in awhile. Landing at shallow water port at Inchon was an experience, going back that way too. The troop ship we rode was the Daniel J Sultan, couple seasick weeks each way. Stopped in Yokahama on the way to Korea and Hawaii on the way back. My cousin was in the Navy at the time, stationed in Hawaii, they flew him! I volunteered for the draft. - P.O. Box 86, Petersburg, NEbraska 68652 | 2/62-3/63 |
. | Wallace, James, launcher crewman, Spec 5 - 1129 Lake Joyce Road, Moody Alabama 35004 | 8/70- |
. | Zahorsky, Robert N., Flew over with advanced party to assist with establishment of new Nike Hercules site. Headed up the canine corps and operated Acq. Radar up on the mountain. Original name of site was Plum Nearly (Plum out of the country; Nearly out of this world. Named by unit's "southerners") Changed to camp Sarafi in memory of S/4 Blase Sarafi of the Cleveland, OH area, who was killed in a truck accident. I, too, was extended in this God foresaken place thanks to the Bay of Pigs action. - 14462 Devington Way; Fort Myers, FL 33912 | 11/59-3/61 |
. | Zych, James, Security dog handler sp4 | 4/65-3/66 |
Delta Site 4 Yeoju | "Camp Huston", Yeoju (was Yeogu) | . |
. | Anderson, Walter, 24Q20 IFC Radar Mechanic, SP5. - I was a team member of the first Nike "surface-surface" SNAP shoot in Korea. TTR was pointed (fixed coordinates) at a island off the coast. It was successful. This was a BIG deal (brass, politicians, etc.) Our team was issued red and gold baseball caps for this SNAP. | 1/71-2/72 |
. | Antonangeli, Bruce, ... on April 20, 1967 ... we had a accidental Nike firing. I was off duty playing cards with the house boys in the barracks when we all heard a extremely loud noise emanating from the launching area. All of us immediately ran outside and saw the missile on its way up and the booster separating. One of the house boys commented “I think Joe chink come”. Over the loud speaker all personnel report to the launching area. | - |
. | Baker, Bennele ( Buzz ), Sp 4 Military Police Sentry Dog Handler, Started immediately following Pueblo incident - guardin' the MSA on Missile Hill in deep snow. | 1/68-3/69 |
. | Botamer, Christopher, LT IFC, Supply & Maint. - See his pictures of battery. Lots of Air Force fly-overs from near by range, 82nd Drop, EC-121 Incident, Texas Bar - postal State College, PA | 11/68-11/69 |
. | Breaux, Leonard, Draftee, Spec 4, Laucher Trailer Operator | 9/69-10/70 |
. | Cannon, Ronnie, Started launcher crew member, then missile maint then transferred to c battery - 7949 hwy 903 halifax n.c. | 12/74-01/76 |
. | Capobianco, Joseph, M.P. did gate duty at the batterie and missile area. i extended a few months to get an early out, Bennele baker(also listed here was my best friend). i found his name on this web site and we contacted for the first time in 35 years, we would like Phillips and Perry to get in touch | 1/68-10/69 |
. | Champion, Larry Launcher crewman, 2050 Eleanor St., Vidalia, La. 71373 | ?-1/69 |
. | Digby, Lyle M., XO and Comunity Relations Officer. Full time job just taking care of Botamer. | 10/68-10/69 |
. | Dillon, John, SP5 IFC ACQ Maint. | 5/68-6/69 |
. | Dudek, Raymond, Computer operator, but could operate all positions except MTR. Never went to school but picked up the 16C MOS from operating an M-33 radar at Ft Huachuca, AZ tracking RCATs on the east range. I served with Ray Garcia | . |
. | Federico, John J. Jr., MW4 (Ret) (ARNG site) I retired Jul 94, and not a day passes by that I don't miss the Army. But my short 7 years in Nike Herc and the ADA family were the best times of my life. | 7/73 - 8/74 |
. | Fleeman, Thomas, SP4 Launcher Crewman, Section B best times of my life and good friends where have the years gone? - 141 Ringgold GA. 30736 | 3/70-4/71 |
. | Funk, Don, Battery Commander | 11/69-2/70 |
. | Garcia, Raymond SP5 Aqc, Track Sup, Crew Chief - 1589 Palomino Ave., Upland, CA 91786 | 05/66-05/68 |
