Ed Thelen's Nike Missile Web Site


Hosted by Greg Brown - Nike Veteran and SF-88 Volunteer

Ed Thelen Ed at SF-88

Many Thanks to the Nike Veterans and Friends Facebook Group - for the many tributes and condolences to the family of Ed Thelen

Enclosed is the link to Facebook-Nike Veterans and Friends;

Click Here

Thanks to Charles Carter of the Nike Veterans and Friends Facebook Group for informing me and posting of Ed's Obituary.
I (Greg Brown) and Dave Kreutzinger, SF-88 volunter, Nike Veteran and former launcher warrant of SF-88, attended the memorial along with his friends and family at the Chapel of Roses in Fremont California.
It was a small gathering. Ed was active with the Computer History Museum in Santa Clara. There were several members of the Computer History Museum Present.
Ed was involved with the restoration of an IBM 1401 computer from Germany that had been in storage for 20 years. It is operational and can be seen at the Museum.
His Memorial was a small family gathering indoors.
There was a military honor guard present who did the flag folding ceremony and gave the flag to Ed's wife Betty.
Ed is survived by his wife and 3 sons.

I will share a picture of Ed one of his volunteer docent trips to SF-88.
He was giving explainations of the Nike Radar system to young and interested college electrical engineering students

Every time you talked to Ed, you left feeling better.

Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4

Night Time Nike Launcher Slow Motion Picture SF-88

This picture was taken by Industrial Light and Magic from San Rafael

The same company that made Star Wars...George Lucas

According to my fellow SF-88 Volunteer and Nike Veteran Alec, Industrial Light and Magic came to the SF-88 Nike Missile site to take pictures and record unique sounds

The audio for the trash compactor scene from Star Wars Episode 4, The New Hope, was recorded from the sound the Nike elevator made

View the inside a Nike Missile Guidance Circuit Board

Click Here

Who is taking care of the Ed-Thelen.org website ?

Meet Greg (Be Bop) Brown, Nike Veteran and NPS SF-88 Volunteer

Click Here

Alberta Oil

Buys a cup of coffee
"Peace in our time"?? - Russia invades Ukraine, China threatens Taiwan.
United Nations Security Council, the 5 members with veto power
    include Russia & China
Russia is attacking Ukraine, Ukraine is so desirable
China threatens Tiawan, Taiwan has TSMC
    The Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC),
    is the world's largest, best, and most valuable semiconductor manufacturer.
China makes 12 times more steel and burns 7 times as much coal than the U.S.
If the U.S. gets into a serious war, it will have to import more steel from China.

Visiting again? - updates

Table of Contents. This site presents a great deal of Nike Hercules historical, technical and operational information and provides extensive links to Nike related books, documents, museums and to other Nike related web sites. This site also provides a photographic tour of Nike site SF-88 (being restored), location and status of Nike sites, and a List of Nike People, some on-line documents, a bulletin board, a search, a Photo Exchange, an FAQ, and a variety of other features.
    2019, the Russians are playing "games" again.

Table of Contents

The Web This web site

gotta have a little fun
(Model) Nike Launches from BA-79 just outside of Baltimore Update Aug 9 2024

Dave Zuchero - BA-79
I am working with a group of volunteers who are restoring BA-79 just outside of Baltimore. Last week I launched a scale model of the Nike Hercules from BA-79 off of the one of the elevator doors. Probably the first time any Nike every left the launch site at that base, lucky for all of us!
Update Aug 9 2024
When we last emailed I had flown the model Nike Hercules off the elevator of BA-79 in MD back in 2020. Since then we've been working on a 20 ft one-half scale model for display at the base.

SF-88 Visit by Dave Zuchero February 2025

Dave made a trip to SF-88 on Jan 31 and Feb 1 SF-88 open house.
Nike Veterans Alec Gyorfi, David Kreutzinger, Gordon Lunn and Greg Brown were on site to show Dave around the Radar Vans, Assembly and Warhead buildings and A Magazine.
We support the BA-79 volunteers who tell the Nike story, of our Nation's first generation missile defense system.