. | Gatto, Timothy IFC operator | 10/69-11/70 |
. | Goudie, Gerald, Traveled to Korea on on of the last Troup Ships, the USNS Edwin D. Patrick and was assigned to D-4-44. Best tour I ever had. At the time our MOS was 225.1, later changed to 22F20 and subsequently to 24U40. Guys on the crew were Mr. Sparks, Mr. Toler, SFC Norris, SSG Gadberry (deceased), SP5 Nalley, Me (Sp4 Goudie), Sp4 Parsons and Sp4 Katusic (deceased). Best group of men I ever worked with, anywhere. We used to watch the Korean Air Force conduct target practice on the other side of the Han River. | 3/65-4/66 |
. | Harrop, Jim, MOS 24Q20 IFC Maintenance, SPC4, Looking trough a very old 1974 D-Battery year book from my time in Korea. Remembering some of my good friends Figurido,Turner,Metzger,Mora and plenty of guys that I recognize their faces in the yearbook but can't remember their names. | 10/73-10/74 |
. | Hatcher, William, 16B | 03/73-03/74 |
. | Henckel, Frederick, Generator mech. on the radar hill, only 17 when I arrived learned a lot had a good time. | 3/68-2/69 |
. | Herbson, Dennis J., Stayed at Delta for 2 or 3 mos. (but I do have a yearbook hahaha) A lot of things were or are very foggy Transfered to HHB. K-6 - 112 Mayfield Lane, West Mifflin, Pa. 15122 | /71-/71 |
. | Hilton, Paul, Battery XO | 11/74-12/75 |
. | Hoffman, Arnold, 52b30 generator mechanic spec 4.worked in engineer section at motor pool.worked for lt.botamer | 9/68-11/69 |
. | Hook, Craig C., generator operator rank e4 had many many good and bad times remember the good. Still have a best buddy Al Pequignot who lives in St Louis . We get togeather at least once a year . Time flies . Best to all ex g.i.s - 39183 n. pinegrove Wadsworth Il. 60083 | 3/65-8/66 |
. | Knachel, Lawrence (Butch), SP/5 Launcher Crewman | 3/65-6/66 |
. | Lackey, James, 3811 Mark Rd Cambridge, Oh 43725 | 3/64-3/65 |
. | Lawrence, Ronnie, DEROS back to C-2-52, Until Seperation in 3/73, 16C20 Spec.5 | 9/70-10/71 |
. | Mandia, Claude J., LCT/V operator, launch area van | 2/71-1/72 |
. | Matthews, Clifton, Aquisition radar operator | 6/73-10/74 |
. | McClure, James, 16C20 IFC crewman. We were so short of crewman that we had to train 13Bs from the 2ID | 10/75-10/76 |
. | McCurley, Burney, Sp4, The entire 44th Bat. left Ft. Bliss by train to San Francisco where we boarded the U.S.S. Gen Mann and departed for Inchon. participated in to firings one at White Sands the other in Korea. Launch crewman worked in LCG. Camp Huston named for Corp of Eng Lt. killed on IFC mountain during construction accident. - 3901 S Portland 3115 Oklahoma City, OK 73119 | 3/60-6/61 |
. | Mckay, John Dee, MP Dog Handler- Guarded C launch site- Security got alot more serious after Black September- I still can smell the rice paddies by the Han, and pass on the winter kimchee- Anyone from my era at Delta battery, please email- This is the first mention of my unit I've found on the web- 804 2nd Ave. N., Columbus, MS 39701 | 6/72-7/73 |
. | Munch, Mike, MP Dog Handler, Walked 2 dogs. Val ( died at vet in Seoul)and Tiger. Remember great times with Burke, Bass and others in village. Great New years party where they removed pool table afterwards. Lot of Good people. Senior Dog handler shot him self in leg. "Dietz" ??? - 15223 Bear Valley Rd. Hesperia,Ca. 92345 | 11/72-7/73 |
. | Normoyle, Patrick, Spent better part of a year here as an M.P. guarding the Launch Area. Good duty, high security during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Returned to California , Fort Ord, to finish 2 year active tour and a couple of years active reserve.. - Los Gatos, CA. (408-356-0615) | 3/62-3/63 |
. | Parshall, Bruce, Sp4, VHF Communications Site Chief - 1910 Mayan Lane, San Martin, CA 95046 | 11/72-11/73 |
. | Paulsen, Rick, MP Dog Handler (Prince), Cpl, Vet Tech. Served with Steve Pollock (Val), Dave Cinero (Mike), Paul Lewek. MPs were the reigning softball and football champs. - 119 Rivergate Ln, DeWitt, Mi | 4/70-5/71 |
. | Perry, Samuel D., MP security guard, battery clerk, and taught English as second language at Yeoju school. I enjoyed my tour. Delta battery was very isolated but it was home for a year. At times, I still miss it. The missilemen were good guys, but I wasn't one of them. I was 951 Military Police. I was there when Kennedy was assassinated. We were pretty nervous for awhile. | 3/63-2/64 |
. | Priddy, William (Bill) E, 31 MIKE - Culloden WV | 3/72-4/73 |
. | Reynolds, Larry, | 11/62-11/63 |
. | Rice, Clark, Anyone know what happened to LaRose, Kerpit, Mathison or any of the other guys from the IFC area? | 7/69-8/70 |
. | Rigney, Roger
E-4, launcher platoon (16B20) extended (Pueblo incident) launcher platoon fired a herc from site | 67 - 68 |
. | Rouse, Charles W "Bill", Spc 5 Target Tracking Supervisor. 3919 Ruskin, Houston, TX 77005 | 6/68-3/69 |
. | Sparks, Charles, SP/4 There to set up site. Left Fort Bliss TX on troop train to Oakland boarded troop ship 22 days later arrived Inchon in Dec. Convoyed all gear to site and set up operations. Site was still under const. when we arrived. All improvements to the site was completed by the troops during off manning duty hours. Conditions where very hard but we worked hard as a team to get going. - 8953 Gue Rd Damascus, MD 20872 | /60-/62 |
. | Svanfelds, Ivars, Spent the first couple of weeks around Inchon, Walmi-do Island checking and preparing equipment needed at Camp Huston. Arrived at Camp Huston, which was not completely constructed and experienced some difficulties with security and living conditions. We we pretty isolated with the nearest US unit quite a long distance away. Winter was very cold, monsoon very wet and summer hot and humid but we did our job. The little village across the road even opened a TEXAS bar to remind us of Ft Bliss which we left in November.We had a UN Camp Huston opening ceremony and as far as I know Eddie L. Watson ( later served 2 tours in Viet Nam ) was the only member of our unit who was there also for the ceremony, many years later, when the camp was turned over to the South Korean forces. - Salaspils, Latvia | 12/60-1/62 |
. | Trautner, Joseph M., Assembly/Laucher Crewmen sp4 - Please email friend or foes - 28 Lindberg Street, clinton ma. 01510-3811 | 1/75-2/76 |
. | Wood, Donald H. Sr, unit ISG - 1114 seaman ave Beachwood ,NJ. | 07/72-09/73 |
. | Woods, Gary, 24U40 307 Blocker Street Huntsville, Alabama 35806 | /64-/65 |
. | Woods, Herbert way north of Suwon. Lee's Bar, Quan's BAR. Lots to do! | 5/66-3/67 |
E/2/44 Site 6 Echo Kimje | Camp Echo Hill, Kimje, approx 40 km from Kunsan AB | . |
. | Andrade, Jesus (Jess), Section Chief 52B30 E-5, after Wayne Lustoff left,my old friends. Thomas Blanco(florida), Mike Theil,Paul B Bernard, SP4 Payne,Bowersocks, Donald Graham,Carl Poehlman, Motor Pool Stowanovitch, SP4 Kitmartin(Killer), PVC Davis,Sgt Phillips,SP4 Jenkins, Mr Lee Judo instructor.I have a memory book and would like to get in touch with the guys. | 3/70-2/71 |
. | Bailey, Tommy R., - would like to hear from other scope dopes like me. | /73- |
. | Barnett, Frank W., launcher crewman, This was my late husband. He spent the last 3 months in Korea at the 121st Evac Hosp. - 134 Warden Ave NW, Soap Lake, WA 98851 | 6/67-11/67 |
. | Buchanan, Pat (AKA Buck), SP4, Security Guard, Launcher Area also | 6/73-6/74 |
. | Bielucki, Alan, SP5, 24Q20, CO was Capt. Caswell, Still have unit yearbook and many photos. Served there when there was a battle stations and a shooting of an indigious in the IFC area. | 4/69-5/70 |
. | Claudio, Dennis,
I recently found a paper copy of training material (correspondence
course) that I took when I was in Korea late 72-75 at Echo Battery 2/44th.
I've scanned to pdf the 84 page document (kind of large) and broke it
down into 6 pieces. I've attached the first piece.