The 6th Region ARADCOM Trophy

ARADCOM Annual Service Practice Top Firing Battery Award Trophy

For a long time now, we concerned Nike veterans wondered what happened to the 6th Region ARADCOM Trophy? for us, it was recently found, thanks to the California National Guard Historian.

While browsing on the Nike Veterans Facebook site, I found a posting from the California National Guard Museum Historian.
I asked him this question on Facebook messinger

Do you know where the ARADCOM Trophy is ?
I received this response from our California State Military Museum Director, SGM Deniel Sebby.

I can assure you that the trophy is not missing. It was recently displayed at the final reunion of the 1/250th ADA and 4/251st ADA. It is stored at the Museum Support Center South Camp San Luis Obispo. Once we procure the proper display case, it will be permanently displayed at the California State Military Museum located in the new California Military Department headquarters in Rancho Cordova. That facility also serves as a display location for regiments no longer in the force structure, including the 250th and 251st ADA.
Once installed, I will provide the ADA community with an image of the trophy.
I hope this answers your concerns

Thank you SGM Sebby, for safely preserving our Nike history ! Our fellow SF-88 Volunteer Gordon Lunn, who was a LTC, (IFC)for the 251st ADA Los Angeles, and SF-88 Volunteer, provided me this picture of the trophy.
Thanks Gordon ! It was displayed at the recent reunion for the California National Guard 250/251st. ADA reunion. The 251st was the Los Angeles National Guard ADA Battalion The 250th was the San Francisco National Guard ADA Battalion

Here is list of the top ARADCOM firing Batteries by year

Comments on today's world
Why I like retirement
to help ex-President Obama as he ponders terror, FBI, Harry Truman
Civil Asset Forfeiture, A little Bit of Reality, Commentary, the NFL, 9/11
Reagan's Soviet Jokes, We Forgot!, Senate Testimony
"Carbon Footprint" - 2021 Steel production, China produces 52.8% of the world's crude steel.
     12.0 times the U.S. steel production, which is less than either India or Japan.
    "Green" California buys most of the steel for its bridges and structures from China!
Thomas Sowell, Cancel Culture Comes to France, Another election year Political Cartoons
Maybe we are getting the quality of government we pay for?? - as of June 2021
  1. Senior software engineers in San Jose, CA get an average of $166,452 (indeed.com)
        (and can live at home)
  2. Senators and House Representatives get $174,000 per year.
        (and need to live in near Washington DC and in their home district!)
    - My "liberal" friends point out that they also get free haircuts and other "benefits" -
  3. Senior Major League Baseball umpires can earn upwards of $350,000 per year.
  4. The president of the U.S. gets $400,000 plus free haircuts ;--)
    - and either protection or abuse from "the media", depending -
  5. Nancy Farber, CEO of our local hospital, got $1,200,835 in 2019
    - I drive extra miles to avoid that screwed up place
  6. Buster Posey, a SF Giants baseball player, got $22,177,777/year.
    - Enough to pay the salaries of 127 members of Congress
    - In 2020, Roger Goodell (NFL) was slated to make $40 million
!! Disinformation from Copernicus !!
Consensus of philosophers agree with Aristotle.
Disagreeing with Aristotle, Copernicus claims:
    a) The earth turns around once a day.
    b) The earth goes around the sun once a year.
    c) The earth is not the center of the universe.
To halt spread of the above disinformation:
    a) Copernicus book is on the Forbidden List.
    b) Giordano Bruno didn't recant - burned alive.
    c) Galileo recanted - permanent house arrest.
Stamp Out Disinformation and Copernicus
Is the DGB
Disinformation Governance Board
replacing the
Roman Inquisition ??

Sounds like Vladimir Putin's
previous employer - the KGB.
The same KGB of Stalin fame.