This is a scan of a patch that those of us at Echo Battery received after going through "Air Mobility Training" which I completed at Bravo Battery. I didn't participate in the actual exercise but did get the experience of palletizing the equipment and actually hoisting the ring connected to the straps of a load to a helicopter as it hovered over me - I had to scamper real quick off the trailer so the chopper could take the load. NikeHercAirMobileKoreaEcho.jpg | /72-/75 |
. | Collins, Terry Lee, Generator Operator, (IFC), They called me 'Spanky' | 2/69-3/70 |
. | Crawford, John, Long and short range scope-dope (16c20??), we were the best in 1973. Remembering Sams Club. | 3/72-3/73 |
. | Daniels, Rodney, launcher crewman | /69-/70 |
. | DiMarco, Dino SFC-E7, Lchr.Area Maint.Chief MOS 223.6 | 1/63-2/64 |
. | Downing, Malcolm, Was Bn Commo Officer then a transfer to site as Launcher Platoon Ldr. Would like to hear from anyone that remembers these days. 2nd Lt | /67 |
. | Ehrenreich, Richard L, Captain, Battery Commander. First fire unit in the Bn to turn site and equipment over to ROKAADCOM in April, 1977, one week after firing out with a KATUSA crew (and an American BCO -- me!) at Sea Range. E/2/44 (Redesignated from 4/44 in 1971) Went to Bn HQ, on staff to LTC George Evans, and assisted with turnover of two of the five remaining batteries. - 8531 Rolling Oaks Drive, Owens Cross Roads, AL 35763 | 9/76-4/77 |
. | Elliott, John Roland, SPC4. Without flags on the records, back in PRP and back on the radars then K6, Pyongtaek, Soldier of the Quarter at some point. Despite being born in Texas and raised in Georgia and Alabama, became Race Relations Facilitator and transferred to Battalion HQ (K6, Camp Humphreys, Pyongtaek). After battery-charging explosion in motor pool, became safety NCO (acting jack SGT). Honorable Discharge (early) July 1974. | 07/73-7/74 |
. | Ferraro, James, E-6 IFC Maint. 866 SUN WOOD DRIVE SMITH STATION AL | 8/70-4/74 |
. | Gellert, Dave, 16Bravo Charlie Section | 11/70-12/71 |
. | Hammon, Ron, E-4 16C, elev opr at snap, extended after pueblo, Sams club, Johnnies club, Sandusky, Nettles, Wright, Falcetta, doughnut dollies,snowball fights with the kids,trips to Kunsan(big px) sony & Akai reel to reels, sofa trial for one of our medics involved in an incident on the way to Kunsan, really a big deal at the time with a death involved, lots of brass around. massage at the barber shop w/haircut,charging everything and broke on payday. card games payday stakes, best part of the tour, except for lifelong friends I met , was the day I left | 01/67-03/68 |
. | Johnson, Philip, e-3 fire panel operator | / - / |
. | Kohsman, Ronald V., Sgt, Launcher Section Chief, EAF NCO, Battery Clerk, Driver | 12/75-1/77 |
. | Lowe, Wilmer (Bill), Acquistion Operator, fire control parts clerk, supply driver. Remember that system was older than the lopar outfit I had started on in the states. Also that it was hot as hell in the Summer and incredibly cold and snowy in the Winter. "Remember it was hot as Hades in summer and cold as a prostitues heart in winter!" Site was on a high hill that stood out like a sore thumb in the otherwise flat surrounding terrain. We were sitting ducks for an air strike! Lots of good times and good friends. Wondering what happened to Frank Holbrook and Jim Goff. | 7/62-10/63 |
. | Martinez, Enrique, 16C and Motor Pool | 8/70-9/71 |
. | Resendez, Felipe, Sgt Carrington and Spec Christner were already in the motorpool when I arrived. was there for a few months until i was volunteered for the k-6 run (courier) by "Top" as i was often called upon to go on wrecker calls when the courier broke down. being that i was a mechanic "Top" felt it would alleviate having to send out help to fix the truck. sgt daly and herrera did the run before me ... recall young doing the kunsan daily run as opposed to the k-6 run which left on monday's and returned on friday's. really enjoyed the weekly routine and the contact's made during my weekly trips. moreso when i would pickup replacements at the k-6 transient barracks coming to our battery ... as always they were curious about what awaited them ... and i would just say that they would enjoy their stay. went to germany for 6 months and on to v-nam. remember andrade ... if he is the same fella who would pole vault on the west side of the barracks. still trying to contact sgt daly (or daily), christner, herrera, and the tall lanky guy (can't recall his name)who used to drive the diesel truck up ifc to refuel the generators. | 9/69-11/70 |
. | Scoville, Oscar Gates, l/LT Btry XO Southernmost Hercules site in Korea | 9/61-2/62 |
. | Semple, Bob 2LT - Launcher & Security Plt Ldr, later Btry XO MOS 1180 | 12/64-1/66 |
. | Singer, Danny G, Switchboard Operator - SP/4 talked to Tom Walter Ken Wisz and Frank Leiasure on the phone within the last couple of months and got a email from Robert Waibel - 811 dudley rd. six mile run pa. 16679 | 11/74-11/75 |
. | Singer, Eugene, This battery was almost engaged 40 years ago with north Korean migs flying back from assumed china to the north flying south to take pictures. I was on duty the day of the actual ?battle stations? came over the airwaves. The pits called several times to find out what we had. We had locked on easily and received little if any jamming technology at the time. - Fighters were scrambled from kunsan air base and friendlies chased them away. This actually happened when President Lyndon Johnson was in Seoul. We believed the battle station order came from him but were never able to confirm it. | 6/66-5/67 |
. | Sirmans, James ED, mos of launcher crewman but took over a sentry dog shortly after arriving. His name was Zimbo. Great bunch of guys and had a great time over there. If there at this time get in touch through e-mail. - 2106 Division St Augusta Georgia 30904 | 9/64-8/65 |
. | Sorensen, Mack G (Red), (no e-mail address provided) ifc brotherhood peace pot pussy guard duty ride the water truck - 1333 altenau st cosmopolis wash | 3/72-4/73 |
. | Walter, Tom ( Wally ), Commo. SPC 4 maintained communications on the hill and down range. - Fairborn, ohio | 5/74-5/75 |
. | Wisz, Kenneth J.,
AKA "Mongo" & "Baik Om" MP Security guard launcher area. ...