What Nike is all about

Created in 2021, an excellent 13 minute Youtube by Scott Manley
Oddly, I can find nothing to quibble about! Very unusual -
Sott also mentions the WWII German AA rocket, the Wasserfall, hand guided, never fielded/used.

Nike Hercules Missile Q5 High Altitude Intercept - 1.5 minutes

This three minute video is a (successful :-) test of an early Nike Ajax destroying a radio controlled WW-II B-17. Later tests verified that the Nike Ajax was also a killer of higher flying sub and supersonic jets such as used by the Soviet Union. The next generation was the Nike Hercules which was faster, longer range, and could carry nuclear warheads to destroy multiple targets.
    The "plotting room" equipment shown in this video must have been an engineering prototype - Things were much more crowded when installed in the two vans - among other things, the plotting boards here are horizontal, in the BC van, they are vertical. The analog computer operational amplifiers are different, big tubes here, in the vans they were "miniature" tubes, and on and on - the zero set switches (the round spinning things in the analog computer) were a little different style -
    I think you could say that this equipment was "re-packaged" for field use.

Mike Stucka, a staff writer for the Taunton Daily Gazette, was looking for images for a Nike story and e-mailed
"This story is interesting, and everyone is so darned helpful."
    ( That story has disappeared - I should have made a "local copy" ! )
I thought for a bit and replied:
"These were good days for lots of now older folks -
and we were quite proud of
- the learning experience - some of us even got a little more "mature" ;-))
- doing something useful - better than flipping hamburgers or selling shoes ?
"Most look back and smile, and like to share the warm feeling :-))"

This site has become a cooperative effort as more than 350 people have contributed text, stories, ideas, information, and corrections.

The Nike surface to air missile system was named after the winged goddess of victory in Greek mythology. Two versions of this system defended the U.S. and other places from hostile aircraft.

The 1st version, the Nike Ajax, was deployed in the U.S. from 1954 to the early 1960s. It had an effective range of 25 miles.

The 2nd version, the Nike Hercules, was developed which was faster, had a range of over 75 miles, and had nuclear capability. The Hercules was deployed starting in 1958. In 1963, there were 134 Nike Hercules and 77 Nike Ajax batteries defending the U. S. - as per "Rings of Supersonic Steel".

Both versions above are made light and transportable by wheeled vehicles, transportable in cargo planes for "easy" mobility. With practice and preparation, a site could be moved in a long, hard day. As many parts as practical are made of aluminum or magnesium, the standard power frequency is 400 Hertz (cycles per second) saving iron and weight in transformers and motors as in aircraft.

The Nike Hercules sites in the continental United States mostly closed around 1974, with the exception of Alaska and Florida, which were closed around 1979.
Our NATO Allies continued to utilize the Nike Hercules Air Defense system until early 2000's.(with an improved digital computer and all internal electronics upgraded to solid state electronics)
Our NATO allies de-commissioned the Nike Hercules in Taiwan 2002, Italy 2008, Greece and Turkey 2010.
The Patriot Missile System MM-104 Replaced the Nike Hercules system in 1981.
The Patriot system had better mobile "Shoot and Scoot" capabilities, and was more of a battlefield weapon
In 2008 The US Army placed in service the THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense) Mobile Anti-Ballistic Missile System, with a 120 mile range and carries no warhead, uses impact to destroy.

This web site does not present photos, histories, nor detailed status of most NIKE sites. I link to other web sites take up that interesting challenge.

Almost all Nike Hercules related information has been declassified - the only exceptions are some IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) information, some flight characteristics, and some nuclear warhead information. This site has a little information on the Nike Ajax, and no information on Nike Zeus (external link), also youtube A 20-year History of Antiballistic Missile Systems.

I installed and maintained Nike Ajax fire control equipment (radars & computer) at Chicago site C-41 during 1955-1957. Maybe "we" deterred "them". I have served as a volunteer helping restore an old Nike site (SF-88) near San Francisco for the National Park Service.

About submitting photos to this web site.