I'm still in contact with Kuzmik & Dibble after all these years.
I got an email from a Mr. Kim at Kunsan airbase. He said "Silvertown " still
exists but it isn't jumping like it used to. Anybody want to go liven the place up
like we used to?
{Wisz, Ken} I have a contact in Korea who just checked out the E Btry 2/44th Nike site in Kimje Korea. It appears to be still in use by the ROKAF [but not as a Nike site]. There is a new website for it: ] | 8/74-9/75 |
. | Woida, Carl J., CW3, Launcher Warrant Officer | 1971 |
. | Wright, Larry, 16C20 | '68-'69 |
. | Wyatt, Dana, Sp-5 Assembly & Service, Have posted a few photos on Nike Veterans & Friends | 8/69-9/70 |
. | Zeitler, Clarence A, Spec 1st. Assembled and service built all the missles on that site after we built all the launchers! | 12/60-3/62 |
Moon Hak Dong Camp Intercept FoxTrot | 5 miles SW from Inchon - Munhak? - Songdo? | . |
. | Alperin, Stuart, Second Lt. Launcher Platoon Ldr. First nuclear warheads at Camp Intercept Korea | 11/61-12/62 |
. | Ancharski, Edward J., 8290 E. Nicaragua, Tucson, AZ, SP-5, Missile Maintenance | 5/65-6/66 |
. | Bargel, John, Ssgt IFC Like to find Earl Kent, Patrick. Schouten and pennaqua | 9/76-9/77 |
. | Batson, Boyce, SSGE6 Plt.Sgt when I got there and SSG Plt. Sgt when I left. I was told when I got there that if you left with the same rank that you came with to figure that you got promoted. When I got there we had a double TO&E number of men because of a cold war 6 mo. extension and I got extended too. Not a good deal. I saw a Stuart Alperin listed during my tenure there and I think he was the IFC PLT. LDR. My memory has dulled a wee bit in the last 45 years. After the ist. contigent left we had enough room in the barracks that we got out of the squad tents and into the barracks. A good group of men overall and all the officers were excellent with one exception. | 8/61-10/62 |
. | Borge, Greg, Started as a Nike crewman and switched to Sentry Dogs, RE: a truck that crashed into a messhall, I don't know about that, but a trailer of barbed wire, rolled down the hill and into the EM club. That killed an officer in the club. I was there when they caught the Pueblo. Everyone was on guard duty, including our chef, with his big white hat and an M-14 at the gate. I worked at the launch site, They needed dog handlers so I volunteered to be a dog handler. They caught a "spy" one night on the beach and "interrogated" him in the messhall. Myself and a guy named Murphy (sp) 1049'd to VietNam. - 612-210-0377 | 4/67-2/68 |
. | Brandon, Prentice Dean, sp/4 with 5761st.sig co.attached to site for communications. - 1236 blane rd. alton,va. 24520 | 11/66-03/68 |
. | Byrne, Timothy H., first duty assignment was to prep battery for turning over the keys to the ROK. New refurbished missile, palletizing and convoy of Nukes out of country - Got to foxtrot as a pvt E-2 fresh out of training. Learned the rail., apes job and more about the maint and service of the missile. Learned how to drive a forklift, We were in the process of exchanging the birds for newer. Before we turnm the sites over to Korean control. Left Sp/4 and alot more wiser to the game of life - 10327 Premia Pl Las Vegas,NV 89135 | 3/75-4/76 |
. | Clapham, Bruce, MP PFC - I remember Sentry Dog Handler James Johnson, Tim Byrne, Michael Gross, Ray Brown, SSG Oldham - CC Club, Seamans Club, & Olympus Casino. I especially remember losing my shirt playing Spades for a penny a point with the Dog Handlers. - 2636 E. Stringham Avenue Apt.A-125 Salt Lake City, UT | 7/75-3/76 |
. | Clements, Richard L, SGT E-5 Launcher Section Leader, Left the site and returned to Ft. Bliss as an instructor in the missile school Retired from the USA Vietnam Veteran | 6/67-7/68 |
. | Cole, Willis S, SP5 - Fire Control Maintenance Tech. | 3/63-3/64 |
. | Coles, John R, mos 16b worked in luancher section at suangdo for five months spent the remaining time working with the site mp platoon. Some of the names I recall were Junebug, Chico,ssg belovaski, sgt davenport,and sgt burris - 41Highland Blvd Apt B New Castle, De 19720 | 12/75-12/76 |
. | Crowder, Chuck, Trained 24P & 24Q Koreans to take over. Last American out. Stayed 3 months after turn-over, with no unit. The army forgot I was there, but I got my paychecks in Osan anyway. | 7/73-6/76 |
. | Davidson, James P., Military Police Security, Missile Crewman for two months due to shortages. | 3/67-4/68 |
. | Dittrich, Walter, cew men warhead team sp/4 3401N walnut Rd#297 Las Vegas NV 89115 | /65-/66 |
. | DrivinFool | '66-'67 |
. | Gatto, Timothy IFC operator, | 1/71-11/75 |
. | Edwards, Dale, FC platoon leader and later Launching Area Platoon leader So I used Google Earth to find the site. The highest hill was the FC and is at 37 deg 25' 55.42" N and 126 deg 40' 38.47" E at elevation of 652 ft. You can clearly see the area and road leading down to the admin area. So I may try and go there and take a few photos. | 10/68-11/69 |
. | Ferraro, James, E-6 IFC Maint. 866 SUN WOOD DRIVE SMITH STATION AL | 4/74-8/75 |
. | Goltman, John, Battery Commander | 1/71-7/71 |
. | Griffin, Calvin, PFC Orderly Room Clerk | 2/73-9/73 |
. | Horn, Steve, then to Bristol, Rhode Island | 06/69-07/70 |
. | Jordan, Terry, Replaced SP6 Eby as only 24P. Cronicly short of all personel.24 on, 24 on, 24 on.Loved every minite of it. Helped train Koreans on ABAR (Poor mans HIPAR). | 5/73-11/76 |
. | Junghans, Mark F, SPC 4, 24U20, Nike Missle Tech | 4/76-5/77 |
. | Kinney, Richard, 63F20, Motor Pool. SP/4, wrecker operator. I also drove to K6 every day with a duce and a half. I lived in the vill by the store. F Btry was also called Camp Intercept. I got out of the Army in 1983 as a SSG This was the best duty ever. I loved Inchon. | 3/72-12/73 |
. | Klinger, Richard, | 1/71-1/73 |
. | Klingspohn,David, spc4 nick name(kp) (16/B/20) 38th brg. 2/44 ada f btry was the closest to the dmz so we had to be ready all the time.The people that i served with were the best.Had a good tour | 11/73-6/75 |
. | Lewis, Larry, E-4 Aquisistion radar operator, guard duty (well practiced specialist) and truck driver | 7/70-11/71 |
. | Lewis, Michael, I started as a IFC operator/generator operator and in the summer of 1972 took over as motorpool sgt. I was reassigned as motorpool sgt. at A-4-44 on 7-1973. Foxtrot Battery was one of my best tours in the service. I came there as a E-3 and left for A Battery as a E-5. I have a lot of good memories from F Battery. | 11/71-7/73 |
. | McGee, Don 24Q20 Fire Control Maint., too many, became clerk | 3/72-4/73 |
. | Little, Tom, SP5, Medic. Lived in the E-5 Hooch at the top of the hill. Actually, when I first got there, I was a 16C, but they needed medics. Did 2 month OJT at the Infirmary at K6. Missed my wife and new son, but loved my time in Korea. - 1360 Union Hill Rd. STE 3D, Alpharetta, GA 30004 | /72-/73 |
. | Medeiros, Vernon Sgt, MOS 16B4C "B" Sec. Chief | 7/71-8/72 |
. | Milton, Roy W., MOS 179.10 Fire Control crewman, SP/4. The best duty of my army life, some of the best friends and the best of times. Would like to hear from anyone that was there within the same time frame. - 351 Penland St. Ellijay, Ga. 30540 | 4/64-5/65 |
. | Mullinax, Stephen, I was in the infantry plt, then went to the sentry dog section. I remember no speaky. We were on the yellow sea @ song do beach. | 8/71-9/72 |
. | Normoyle, Patrick, (M.P. training) First M.P. group set up to guard Launch Area, by the beach. Good times in Inchon. (I left the U.S. with light weapons/infantry MOS 111 and got lucky on the way to Korea on the General Patrick. After a stop in Japan, a group of us were selected for a new job and some training for our new MOS. We became M.P.'s and were tasked with guarding/protecting the Launch Areas and specifically the newly arrived nuclear warheads. A much better duty than running the hills and rice paddies with the infantry boys.) Then went to Camp Huston. - Los Gatos, CA. (408-356-0615) | 2/62-3/62 |
. | Oravitz, Michael, Training NCO, SGT E-5 CPT Goltman was commander, succeeded by CPT Karl Tepee. Karl was killed at the Pentagon on 9/11. - POB 136, Koppel PA 16136 | 10/70-11/71 |
. | Pafford, Charles Ray MOS 16C20, spent 1966 Fireout season on loan to 8th Army Sea Range, on the beach in tents. Went back to Sea Range 1967 to Fireout with F Btry. I have old pics from both places & some Of LBJ. during his vist, also a 1967 F Btry year book. Also see Sea Range | /66-/67 |
. | Pinsi, Peter, | 6/68-6/69 |