Colorful Pictures, Movies, Brochures

Two "action" pictures and four movies

Hercules Night Launch,
(17 K bytes)
[Herc night launch]
From previous army pictures at

Hercules Day Launch,
(from NAMFI, 32 K bytes)
[Herc day NAMFI launch]
Rolf Dieter G?rigk

On-Line Movies
Nike Ajax Intercept - 1 minute, Internet Archive
Nike Hercules Intercept - 1.5 min, Internet Archive
Hercules Launchs - 6 min, YouTube

Nike Hercules night launch

The missile (with booster) was launched 0.4 seconds ago, is accelerating at 25 times the force of earth's gravity, has risen 60 feet, and it is now going 210 miles per hour.

Four seconds from now, the missile will be:

  • going 1,700 miles per hour straight up,
  • separated from the booster, (the black flaming thing with the white fins),
  • turning (diving) towards the intercept point with the target,
  • starting the sustainer rocket engine to reach 2,700 miles per hour.
If the target is 90 miles approaching at mach 1.5, the missile will meet the target 60 miles away in 90 seconds.

The Nike Hercules shown here defended major U.S. target areas against aircraft attack from 1958 to 1974. It had an effective range of over 75 miles and a speed of mach 3.6. South Korea has over 200 of these missiles, with associated radars and guidance systems, currently in service.

Its predecessor, the smaller Nike Ajax, was in service from 1954 through about 1965. It had a range of 25 miles and a speed of mach 2.5.

... ...
Click here for expanded graphics scanned by Pete Wurzbach C/4/562 Alvarado, Texas

2.3 MBytes
A short easy introduction to the Nike Anti-Aircraft system - from Michael Keller - posted May 3, 2013 Click on image to download the .pdf "Camp Sarafi", South Korea
from Al Dietz ... I believe the balloon antennas are left to right: TTR, TRR, and MTR. The LOPAR acquisition radar is behind the building.
I don't normally post pictures of individual sites (too many), but isn't this bleak ?? Gads - imagine winter -

A Great Photo Study of an abandoned Nike site - by Rich Lewis
Lumberton, New Jersey PH23/25, Rich Lewis photo study
A local HTML version, (I worry about "good stuff" going away.)

Intercept - A little more technical ;-))
This is a plot of a Nike Hercules intercepting a target flying at 52,000 feet.
The vertical scale is altitude in feet. (max 100,000 feet)
    The left trace is the Nike missile, the right is the target.
The horizonal scale is computed time to intercept, in seconds.
    The middle is time zero, intercept.
Note: Against high flying targets such as this, the Hercules does not necessarily go above the target.
from TM9-1400-250-10/2 page 36, Manual

Cold War in South Florida, ... Study available free online - posted Mar 4, 2010

3 MBytes
Click on image to download the .pdf
Good news. The Cold War Study of Nike Hercules in South Florida ($19.95 plus shipping) has been re-released in pdf format as a public domain document.

The tours of HM-69 has been overwhelming at Everglades National Park for the second year. Tours will be conducted through the end of March.

Charles D. Carter

The Cuban Missile Crisis by James Whitaker (Nike, South Florida)
The Cold War is an Electronic War (Soviets shot down 23 of our ELINT Planes) 36 minutes through 44 minutes

Michael Keller wrote (Feb 2009) & (Dec 2010) & (Aug 2011) & (Dec 2012)
Cover of 2 MByte brochure Just found this nice piece on Ebay. Printing Date is 10-15-56. "The purpose of this booklet is to inform high-school graduates-and their parents-of the matchless opportunities that lie within the Army Antiaircraft Command." Well, most of the once-adressed kids will be retired by now, but maybe they remember this booklet. Its a 3 page folder, size 500mm x 100mm. (Yes I prefer metric) :) But look, on the frontcover: seems that track LIMA296 has slipped through!! :)) It has a beautiful painting inside, and a funny 70's scene on the backside.
It contains the original Team Nike decal, and a small brochure. Both items came to me together with the MISSILE MASTER booklet. [600 KB]
The diameter of the decal is 4,06 inch. (103 mm)
with kind regards from germany,
A recruiting brochure featuring the Nike Hercules, "Now making its appearance on-site."