. | Roby, James, E4-E5--IFC--Target Tracking Radar. Spent 20 years in the Army and this was the best duty station I ever had. Went back in 1997--radar site still there --barracks gone--launching area gone. | 9/70-9/71 |
. | Salter, Jeff, I was a brand new MP assigned to security at the launcher site from 11/76 to 7/77, when the ROK took over the site. We were then assigned to NHWSD-K at Camp Humphreys. I recall an E-3 MP named Grant; a very large SP4 MP named Hemmilla ("Lurch"); my squad leader, SGT Harrell, who was murdered in Korea; SFC Robinson, my platoon sergeant; and 2LT Roszypal, our platoon leader. Two incidents involving North Korean infiltrators happened while I was there. Not a lot of fun, but I do have lots of good memories. - 13414 113th Ave E, Puyallup, WA 98374 | 11/76-11/77 |
. | Schmidt, Timothy, Launcher Platoon Leader (2nd Lieutenant) (From C Battery) I was due to transfer to HHB in January 1973, but instead was diverted to F Btry as Launcher Platoon Leader in order to have enough qualified BCOs for them to go to ASP in March 1973; | 1/73-4/73 |
. | Seery, Robert, Was 2nd Lt. in IFC area. | 13/61-1/63 |
. | Smith, Timothy H. (Byrne) 24U launch area | 4-75 to 3-76 |
. | Sorensen, Mack G (Red), (no e-mail address provided) got transferred to e btry dont miss the steep climb - 1333 altenau st cosmopolis wash | 9/71-3/72 |
. | Taiclet, Thomas R, SSG E-6, Fire Control Section Leader F Btry (Herc) 4th Bn 44th Arty Battery Commander was CPT Jack A. Ziemke, Executive Officer 1LT Leverett A. Sanford, First Sergeant PSG Fay M. Yee. I was at F Btry from January 1969 to February 1970. I was involuntary extended for 1 month. 11 months later I was in Viet Nam. - 2418 La Casa Dr, Henderson, NV 89014 | 1/69-2/70 |
. | Thompson, Brad, I was a SP/4 MP Sentry Dog handler The names are lost but I remember we passed the time playing spades and hearts and the Yellow House in Inchon. - Auburn, WA | 7/75-7/76 |
. | Torkelson, Leroy, 24Q20 maintained the tracking radar etc. Lived in the SP5 barrack way on top of the hill. | 1/72-12/72 |
. | Venezia, Charles SP4 Fire Control Operator, 16C20, TTR Elevation operator, then ABAR operator ABAR was the best job in the battery, it was the only air conditioned building on post - possibly the only air conditioned building in ROK. | 6/73-7/74 |
. | Vickroy, Richard N.(Vic-Max),
Sp4-Sp-5 Went to work the very first minute I got on site. I got
off the truck from K-6 and they sent me straight up to the hill. Mr. Mcguire
and SP-6 Chuck Crowder (a cross trained 24P) were the only Techs on site. I
worked for two days before I got my baggage out of the 1st. Shirts office.
Chuck was the only GI on site that had a POV (an old red VW bug)
I also worked for Mr. Menninger, Mr. Crank & Mr. Rubalcaba. Maint. Sgts. Foote and "Doc" Roberson? Lt. Jackson was the IFC Platoon leader. I remember Sgts. Crago & Booh. Too many others to mention. I spent most of my off time at the Seamen's Union Club in Inchon. That's where they had my DEROS party at my last night on site. Horrible hangover! We were also there for the infamous "tree cutting" incident in '76. We spent 45 days locked on a missile, ready to fire. Very INTENSE! When I left Foxtrot I went to Florida again. HM-40 Key Largo B Battery 2-52nd. I spent a year there and got sent to Alaska to work at Poker Flats Rocket Research Range for the University of Alaska. Left there and went to White Sands Missile Range working in Research & Developement on Upper Air Sounding System for Atmospheric Sciences Lab. I was the only 24Q3R in the United States Army. R designator was for research and developement. - 116 Race Track Rd. New Hope Al 35760 | 3/76-4/77 |
. | Visconti, Ronald, mos 62c20, SP5, initially worked as unit mail clerk, as my mos was filled by another individual. After six great months, I was moved to my mos. Great times in Inchon, and also our "F" club. | 7/66-8/67 |
. | Whatley, William Eddie, 16C20 IFC operator E-4 Couldn't wait to leave. but would like to go back and do it again. | 12/70-1/72 |
. | White, Ulas Aaron, 2nd Lt., IFC and Launcher Platoon Leaders, Installed Hi-Power on the hill! | 4/63-5/64 |
. | Wilson, David L. IFC Platoon Leader Interested in any pictures of Site (especially of IFC and Admin Areas) around time when site was turned over to ROK | 8/70 - 6/71 |
Osan AFB | . | . |
. | FOY, ROBERT H. JR. SSG 24U30 | '76 -'77 |
30th Ord Co.
12th Ord Detach. | Nike Platoon , Camp Ames | . |
. | Drake, Murray, I was in the initial 30th Ordnance Detachment when it was deployed from Redstone Arsenal, AL to South Korea in November 1960 when the six Nike Sites were set up and down the west coast of South Korea. That was the best duty I can imagine for anyone serving in the US Army. I did electrical work in the launching area on all three of the "southern sites" Sites 4, 5 & 6. It was good duty......fullfilling work....and I enjoyed myself while there. I liked the Korean People and wish I had known more about their history while there. - web site | 11/60-? |
. | Piland, Doyle CW2, Platoon Leader/Shop Officer | 8/72 - 8/73 |
. | Schnabel, Richard, 254.1, SFC | 7/74-7/75 |
. | Shiffman, David M., E4 - helped build the quonset huts that we lived in later in '64. | 12/62-12/63 |
. | Vincell, Richard E., SSG E-6 Transfered from KMAG to Nike Plt as NCOIC FMTE Shops 1,2,3 Supported Nike 4/44th (K6) Camp Humphreys - 13835 W. 141st Ter. Olather, KS 66062 | 12/68-12/69 |
Info from George Carmack
There were 6 Nike sites in Korea. They were lettered/numbered
A,B,C,D,E,F. Site 1, Site 2, Site 3, etc. They all had "camp names" I
was at B battery, "Camp Holiday". Also known as "Sea Range" as this is
where all the batteries fired out every year. A "show battery" as many
officers from the states and Korea came to observe firings and the
general set up of a Nike Site. We had bleachers for the spectators to
sit on and watch the firings.
As I remember, Norththrop Ventura Corp. sent civilian pilots and Drone control operators when we fired out in Aug-Sept. They flew T-33 planes (I think) and set up to launch the drones at max range to fly in toward the site. Two drones per plane. Launched from the wing tips with a 10 second rocket burn that allowed the radar control operator to guide the drone all the way into the site and pop a chute for recovery if it was a test drop or a missed shot. All sites were along the West Coast overlooking the Yellow Sea with primary target direction towards Red China. "A" Battery was very close to Seoul and "F" Battery at Kunson (southern most). B Battery was approximately 80 miles south of Seoul right on the Yellow Sea at a small village, Taechon-ne. I am not sure all letters and numbers matched up. i.e. A-1, B-2 C-3, etc. 4th. Missile Bat. headquarters was just south of Seoul, known as "Camp Humphry". We had our own MP detachment for security, a repair depot group and a Communications section. I the states we did it all; the guard duty and Commo. work and sent all parts out for repair. KP was pulled by Korean civilians and cost each man $2.00 a month. (A real bargain as I don't know anyone that liked KP) We were on the Yellow Sea at a small village, Taechon-ne. The radars were 265' above sea level and looked down on the missile magazines. When you fired out the missiles were on portable launchers on the beach. We provided tech support for each battery and Fire truck support at the beach launchers. I worked in the Tracking radar van and as we fired out first, pulled tech support for the remaining 5 batteries. Fire Guard was Ok to as you were very close to the missiles and got some great missile pictures. When I was there we had 11 kills out of 12 with one jerk from A battery doing a "Missile reject" and sending a moon ball 100,000 yards straight up! It was pretty! 1 Herc battery and 2 Hawk batteries fired out each week starting usually in Sept. The Hawk batteries went into Nov. as there were 25 Hawk sites. One was permanent around Seoul and the rest were mobile. Their kill ratio was really low. Around 11 for 25 fired. But great to watch. |
Info from Correa, Greg Jan 2015
![]() | Memories and faded photographs? that?s the Chief and I waiting to board a ferry to Kunsan to visit B/1/44. The rest are just shots of visit to an orphanage we supported?and of course rice patties. |
Info from Dr. William Freccia 7th BN. 2nd ADA Hawk Site 45 Songon-Ni Korea Freccia, William Nov 2024
William Freccia
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