Nike History

Nike in Overall Air Defense

Nike Site Technical information

Nike Operational information

Support for Nike Field Batteries (and museums)

On-Line documents - Longer range radars another site
- Un-Numbered Documents
- Numbered Documents

Places to visit, physical and on-line

People and Trip Reports

Stories, Questions

Other -

Formal Names
Formal identifications (as per Ron Parshall).
Nike Ajax
  • Missile Tracking Radar OA-859 MPA-4
  • About photo submission

    New policy: I am introducing a Photo Exchange so that those who wish to share can, and those who wish, can ask. I hope this works better than my previous "no photos" policy. You are still invited to look up web sites who specialize in a particular area, and offer there.

    Thank you

    Ed Thelen

    Good news ;-)) Nike not considered obsolete. ;-))
    Return to Technical

    Subject: Status updat of my FOIA to Redstone Arsenal for the history of the Nike Hercules weapons system by Mary T Cagle
    From: James Newman < jamesnewman1976 @ yahoo . com >
    Date: Mon, July 17, 2017

    Dear Ed,
    I just got my FOIA to Redstone Arsenal US Army Material Command denied. I am going to appeal within the 60 day time limit. This document was denied under Executive order 13526 section 3.3 Section 4 "For State of the art technology" the document will remain classified for 50 years from its creation date until 2023. Vacuum tube technology of the early to mid-1950s is not state of the art technology. This system went defunct in 1980 when the last Nikes were decommissioned in Florida and Alaska.

    Cory Newman

    General diagram of a Nike Hercules site.

    Figure from FM 44-1-2 ADA Reference Handbook, 15 June 1984, as found on page 20 of "Rings of Supersonic Steel".

    If you have comments or suggestions, Send e-mail to Ed Thelen (ed@ed-thelen.org)
    flattering pictures of Ed, a short bio.

    This page updated October 30, 2021
    The rest of this web site is being enhanced frequently.

    - - - - - - - - More Topics - - - - - - - - -

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    G G.E. Computer Dept, Good Ole Daize, Google Books - local copy, Gout diet recommendations, Gravitational Waves, Green Bank Radio Telescope, Gyroscope, T Thelen 1940s, Teletype Mod 28 Maintenance, TESS follow-on to Kepler Mission, Taiwan vs Wuhan virus, Tulare 2012 Antique Farm Equipment, 3 Doors Problem
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    Some of my favorite videos
    - George S. Patton: American Ajax
    - from Neil Shubin & PBS, "Your Inner Fish, Reptile, Monkey
    - Prof Richard Muller: Former Climate Change Skeptic
          (For those who were appalled by the East Anglia College methods)
    - Richard Muller: Physics for Future Presidents
    - Lucky Luckadoo B-17, 100 years old
    - Secret History of Silicon Valley, Steve Blank
    - Synthetic Aperture Radar, Scott Manley
    - Abandoned Nuclear Antiballistic Missile Base A 20-year History of Antiballistic Missile Systems
    - The Insane Engineering of the X-15,
    - "Colors" and "Rainbows, for physics teachers" - (my titles ;--) - by Walter Lewin, MIT
    - Hubble seminar, a techie delight
    - parallel projections and the Radon transform
    - The Applications of Matrices | What I wish my teachers told me way earlier, & 3Blue1Brown
    - The Astonishing Simplicity of Everything
    - Mathematics Gives You Wings
    - Distant Early Warning Radar: "The DEW Line Story" 1958 AT&T - Western Electric
    - Transistor Full Documentary
    - Nuclear 101: How Nuclear Bombs Work, Part 1, Part 2 Nuclear Accidents: Lessons Learned (Dr. Brian Sheron)